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07 Sep 2017 9:39 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message



I have had broadband/ADSL and phone line through Movistar for 10 years. I now want to change to Voz Plus as the internet is rubbish and there are continual interruptions.

IN order to do this I need to cancel my contract with Movistar and give them their router back. The router went in the bin years ago when I bought a better one of my own (after it stopped working).

Does anyone know the best way to cancel contract with Movistar and would it be possible to give them any old router back (assuming i find one). I don't want to be charged a stupid amount for the broken router which it was silly of me to throw away.


Many Thanks,



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07 Sep 2017 9:50 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

You can, if you speak Spanish, cancel on the phone (I think from the landline you are cancelling).  If you don't speak Spanish then you have to physically write and send a letter to their Madrid office.  Regarding the router, I'm not sure they will accept anything other than the same one they gave you.  We also bought a different router, but kept the Telefonica one, and had to return that to a Movistar shop and they give you a receipt.  Not sure how much if anything they will charge for equipment not returned.

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07 Sep 2017 10:19 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Thanks very much - for sure they will charge for the router - just not sure how much

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07 Sep 2017 1:20 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I have changed my suppler several times.

In all cases the new supplier cancelled the existing contact.


In each case, the old equipment was never recovered

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07 Sep 2017 3:50 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

Actually, now you say that, when we changed the service provider from Movistar to Vodafone we were never asked for the old telefonica router.  Although, when we just 'cancelled' our other Movistar service (ie did not change to another provider), we had to return the router.

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07 Sep 2017 7:17 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

amtista: before you jump and make a decision you may regret, have you spoken to Movistar about your connection? What exactly do you mean by " the internet is rubbish and there are continual interruptions"? Maybe there's something they can do to improve it for you. I'm certainly no fan of Movistar, but I've never heard of Voz Plus until now, and looking at their website they look to me like yet another start-up reseller of a service that uses what in all probability is Movistar's infrastructure anyway. Can you be sure their internet service will be any better? Do you know anybody who is already using them?

If you do decide to change, in my experience (I changed to Orange, simply because they were the first/only provider to install fibre at my location) Movistar require you to take the router into one of their shops and obtain a "codigo de baja". You will be asked for this code when you ring them on 1004 to cancel. Having said that, it would appear others here had different experiences. I can't imagine a 10 year old router actually has any commercial value, so maybe it won't be an issue, but the best way to find out is simply to ask Movistar. You can ask for an English speaker on the phone. Their English speakers speak English about as well (poorly) as their Spanish speakers speak Spanish, so apart from having to wait a bit longer on the line, there's not much in it!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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07 Sep 2017 8:25 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

We had Telefonica/ Movisatr and gave it up a couple of yearsd ago (only because we found a supplier we could turn off and on at will, sort of). I cancelled over the phone and was told to return the router. The router was never returned and the following month, I got a refund of over paid monies.

You could try calling their retentions team, it worked for us a couple of times and we got phone/ internet 10mb unlimited for about 35€ per month when the going rate was 65€.


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08 Sep 2017 9:23 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

Hi all thanks for your replies - not sure how to answer individually on here.

Roberto, when i say 'rubbish internet' I mean that it is the norm for me to only get 1-2 megas when i am paying for 10. Also when I say 'rubbish' I refer to having no internet at all for 10 days in June when Movistar quoted 'someone has stolen the wires from Mijas Golf?' 

Another big shout out of 'rubbish' would have to be when the internet and phone line went off all together three weeks ago and I was told the engineer would be here within 24 hours and arrived after 4 days.

So, all in all, pretty much BIG RUBBISH.

As for Voz Plus, which three of my neighbours use and another friend in Mijas who had similar problems with Telefonica, they fit fibre optic cables which gives a fast and reliable service.

They charge 99 euros to set it up and a monthly rate, depending on the speed you want.

So I am going to go and sign contract with them today and will cancel Telefonica when all is up and running.

Thanks for your replies everyone,



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08 Sep 2017 2:33 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Yep, that sounds pretty rubbish! Well, at least you know others who are using Voz Plus - I'm always very cautious of companies I've never heard of or have a reference for. Good luck, and don't forget to report back here so that others can benefit from your experience. smiley



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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08 Sep 2017 3:18 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

I will and thanks Roberto.



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