Lack of Insurance

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02 Sep 2016 12:36 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

There is an article in the local English press about the terrible hit and run death in Alicante Region last week. The vehicle was stolen from the U.K. and was being driven here on false number plates. We all offer our deepest sympathies to the deceased daughter and all the family. However on reading further the newspaper said that he did not have any insurance to enable him to be taken back to the U.K. for burial and they are asking for people to send money so that his daughters wishes can be carried out. Why is it that again and again people do not think that they need insurance and then expect others to pick up the bill? The people who will donate, most probably, have taken out insurance for themselves and are being asked to pay again for others who are not so prudent.

Surely now, especially if U.K. leaves the EU, it should be made compulsory for everyone leaving the U.K. to have in place the necessary cover whether they are on holiday or as an ex-pat. How many of us out here have either taken out a policy to cover themselves or put aside an amount of 'cash' to pay for the worst?

Once again my deepest condolences to the family of this unfortunate man who was killed by this uninsured driver who fled the scene with their passenger. Lets hope the police find the driver soon and 'throw the book' at him


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02 Sep 2016 7:53 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Are you sure this is not a scam Steone?  Perhaps they are just not well informed, but no-one in the EU should be in such a dire situation due to an unisurerd motorist.  All legitimate claims will be re-imbused by the Motor Insurers Bureau equivalent - I believe in Spain the body concerned is the Oficina Espanola de Aseguradoneres de Automoviles.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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03 Sep 2016 7:42 AM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Steone, what about people who can't get cover, maybe this person falls into that category? My partner has several serious health issues, and although we take out travel insurance, in the event of any serious medical issue we would not be covered. We have tried various insurance companies (my partner works for one), and we cannot get cover for her conditions at any price. We have to rely on the EHIC.

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03 Sep 2016 10:17 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

  I am only informing members on here what was reported in the newspaper. Maybe it is a scam, maybe it is not. However the main point is why should people who do not know the poor victim or his family be asked to pay for something that he should have taken care of himself?

Jarvi: I do understand that there are a few people who can not get travel insurance AT AN ACCEPTABLE PRICE. I nearly fall into that group but I have searched the market and found a company that will cover me for a premium I am prepared to pay. Insurance companies set their premiums based on the number of policyholders and the possibility of claims. If everyone took out insurance ( like motor insurance!) then there will be a far greater number of policyholders without the same increase in ratio of claims. At the moment there are probably millions of people who travel and do not have insurance because they think, in most cases, they will not have a claim. If they contributed their money then those of us who have to pay a bigger premium should find our loading lessened, hopefully. Also in the case mentioned as the poor victim did not die of a 'medical condition' then his insurance would have paid for his repatriation. Anyhow from what I have read in the Press I believe that this poor man was a resident in Spain and therefore not covered by travel insurance. In the same paper however there are advertisments for Funeral Insurance which would have helped cover this terrible situation.


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03 Sep 2016 2:23 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Normally any condition can be covered, albeit at a high premium

they will not  cover any condition that has not been diagnosed, or if someone is awaiting investigations or results of tests.

once diagnosed, they will offer cover

another thing that people fail to do is inform the insurance company of any changes in their condition or treatment , especially if the insurance was taken out  a long time before the holiday



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04 Sep 2016 10:02 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Steone, don't believe what you read in Newspapers.  I know a local newspaper editor through business.  As an acquaintance he's very amusing, always lots of stories - but his research is zilch, he spouts whatever he's told, particularly if there's no risk of being sued for defamation.

Some of the national and financial journalists are truly professional, but they are worlds apart from the local boys are just looking for a headline that'll promote interest and fill a gap among the advertising they sell.  The story may be true, who knows, but if so they are probably lacking good legal advice.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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