The Comments |
Does anyone know of any mum and baby/toddler groups in these areas? I'm moving to Algorfa next May and want to make friends....! And find a playmate or two for my gorgeous son....
My son, Toby will be one when we move, and although I'm learning Spanish, I won't be anywhere near fluent enough to go to a Spanish group so I'm wondering if there's any that serve ex-pats.
If there's not, do you think there's a gap in the market for one?? I might start one up when I'm there?! Hope there is though, I've got enough on my plate with moving to a whole new life!!
Thanks!! Jenna
hi there
i am expecting my first child at the moment and moving to spain in sept (about 15mins away from torrevieja)
and had been wondering the same things, so if we find out any info we can let each other know...if not as you say we could start our own!!
I am expecting a baby in June and moving to Los Montesinos which isn't far from Torrevieja in August. I also have a 2 year old daughter and would love to help out anyone that wants to start a mums and tots group. I am a reception teacher in England so love working with children and need something to keep me busy!
Would also love to hear from other mums in the area
This message was last edited by emangel on 2/19/2008.
emangel, we looked at houses in Los Montesinos and were stuck between buying one there and the house we eventually purchased in Algorfa. Our house is now complete, we're just waiting for all the paperwork to be finalised so we should be out there by May (we hope, there seems to be no rush in getting everything sorted!)
Looks like there's a few of us who'd like a mum&baby group, and it'll be nice to meet other mums, I'm moving with just my husband and son so I'll miss gossiping with the girls if I don't meet anyone out there quickly!! 
Good Luck with the move Jenna. Exciting isn't it? We can't wait for august to come! Hopefully all the mums interested will be able to meet up for mums and tots somewhere.
hiya all
family and i moving to laguna green end of this year, i have 2 sons 1 &3 yrs old...this baby and toddler group would be a great idea...
hi, there is a mums and tots group meets at the amstalaria NOt the right spelling but something like that. Next to don carlos in Quesada every tuesday morning
thanks for that, we're very close to Quesada so will give that a try when we get there :)
Hey! I have got a question about english culture and society now: what is a mum and tots group?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
A group where mums (or Dads!!!) and their babies/toddlers get together where the children can play and the mums & dads have a very British cup of tea and a chat. The groups local to me have soft play and other toys out for the children and offer tea/coffee/biscuits for the parents. It's a really nice informal way of meeting other parents and encouraging your child to socialise with other kids.
at Algorfa at the moment they are running something very similar to what you are asking about.
they call it te musical Gargen and it is free for children under the age of 6,they get to learn instruments,play hide and seek,paint etc etc,
this is twice a week,tues and thurs.
The kids play and the mums get to sit and have coffee.
Great way to meet new friends of all nations........
There is also a private nursery in the town for the under 3's, again very similar to what you are looking for.....
still here after all these years!
That sounds lovely! I'd definatley like to take my son there - whereabouts in Algorfa is it?
Hi Jenna,
Its in the cultural centre next to the school,thats the new building if you are not sure.
Hope this helps
by the way,they also do a weekend visit to the cinema for 1 euro,mine are going this sunday,think they are seeing uncle somethings something emporium......
sorry couldnt remeber the title,know its got emporium at th end...
still here after all these years!
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium ? Click blue link Georgia. ??

We've got Georgia her 2 packets x 10 strawberry Nestle's Magic Straws BTW. 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/20/2008.
hi More,
Thats the one!!!
OOH goody i will en.... sorry i mean she will really enjoy them.
You are a diamond.....
still here after all these years!
I know this thread was started some months ago but I thought I would have my imprint on it, I live in Formentera del Segura, which is sort of between algorfa and quesada, I have two babies Twins boy and girl of 16 months and I would also like to know of any mum and tots groups in the area, or if the persons who started this thread did manage to set up their own mums and tots group,
Many thanks
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hi we are moving around the orihuella area next spring and i am hopefully starting a mums and tots group so i will let you know when. How are you all settling in ? i can't wait but a bit worried about my 4 year old girl missing grandparents. how have you all coped with home sickness and the kids with no help or babysitters.Did you find it better or worse than you thought. bye hope to see you all soon.
Hi Kezzles,
Welcome to EOS, Orihuella is a fair distance from us, what the area called where you will live? or is it in the centre.
We only have the two babies, well saying babies, they are fast becoming a little boy and little girl. We lived with my mum and dad for 13 months prior to moving here, so not a day went by when the seen the babies every day since they were born, They come ove with us for the first 3 weeks that we moved in, which I think helped the babies settle in a lot better, (not too much new stuff and familar faces). My parents have been over once since moving in March, so obviously no where near as much as we use to see them.
The kids do get a little upset for a few days after they have seen them, but soon fall back into the normal routine.
Has for babysitters, I have never let the kiddies been baby sat, I always look after them, would cost more to pay a babysitter than the money I would earn going out to work.
I did however let my mam and dad spend a few hours on their own with them last time they were over, whilst me and hubby got told to go to the beach and enjoy our selves for a couple of hours alone. (we had a great time but was itching to get back to see them, dont know how I will cope when they start school, lol)
Children adjust quite easily, and although your little girl is a couple of years older than my two, she will adjust. In fact she may fall into it better as she is at school age and will make friends quicker than my two.
The other set of grandparents did not see them as often, and dont have contact with them via internet, although they come over more often than my mum and dad (finacial reasons) they dont remember them straight away when they do come. It take a few days to adjust to them again,
speak soon, take care and hope you settle in well
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