Spanish Lessons

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15 Aug 2016 4:48 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Agree with Roly2 speaking the language makes life easier especially when dealing with the authorities etc

As far as culture andthe Spanish experience I don't buy that and that is not why I live in spain

My culture is about my family and my friends who share common interests and quality of life nothing to do with nationality culture experience etc. Spanish or other


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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20 Aug 2016 10:10 AM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

I really admire anyone who is learning Spanish, I did a year at a local school twice a week and really enjoyed it, however couldn't commit to the 2nd year as had operations in England coming up. I have regretted that ever since (5 years ago now). Basically I am lazy and have hundreds of books and really mean to sit down for an hour a day to study, but something always comes up, yes I know another and any excuse. If I could afford it I would do a 12 week intensive live in course as for my old brain I think this would be best and am looking into these options locally. So good luck to you all as I believe if you speak the local language it will enrich your life.

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20 Aug 2016 10:29 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

There is another option for 'live in' which does not cost so much or take up so much time.   There are plenty of organisations that do 'en casa', allowing you to spend long weekends, or odd weeks with Spanish families or individuals in some of the most wonderful cities in Spain.   Venacasa offers stays in a wide choice of cities, including Barcelona and Madrid, at a cost of around 40 euros per night, including breakfast and evening meal.    Some of the accomodation is 'student' basic, but plenty of choice with ensuites etc available.   Also, Lightspeed Spanish are hoping to get up and running with encasa in Madrid next year - that would be worth it.

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20 Aug 2016 12:28 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Have you got a website address for Venacasa - I can't find anything even using good old Google

Cheers Pommers

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20 Aug 2016 2:26 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message


That's cos it is ven a mi casa.     Sorry!!!  Just from memory.    

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20 Aug 2016 3:48 PM by calamitykay Star rating in Costa del Swansea. 4 posts Send private message

As far as online courses from native Spanish tutors, you can't do much better than Maria Fernadez.

I receive free emails with lessons, vieos and podcasts too.

Yes you can buy some of the more advanced levels but so far, I have not had to pay a penny and have hours of free material to practice with.

Another person I subscribe to without paying anything is Marcus Santamaria

sorry I cannot post email addresses or websites yet until my aaccount has been approved.

again, hours of lessons for free


Eternally Optimistic, Onwards and Upwards :-)

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20 Aug 2016 6:03 PM by quizzie Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hi, Open Learn has just started a beginners course, on Week 2 at the moment but you would easily catch up and it is free.


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20 Aug 2016 7:53 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

Thank you everyone it was so interesting to read all your positivve comments. I will carry on and I will master at least 50% of Spanish to be able to converse easily.

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20 Aug 2016 8:27 PM by topcat1950 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

The best Spanish learning course by far is Coffee break Spanish which is free . Just google it

It is a podcast course which you can download through itunes and listen as many times as you want. It goes from basic to advanced and there are about 80 podcasts of approx 10 mins duration to date. They also cover French German and Italian as well. If you are serious about learning Spanish it is perfect as you learn at your own pace.

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20 Aug 2016 9:05 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

thank you Topcat I am taking note of all and will certainly look at these just wish I had someone near me when I am down there who would kick my arse into gear and get me learning again.

Regards, Mo

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