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No insurance cover for holidays with multiple flights, booked separately
This is an exchange I had with an insurance company in UK. I had told a friend about the lack of cover he might have on his insurance. Hh is flying from Spain to UK, and then as a separate booking, to the Far East.
I told him he might not be covered for the entire trip, as it was not one booking.
He thought I could not be correct. Unfortunately I was:-
This is an exchange I had with a UK insurace compan, but it applies to most if not all Spanish companies too. I have sent emails asking the same question to several well-known ones. I am waiting for replies-
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John: I am resident in Spain and intend flying from Malaga to Manila via London, booked as two separate legs.From what I remember there used to be a problem with booking a flight from Spain to UK, and then making a connection for a flight to say Far East which had been booked as a separate booking. . I believe that it was not possible to get cover for that trip because it was two separate bookings. I understood that some companies were going to amend the rules, so that providing there was at least a 3 hours gap between scheduled arrival for first leg, and take off for second leg, the insurance would cover if one missed the second leg because of a delay on the first leg. I know if one made a similar booking, but as one transaction, that risk would be covered
Tom: Sorry John, we can only cover UK residents, currently in the UK, who's trip departs from the UK.
John: Thanks
John: But what would happen if say a UK resident flew from London to Malaga, And then as a separate booking flew to Manila, and then back to Malaga and on to UK
Tom: You would put the start date as the date you depart the UK, and the end date as the date you arrive back in the UK. You would also select a region that covers both Spain and the Philippines. However with regards to flights, we only cover the first outward flight (out of the UK) and the final return flight (returning to the UK).
John: So if I missed the connection flight in Spain then you are saying I could not claim
Tom: That's correct.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 20/09/2015.
There are many Insurance companies that offer mulitple flight cover as you required. All you need is to go to a specialist Travel Insurance Broker rather that trying to get a policy by just looking at the price. With insurance it is a very complicated subject and not something that an individual should just go on the net to find. The cheapest policy might turn out to be the most expensive in the long run if you do not know all the right questions to ask. Personally the first question that needs to be looked into is how good is the company in paying out claims. This is the reason for having insurance!! Then you find that as you took a policy out on a Monday they do not pay claims for incidents that occur on a Wednesday! If you are not an expert in this field you should go to one and not just rely on the fact that the company you have chosen is the cheapest with probably not the right cover for you.
_______________________ Stephen
John, I do not fully understand the exchange, possibly there is a misunderstanding. I wasn't sure which sections of the policy you were saying would be inoperative, or was it the whole policy? The theoretical limitation has not been explained at all well to you.
This doesn't follow my experience at all. A while ago I had my passport stolen in Singapore and I was delayed several days whilst an emergency passport was provided by the British Embassy. The "one-off" trip insurance paid for all the additional costs without any problem.
The policy was also operative for an extended period. It had a clause which provided an automatic extension of time the cover applied, when the delay in travelling resulted from an insured incident (ie the theft). I believe you will find this is standard.
I cannot explain the conversation you've posted, but I wouldn't take it as being necessarily reflective of the true position. Possibly the guy you had an exchange with did not clarify fully as he realised that you were not able to buy a policy as their facility only applied to UK residents.
It doesn't really make sense to me, but in any event I recommended the BIBA website on another thread a short time ago, perhaps worth a visit.
As an aside you seem to be talking about a "one off" insurance policy whereas often an annual cover is better if you fly a few times a year.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
You are confusing 2 different sections of all travel insurance policies. What John said, quite correctly, was that if you break your journey, with some insurers, they will not cover you for delay, missed flight etc. on the subsequent flight up to when you arrive at your destination. Most companies insist that if you are just changing flights (as a continuous trip) then you must have a minimum gap of at least 2 to 3 hours.
The loss of documents is a different section and naturally would be covered if all other criteria were met.
To sum up if you are planning to go on a holiday and intending to, say, go to U.K. have a few days there and then fly to somewhere else you must make certain that your particular policy covers that. Most reputable companies do cover this eventuality but you must ask.
Another point that needs looking at is if you have a family type policy are each member of the family allowed to travel seperately or only when the policyholder is travelling with you.
Once again do not try and arrange any policy by yourself but go to a quallified broker who understands all the ins and outs.
_______________________ Stephen
Steone, I am confusing nothing and find that comment more than a little patronising!
Having lived overseas for many years and travelled widely I am more than aware that there are different sections in a travel insurance policy! I've had a few claims in my time and all been paid in full.
John's original posting was unclear to me in that it did not specify the claim scenario where he had concerns, so hence my earlier posting. You seem to be assuming he is referring to the "Cancellation & Curtailment" section of the policy, but John does not actually say that.
If you opt to effect a Single Travel policy it provides cover within the dates and territories agreed, invariably excluding countries that the Foreign & Commonwealth office advice against visiting. You can detour where you like within this proviso without having to ask the insurer for permission to do so!
You make it all sound unduly complex Steone, but it really shouldn't be. If you and your travelling companions are all fit and healthy and have no pre-existing conditions, within the stated age range and you are travelling to a country that is not high risk it's not necessary to use a specialist travel insurance broker.
It's largely a matter of taking a few moments to apply a bit of common sense and if there is any doubt regarding the need to disclose a material fact to the insurer then do so - before the policy is taken out.
John if you could please spell out your concern(s) I'll happily reply.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Steone. This part of my conversation with an insurance company. :-
John: But what would happen if say a UK resident flew from London to Malaga, And then as a separate booking flew to Manila, and then back to Malaga and on to UK
Tom: You would put the start date as the date you depart the UK, and the end date as the date you arrive back in the UK. You would also select a region that covers both Spain and the Philippines. However with regards to flights, we only cover the first outward flight (out of the UK) and the final return flight (returning to the UK).
John: So if I missed the connection flight in Spain then you are saying I could not claim
I have a friend who has booked a flight to UK. He then has a booking to fly to Far East. If the flight from Malaga arrives late and thus he misses the connection, that is not covered by the insurance. I have confirmed that with Staysure Insurance with whom be has a policy.
I hope that makes it clear.
I have a friend who has booked a flight to UK. He then has a booking to fly to Far East. If the flight from Malaga arrives late and thus he misses the connection, that is not covered by the insurance. I have confirmed that with Staysure Insurance with whom be has a policy.
John, within the above you say "that is not covered by the insurance" but against what? If you mean the cost of re-booking the flight, hotel accommodation etc etc that is extremely unlikely to be covered.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
After declaring myself to be a retired director of a registered insurance brokerage I was accused of being dishonest by two of this forum's self appointed fountains of all knowledge. However I will attempt to help, just put in writing (email will suffice) to a registered insurance brokerage or insurance company your exact requirements and further ask them to clarify the key features in writing and in plain English, job done.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
I was agreeing with you in my previous post. However we must all appreciate that all policies are different and just because one company, this time Staysure, does not cover a particular risk it does not mean that all other companies will not cover that risk.
This is why I suggested that with all matters concerning Insurance you should use a qualified professional and not just try and obtain the cheapest quote yourself usually from the internet. I think that Hephaestus will agree that if there is a claim and the insurance company does not wish to pay out then the advice and muscle of the brokerage can usually sort out a genuine claim. Also the advice from Hephaestus is absolutely correct that you should ask, in writing, clarification of not only the main points but also your exact requirements.
I can give several examples of what I have had to claim for, but I wont now. However recently I was booked on a flight from Murcia to Stansted, stopover at Stansted of 3 hours then another flight to Glasgow. Both flights with same carrier (Ryanair !!) but totally seperate tickets. The first flight was 5 hours late so I missed the connecting flight. My insurance company paid for overnight accomadation (Hilton) and flight next day at airport prices! I only had to pay for food. So some companies do cover more than the initial flight in the example given. It just needed asking the right questions.
_______________________ Stephen
Hephaestus, thanks for yours - it is good to see a more positive posting on this thread.
Insurance really isn't that complex, it's largely a matter of providing the full facts and explaining your needs.
But sometimes you need help from a qualified, specialist broker and the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) website may help in identifying such -
This message was last edited by acer on 22/09/2015.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Call me old fashioned but I use a builder who I trust to do my building work, a plumber who I trust to do my plumbing work and mechanic who I trust to look after my car, etc:etc. I well recall in my 'early evening pint' days listening to never ending advice proffered by clowns to the gullible, one thing comes to mind here, my consultant rheumatologist has just changed my medication to weekly self injected metotrexate, was he right to do so?  
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
I largely agree Hephaestus, but to me it's a matter of "horses for courses". If you have a an unusual situation, a medical problem, previous claims etc you should speak to a qualified broker. But a lot of the time for straightforward situation this is unnecessary, so not essential.
However there are some who seem to need more support. They invariably complain about the "small print" in insurance policies, which to me is an absurd comment as I've yet to see "small print". What they really mean is that they failed to read the document sent to them, or made assumptions without checking. Those folk are probably best off using a broker who will emphasise the obvious pitfalls.
(Isn't it good that the "dislike" button is no more! )
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
What comes to mind is when our son left the UK for a 12 months working holiday in Australia, I supplied him with an annual travel contract (obviously a dishonest one), and knowing him added more bells and whistles than you can waive a stick at. True to form when his stay was over he returned to the UK via a 'holiday' in New York, needless to say had anything adverse happened he was fully covered.
What does puzzle me are the mysteries of HM Revenue & Customs, as all my pensions are taxed at scourse how do I manage to under pay tax by circa £200.00 every year? 
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Not sure anyone in his/her right mind would like to explain the vagaries or workings of HMRC on here.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
** EDITED **
My friend, who lives in Spain, whom I advised to check his travel insurance is not a cheap skate. He booked an all-in, business class, 4/5 star hotels holiday in the Far East for his wife and himself. That holiday started from Heathrow. He took insurance to cover the time from leaving Spain to returning.
In order to catch the flight in London they booked business class return flights to UK, as a separate booking.
He believed that having booked the insurance for the whole period he would be covered for the whole period of the holiday. When he checked, after I spoke to him, he found that whilst the flight to UK was covered, i.e. if it was delayed, cancelled etc. he could claim, but that if that flight arrived later in UK and as a result, they missed their connection to the Far East, they could not claim for the lost flight. To continue the holiday he would be obliged to buy an additional flight.
They are insured with Staysure, both they and I have confirmed what I said.
A couple of years ago Global Link Insurance, became aware that such a problem might occur so they re-wrote their policy to include the risk which customers, like my friend might suffer, providing there was at least 3 hours between the arrival flight from Malaga to the departure to another destination..
I posted the info as I suspect there may be others who are not aware of the lack of cover they may have with holiday insurance which the they have, or may buy.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed !
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/23/2015 1:43:00 PM.
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This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/23/2015 1:43:00 PM.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
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This message was last edited by johnzx on 22/09/2015.
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/23/2015 1:44:00 PM.
This Staysure's reply to my email to them, and acknowledging my friend's lack of risk cover provided by ther policy:-
Thank you for your email.
Staysure offer an additional ‘missed connection’ upgrade for the scenario you describe. This is available from Customer Services following policy purchase and costs £12.50 per person per flight.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance. Limited
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This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/23/2015 1:44:00 PM.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?