Compare costs of living

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25 Jul 2017 3:26 PM by movedtospain2010 Star rating in Spain (Asturias). 1 posts Send private message

movedtospain2010´s avatar

Hello! I wanted to share this website that I found super useful when comparing the costs of living between the city I lived in and to where I was moving in Spain. It compares average costs of living and salaries... and I found it to be quite accurate actually! Hope its useful to someone on here. (Oh you can even compare between different cities in Spain).

Well I tried to add the website but it won't let me sorry..

Just look up "Numbeo" on google :)



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25 Jul 2017 4:18 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

This is address moved to spain wanted to post

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25 Jul 2017 6:07 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The only things that are cheaper in Spain ... In comparison to the UK are alcohol and cigarettes from Spanish   super markets is the same price or more expensive than the UK ..eating out in Spain can be expensive ..although the menu del dia is very basic ( around 10euro with a drink ) some people think it is good value...l was in Port of Mazorron last week with my family 3 adults and 2 small children ...we ordered 3 basic main meals (no starter's or deserts) for the adults and 2 children's portions of chicken nuggets 3 small beer's and 2 Fanta's and the bill came to 64 euros (£60)  and no restaurant's offered a menu de notcha. It would not cost you £60 in the UK for what we had...I have noticed it is getting busy in Spain over the last 2 years maybe the restaurants are relying on passing tourist trade and not the locals. The restaurant was a typical Spanish on the sea front with plastic furniture and a paper table the UK it would be classed as very expensive a basic Cafe.




This message was last edited by windtalker on 25/07/2017.

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25 Jul 2017 10:24 PM by Legend Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

25 Jul 2017 10:25 PM by Legend Star rating. 56 posts Send private message

26 Jul 2017 12:17 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Legend if you are going to pass comments ...what are you referring to please explain .



This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/07/2017.

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26 Jul 2017 12:34 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

windtalker, as usual, your nome de plume describes so well what you post!  I don't know where you live or eat in Spain, but what a load of 'utter crap' - as has been already stated!  We often eat out (we live here) and ordinarily never pay more than about 20-30 euros per head and that is for fantastic food and includes drinks (sometimes quite excessive amounts).  You would be pushed to find somewhere in the UK that serves the amazing standards of seafood, amongst other cuisine, for such value!  And, of course, alcohol!  You really should lighten up a bit - so much bitterness and discontent you seem to harbour!  And, by the way, supermarkets are far cheaper than anywhere I have ever lived!!  And I've lived on three continents!  Can't be a bad comparison!

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26 Jul 2017 12:47 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Pitby thanks for backing me up said 20./30 euro per head so So between = £19 /29 each for two people for 2 people that would be £38/58 approx... My post said it cost me for 3 adult's and 2 children 64 euros = £60  how much would it have cost us in your restaurant do the sums .I live by the port of Mazorron my post clearly stated that.






This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/07/2017.

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26 Jul 2017 1:00 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Of course it is Legend. It's windtalker and he makes things up. All the time. He complains of the cost of baked beans, British bacon, Pataks curry sauces and thinks this is him having a foreign holiday. He supports Brexit but doesn't understand that the crashing pound has caused a relative price increase in Spain (it hasn't increased but he thinks because he pays more in the crappy pound that he has). He says in one post that he doesn't drink but then says he can get a pint in UK cheaper than here (of course he can, the pound crashing against the euro accouonts for that).

Take everything he says with a pinch of salt. (which is much cheaper here).

Now, as this conversation has been had many times and never gets resolved, maybe close it .


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26 Jul 2017 1:12 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

You stated you were "... in the port of mazarron", you didn't state if you live there habitually or not.  I think you had a bloody good deal actually for five people at about 12 euros a head!  How many bottles of wine and large beers did you have with that??  We had quite a few!  So - you do the sums, Wind-blower!  Think you'll find that nine people, where we were in Fuengirola (we visited on Sunday to meet friends), on the beach front, with fantastic sea food and desert and lots of drinks, paying 23 per head is a good deal!  Name somewhere in the UK where you can eat fresh muscles, clams, sardines, hake, squid, ...... loads more ..... with drinks for nine people for less than 23 euros per head!!?  We have lived here many years now and it is MOST DEFINITELY cheaper than the UK to eat and drink.  Fullstop!


This message was last edited by Pitby on 26/07/2017.

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26 Jul 2017 1:17 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Mariedav l did say patacks curry sauce was 3 times the price in Spain.. and  in the UK around £1 ..a tin of beens around 25 pence  ...don't you eat beens/curry/bacon ..are you not from the UK  I did not say at any time I did not drink  in any of my posts stop making things up ...I also voted out of the EU in the Brexit . Pitby my post clearly States 3 small beer's and 2 Fanta's forgot to add the caviar to you last post of bullshite...only 12 euro's a head we are talking about 2 small children age's 3 & 4 all the pubs and cafe's cater for children in the UK the likes of children's size meals include a soft drink and a ice cream for £3.50 that's comes to €4 each to the I love Spain brigade 



This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/07/2017.

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26 Jul 2017 8:22 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

"l did say patacks curry sauce was 3 times the price in Spain.. and  in the UK around £1 ..a tin of beens around 25 pence  ...don't you eat beens/curry/bacon ..are you not from the UK"

laugh That says it all really. 


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26 Jul 2017 8:32 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Pitby you sound like... a real look down your nose SNOB...l wonder what part of the UK you originally come from that does not eat Curry/Beacon/Bean's...the next thing you will be running down will be Brits that like a Traditional British Sunday lunch favor of Paella.




This message was last edited by windtalker on 26/07/2017.

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26 Jul 2017 11:11 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Because Windtalker lives/ holidays in a area saturated by Brits he is probably correct that food is more expensive.

Can't  say the same for where I live. For €18 ph, exclusive of drinks, one can dine like a king on menus, the presentation and quality, of which is on par with  many London eateries whose charge is more than double.

Jars of curry sauce apart the Spanish equivilant of many " popular" UK products are on sale in Mercadona and at a fraction of the price. Just needs a little research. Excluding buying joints of beef or lamb my monthly shop costs far less in Mercadona than it ever did in Waitrose.

Appreciate there are rare instances when I have fancied a pork pie etc so have indulged in going to Iceland but never understood why people relocate to foreign climes and still expect to constantly imbibe in real ale or dine on fried fish with mushy peas followed by a typical stodgy ( albeit yummy) Brit pud.



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