Quality of Photographs Advertising Properties for Sale in Spain.
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Hi Everyone,
I am currently searching for a property to buy in Spain,I have been spending some time online looking through various web sites of estate agents at the properties they are selling on the behalf of vendors.Its fun,so many choices in type of properties and areas in Spain to consider it can be quite overwhelming.On the downside of this search is the quality of photos used by the various estate agents.I can mention for example one called "Think Spain",well I am into my late sixities,so eyesite is not as great as it once was however even with suitable glasses,trying to see the properties in Think Spain is practically impossible due to postage stamp images.I have now stopped looking at this site now.What about this site Eye on Spain ? well they should send their photographers to Specsavers before sending them out on a photo mission.I have just spent some time here looking at properties they are selling in the Canary Islands,the poor quality of most properties photographs is just unbelievable,do they not employ photo editors to view their pics before putting them online.If I were selling a property through Eye on Spain I would insist that the pics used of my property were in Focus, Undistorted and of realistic colours.
I thinl you'll find the photos on EOS are from the homeowners and not an agency or professional.
I wouldn't go by photos anyway. When we started looking for a property years ago, we saw a lovely one and were very excited to visit. Nice view of pool and great decor etc. Photos looked really promising. Went to view, view not over pool, over brick wall, was nothing like inside photos, was being rented out, tiles falling off walls and right mess. They obviously don't have misdescription rules over there. I did find it funny though when the agent told me it belonged to him after we had viewed 
Hi Marksfish,Thank you for your reply to my post.I did take it for granted that photographs illustrating vendors properties are not done by professionals,however I still think it important that estate agents running websites should filter out substandard pics before having them loaded onto their websites.In failing to do so,I would think twice about following up any property that is poorly represented onsite.I think estate agents have a duty to would be customers to provide a decent service.
A scruffy hand written "for sale" notice outside a property doesn't inspire me to make an appointment to view either I say to myself "do they genuinely want to sell?"
It always amazesme when I look at owners property photos and they have not veen boitherd to make and effort like make the bed, put the clutter away, empty the sink, first impressions always count
This is one area that estate agents in the UK put Spanish estate agents to shame
What I like to see is clear and detailed photos and lots of them, a clear floorplan, and address of property this allows me to go to web (street map etc.) and look at the surrounding area and then drive round area before I view, Sadly it doesnt always work though and I have wasted many trips over the years
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
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