Informe de Evaluation de Los Edificios IEE

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11 Sep 2017 10:12 PM by frogeyepete Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Has anyone got any information on the use of this document for the inspection of houses (viviendas or chalets). The original Royal Informe was clearly intended for the inspection of buildings other than private houses. The ayuntamiento of Fuengirola have decided to extend this to the inspection of all properties including houses, which are more than 50 years old. So far thank goodness, they haven´t exteneded it to people because at 66 years of age I would probably fail.

The inspection can cost anything between 250 Euros to approximately 800 Euros. Once it has been carried out it has to be done out every 10 years. It comprised three main elements:

1) Is the property a ruin?

2) Does it have access for dissabled persons?

3) How is the thermal insulation?

The last two almost certainly apply to multi occupation and commercial properties (but thermal insulation in the South of Spain?????????????). The form that needs to be completed by a qualified architect or surveyor runs to 29 pages (assuming I have found the correct form on the internet).

I am not sure if Fuengirola is the only local council to latch onto this money spinner. If anyone has any information about this tonteria, I would be very happy to know about it.




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12 Sep 2017 9:05 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

It could be that your property is registered as a Turistic  ....or you rent it out as a holiday let these circumstances you property will need to come up to the minimum standard that the local council requires ....Look up the rental laws for your area ...for instance our area has holiday rental laws like your property must have AC / Suitable for Disabled /Energy EPC / Liability insurance /  fire extinguisher  and so on ...the problems you are having seem to fall into the rental category.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 12/09/2017.

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12 Sep 2017 3:21 PM by frogeyepete Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Thank you for your reply, but I do not rent my house. The requirements put forward by Fuengirola council apply to all houses rented or not, although as you rightly say there are probably other things necessary for people who want to rent their properties. 

It seems to me that Fuengirola council have taken a law intended for multi occupation and commercial properties and extended it to private (unifamiliar) housing. They may well be within there rights to do so. I wondered if other councils in Spain have done the same?

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15 Sep 2017 4:05 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9420 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Obligatory to owners of properties located in buildings of a residential type of collective housing and that have an antiquity above 50 years.

A residential building type of collective housing is defined as "the composite of more than one dwelling, notwithstanding that it may simultaneously contain other uses than the residential one"

In an assimilated way, are included in this typology those buildings intended to be occupied or inhabited by a group of persons who, without being a family unit, share services and submit themselves to a common system, such as hotels or residences.

As you can read above, in principle, and except it is required by regional or municipal regulations,  single-family homes are excluded.

The owners of any building, irrespective of their age, are also obliged to carry out the IEE when they intend to apply for public aid to carry out conservation works, universal accessibility or energy efficiency, and always before the formalization of the corresponding application.

Autonomous or municipal regulations may require the IEE for the rest of the buildings, being able to establish specialties, depending on their location, age, typology or predominant use.

Failure to comply with the obligation to comply in a timely manner shall be considered an urban infraction, with the character and consequences attributed by the urban regulations applicable to breach of the duty to provide the report of technical inspection of buildings or equivalent, within the expressly established period

Official info here:


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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15 Sep 2017 8:03 PM by frogeyepete Star rating. 3 posts Send private message


Thank you for your very detailed reply. I am not sure that I fully understand the second to last paragraph.

Autonomous or municipal regulations may require the IEE for the rest of the buildings, being able to establish specialties, depending on their location, age, typology or predominant use.

I guess it is saying that the local councils can extend the scope of the law to include all types of houses, not just the multi-occupational housing that the law was intended for.

In addition to this they have exteneded tha scope of the law to include inspection or water supply pipework and drains. This may be an attempt to determine which properties have septic tanks and not mains drainage.

I am getting the impression that local authorities have the power to change the laws to suit there own requirements.

This seems to be shades of Orwell`s 1984 to me.

Thank you again for taking the time to reply to me.



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