DT have done away with the sports channels but they added an option to add playlists their tv service allowing us to add plyalists of the channels we wanna watch but I think a lot of people are gonna get stuck or are unsure how they work or even how to get it working. A friend of mine has just sent me this whatsapp message, which i've tested and it works! Football is back for me!
He has created a playlist and explained how to get it working. Obviously, i followed the instructions and did it from my phone and worked, the channels appeared on the playlist icon in the dunehd box, so far 3 days and still going.
"Hi mate. When your home, unplug your dune hd box and then turn it back on. Make sure you dune hd and your phone are on the same wifi, then press the link:
A message should appear on your phone saying 'playlist has been successfully added' Now turn your dune box back on and go into my playlist. Enjoy! 😊"
The first time I clicked on the link, it would tell me I should upgrade to dtmediaMore (the catchup plan) which you need to use the feature, but I already had it. However when insisting a second time, it was ok and got the confirmation message.
When you press ENTER on the dunehd remote it will come up with a channel list from the playlist.
This message was last edited by jimjonson on 08/08/2017.
This message was last edited by jimjonson on 08/08/2017.
This message was last edited by jimjonson on 08/08/2017.