The Comments |
Hi i am new to this but looking for some advice on moving to spain our minds are made up and are not going to change as this is something both my husband I and family have wanted for such a long time .Our eldest has just moved out and we are hoping to follow soon . Our plan is to be over within the next 18 months ,we are just not sure what would be the best thing to do regaurding one of my childs schooling the youngest we are not worried about as he is still young enough and wont really know any differebt, but its our 14 year old do we stay here and let him finish his schooling or do we bit the bullet and come now ???? this is where we are at !! i know we would have to put him into a private international school but i am wondering if this will benefit him much more than staying here ? any advice will be very much appriciated Thanks x
There has been lots of previous discussion on this subject.
I would say wait until they have left school.
Too many buggered up UK kids in Spain. They need to finish their education in the UK and decide their own future. Many bright UK kids end up working in expat cafes or painting villas or returning to the UK and not fitting in their either.
Now I really do not have enough information. Your kids may be bi-lingual (English Spanish) and spent much of their life in Spain but I doubt if you would be asking the question if this was the case.
And for yourselves. Are you looking for work? retiring? buying? renting? familiar with Spain?
Well paying work is hard to come by unless you have a profession and are fluent in Spanish. But there are many Brits working servicing the UK community.
As I say lots of this has been covered if you search the forum.
ok thanks for your comment
Speaking as someone who moved to Iran in the 1970s (pre-revolution) at age 13. I joined a community school there. My best friends were Lithuanian, Hungarian, Swedish, Indian, American and of course Iranian.
It was a great experience. Taught me to appreciate other people and cultures. It didn't do me any harm whatsoever and I actually think it was a major personal developmental experience. I also got a more rounded education. Went on to get a get a degree and a masters at UK universities, so it didn't hold me back educationally either.
As an aside, in this world of multinational organisations. Experience of living abroad is a major plus for someone's CV.
This message was last edited by DuncanMcG on 12/09/2016.
_______________________ Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.
Kaza72 you did not say ,if you required Job's or going into retirement can you be more explicit in your requirements .
We will be semi retiring ie are happy to work but dont really have to x
Kazza72 go for it but you might want to wait until article 50 of the Brexit is over with do to the fact that British citizen's will not be classed as Europeans ,you might need a Visa that give you permission to stay in Spain who knows what is in store .
Hi Kazza72
I would have to agree with DuncanMcG. If you can put your child into an international school and you do not depend on finding a job, I would say go for it. At the age of 14 it may be very difficult to fit into the state system. If you were to find a British school, there are many that follow the same syllabus as the UK for GCSE and A levels. As to whether it will benefit your child or not is a very personal situation, all children are different and can either be in favour or against moving. If your child is in favour of moving too, then he can only benefit from the change.
And to which continent do you expect brits to be attached then?
** EDITED - Against forum rules **
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/13/2016 8:34:00 AM.
Marcbernard l am lost for words the lastime I looked on a map Great Britain was not attached in anyway to so called Europe just in case you did not notice that big pool of water ,what possible use is your post to anyone that's thinking of going to Spain you really have not got a clue what Brexit involves (Read the Telegraph this morning)
This message was last edited by windtalker on 13/09/2016.
Can you not put the link on for us all to see ?
Thank you so much for your esoteric dissertation on the world and its peoples. My question to you was clearly put, but since you are without an atlas and/or a geography qualification, I must draw your attention to the fact that the British Isles have always been, are now and will continue in the future to be within the curtilage of the continent of Europe. Hence all citizens of the UK will continue to be entitled to describe themselves as Europeans.
You should try and avoid falling into the trap of those brexiteers who are continuing to be economic with the truth.
It may also be apposite to remark that the phrase "Great Britain" derives from the original name given to the islands in the North Sea by those who wished to delineate them from Bretagne, on the French mainland. Greatness was always an adjective refering to size, not otherwise.
you really have not got a clue what Brexit involves (Read the Telegraph this morning)
You mean the bit that says any Brit wanting to live in Spain in future may need a permit and prove they have sufficient funds and an income to support themselves? Well, I'm shocked. I mean, fancy having to do that and all because the UK is leaving the EU. It's a good job they don't do that at the moment, eh?
Or was it the bit about "might" have to pay for a visa? Actually, no. Simply a "discussion" on whether a travel document "may" be needed or "could" come in like the US ESTA. After all, when travelling by plane we don't already have to fill in details, do we? Or could that API thing we get sent have something to do with it?
And if anyone really wants to read a bit of misinformation and lazy journalism, the link is below. Unfortunately they don't allow comments on their articles anymore. I wonder why?
Telegraph Expats
This message was last edited by bobaol on 13/09/2016.
Lets face it nobody knows exactly what's going to happen but rather than bicker lets examine three issues that really can not fail to change between Spain and the UK and for that matter the rest of the EU and the UK
Firstly residence for UK nationals, we currently sign on the EU foriengers register and receive our green certificate or card - we will no longer be EU citizens so another solution will need to be found not only for newcomers but for the thousands who already hold this green certificate - will Spain make us brits go down the current non EU route.
Secondly, the EHIC card! it will no longer be issued to UK citizens per se in it's current form as it is a EU initiative insurance based scheme .
Thirdly, EU driving licences, now much harmonized - The UK will have to address what form it's new licence will take and the rest of the EU will decide on what basis they except this licence on their roads.
All foof for thought and of course no issue is insurmountable with good will and a plethora of bilateral agreements.
The UK task of repealing and changing laws, legislation and agreements is absolulty huge if you think about it
Well how did i know this would turn into a battle REALLY!!!!! All i wanted was some simple advice . Not Happy
Sorry Kazza
My advice! you wont like it!! put the needs of your kids first. The 14 year old will be going through that difficult growing up stage on top of GCSE choices and probably at that age just changing schools - hugely important time coming up with his education and exams - not saying he can't do it in Spain but you will need an awful lot of money to send him private.
This message was last edited by Team GB on 13/09/2016.
Yes you could be making a STUPID decision in moving to SPAIN what with the current uncertainty
Stay at home till they have finished school why take the RISK you may be better thinking about CANZUK who wouldn't want to live in OZ
Love Hugh xx
_______________________ Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK
When people ask for advice on forums they are often unhappy at the answers given, by those who are telling it like it is
unfortunately there are potential problems, especially when bringing teenagers
it's disruptive, to education, they miss their friends, they are tackling all the problems of teenage years,
often they don't just" pick up Spanish" and are miserable at school
Yet parents want to " live the dream" so much that it overrides everything
So, Kazza, you can stil live your dream in Spain, but take the advice of those on here who advise you to wait , until you can please yourselves.
There are loads of years left for you to retire to Spain, and by that time you will be able to see the effect of Brexit, and may want to reassess!
I really don't see Brexit as an issue. Doesn't common sense tell you that the Spanish will not shoot themselves in the foot by doing anything else other than by bending over backwards to maintain the status quo with the Brits when the exit takes place?
The Spanish have always been selective on the EU laws which they follow and they have no reason to change and masses of self interest motives to continue.
Times must be bad I find myself agreeing with hughjardon on his/her assessment on Kazza's situation. From the background outlined it would be totally wrong to come to Spain now, pure self indulgence.
_______________________ Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.