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I am a tourist from Croatia and i will stay for a few months in Spain, Barcelona area.
Since I had some really bad experiences with my document on my prior trips, and since i have been advised by a friend, I went to Notario office in Blanes and I had notarised copies of my passport and my driving licence.
And now I would like to be sure that i dont brake law, so can someone please tell me am i allowed to carry only these copies with me? Would GC/Mossos accept them if they pull me over on some roadblock or routine check when driving scooter or a spanish plate car.
When driving a vehicle you must have your original Driving Licence with you.
Although copies of passports are not legal ID and that applied to notarised copies too unless they are notarised by the authority which issued them. (The treason for this is that only the issuing authority can be certain that the original from which the copy was made was in fact a genuine document and not a forgery).
In most circumstances there is little chance you would have a problem just producing a photocopy of your passport which you made yourself.
If you need to go to say a notary, police station, court or other official place then take the original.
Also, if stay more than 3 month permanently then you would need to register on the EU Citizens Register.
Ok, thank you very much, I know abou that 90 days rule and i probably wont exceed that.
I have made those copies at official Notario office in Spain, with all the seals, stamps and signatures, on theirs official papers. So if I understood ypu corectltly, even though these are not completly legal, I probably wont have a problem if pulled over for routine check?
At the risk of being accused of being pedantic, the copies you have are not legal in any sense and are just the same as copies you could have made yourself. That is, unfortunately you wasted your money with the notary.
Had the notary been honest that is what he/she should have told you and not have taken your money to provide worthless bits of paper.
I don't fully understand the 3 month stay thing, my brother who has just come out of the French armed forces has been staying in one of my houses since May, no one has said a word, and he has been to my solicitor on my behalf, been to my bank etc etc, driving his French registered car which he did get stopped with twice, cops checked his papers said nothing, and to date nothing else has happened.
I don't fully understand the 3 month stay thing,
Nothing really to understand, it is simply the law in Spain. Those affected are supposed to know and in Spain, as in UK, ignorance of the law is no defence if one is found to be breaking the law.
This might be helpful:- See ' you must still register with the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (Registro Central de Extranjeros), no later than 3 months after arriving in Spain.' at
This message was last edited by johnzx on 15/12/2016.
I have no doubt my brother wont register, lets presume he gets picked up on this, what will they do, chuck him out? fine him? that might be the law but I just cannot see how they can enforce it after all he will just say he's on holiday, a long one at that, so even if you have a long holiday in Spain you have to register, don't think I would either.
Good luck to your brother Baz
However, from what you say he is now officially tax resident in Spain so another problem in the future maybe tax evasion. If he comes within the 210 declaration requirements, not declaring means a minimum fine of 10,000 euros and up to 150% of the assets not declared.
If the authorities want to find out how long a person has been here then asking their neighbours is just one of the simplest ways.
I would have thought being legal might be a lot cheaper
But as I say, good luck to him, it is none of my business
Sorry but I do not agree with the minimum
not declaring means a minimum fine of 10,000 euros and
Substantial fines yes
Saying that the authorites are simply not interested and do not put enough (or any) effort in catching anyone other than footballers.
As for asking neighbours - it simply does not happen
even reporting of people does not work as we have discussed before
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I should of course have said If he comes within the 720 declaration requirements not 210,
Extract from:
For failing to file Modelo 720 or filing it incorrectly: €5,000 per infraction (minimum fine of €10,000 for each group of assets).
Tadd As for asking neighbours - it simply does not happen
Well I have been with the National Police when they have done just that. So I see no reason why Hacienda and others would not do it. It's a pretty obvious basic thing to do
This message was last edited by johnzx on 16/12/2016.
sorry johnzx but your contact with the national police took no action when I gave you info for them, they asked nobody and di nothing (unless of course you did nothing)
the police may ask neghbours for burglaires, attacke etc in the hope they can get witnesses but none are proactive in cathcing tax evaders - maybe they don't have respurecs or it is alow priority but the fact remains so many like baz's brother get away with it year after year after year
I have in the past searched all press in Spain and even court proceedings and tax cases are few and far between unless you are a footballer
Yes anyone could ask the neighbours but they fact is they don't
But I forget you are so involved in everything the police and such an expert on Spanihs policing and Spanish law you probably accompany them on raids questioning interviewing investigating arrests etc. in every aspect of the law and all over Spain
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
Tadd sorry johnzx but your contact with the national police took no action when I gave you info for them, they asked nobody and di nothing (unless of course you did nothing)
Tom. On 27th Oct 2015 following your request for me to pass on info re your neighbours who were doing illegal taxi runs, handyman work etc. I sent you a PM saying I has posted the details of a web page, which I had obtained from a police inspector, where you could inform anonymously on your neighbours. It was then up to you.
Re the failing to make the 720 declaration
Tadd I have in the past searched all press in Spain and even court proceedings and tax cases are few and far between unless you are a footballer
Maybe you missed this:-
The first year in which offshore assets had to be declared was 2013. However, the taxpayer in question, a pensioner resident in Granada, did not disclose his EUR 340,000 of stocks and cash in Switzerland until the following year. When he did, he was ordered to pay more than EUR 442,000 in late payment interest, fines and other costs.
According to El Economista in late May, Spain's tax agency imposed on him 'a fine of EUR 253,950 for failing to declare his assets held abroad on time, as well as an extra EUR 169,300 to regularise the undeclared amount and another EUR 16,060 in late payment interest'.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 16/12/2016.
we have been here before
you also said you gave a copy to the police inspector in charge of the place you work (I presented the info you supplied and explained anonymity was required.)and also your friend husband who was a middle ranking officer in hacienda (I stil ahve the pm's)
NOTHING happened and they are still at it even after both of our efforts to report
As I said few and far between the case you quote is easy to find on internet and it was 2013/14!!!!!!!
How many of Tony down the pub's mates have been caught or even investigated (I know you were )
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”