The form 210 for 2016 can be submitted any time during 2017 (1st Jan until 31st Dec) but you will need to know the catastral value for that year, so maybe you will need to wait intil you have paid the IBI for 2016. It is shown on the payment form.
As you say very simple to complete the 210 which is done online and can either be paid online or downloaded and paid at your bank. So, if your time is less valuable than the charges made by a gestor give it a go.
However, be aware that if you are doing returns for than one owner for the same property (e.g. say husband and wife) you need to reload the page and enter the info afresh, as each completed form gets a unique bar code.
If you search EOS you will find many threads on this.
You can also find any info you may need here:-
But it takes a bit of searching as it is covers all aspects
Good luck
This message was last edited by johnzx on 12/01/2017.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 12/01/2017.