Buying a car in spain

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20 Feb 2018 10:11 PM by mcfc123 Star rating in Bury/camposol. 35 posts Send private message

Hi,wandering if anyone can help.

I am buying a car in spain,I am a non resident as I have a holiday home on camposol,mazarron.

I have been told by the seller I need a padron,as a non resident I did not think I needed tbis,

Can anyone help me.on this matter.


body p

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21 Feb 2018 8:23 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

21 Feb 2018 10:30 AM by juansheetisplenty Star rating in Cartagena. 283 posts Send private message

juansheetisplenty´s avatar

Sorry to disagree but I have bought two cars here as non-resident and I am not on Padron. A copy of Escritura and NIE is sufficient to obtain registration,


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21 Feb 2018 10:40 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I thought only full time residents in Spain had to sign on the Padron, isn't it illegal to sign on otherwise, because the local council get extra money from the government the more that sign on.

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21 Feb 2018 11:04 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Someone is a bit out of date. You needed a padron years ago when residents and non-residents could sign on. The government clamped down and now only those whose main home is in Spain can sign on the padron. All you need now is proof of your address but not a padron.

Some dealers are still living in the past and insisting on one but it is not needed and hasn't been for some years.


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21 Feb 2018 2:06 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I just Googled it and you no longer require  the padron you are will need a NIE and proof of your address in Spain.

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21 Feb 2018 4:27 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Maridave.  I agree about not needing to produce a cert of padrón to buy a vehicle but my town and surounding one are still registering holiday home owners on their padrons 

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21 Feb 2018 4:31 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

So is mine, johnzx, and it has a large holiday home ownership. Simply pop along with NIE and passport and they will put you on the  padron. Other towns, like Torrevieja and Orihuela, will not. It is supposed to be for your primary home as it  also puts you on the electoral role but I guess some places still need the allowances from the regional governments.


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21 Feb 2018 4:43 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Nothing to do with not producing a cert of padron for holiday owners, it's against Spanish law to register a person who doesn't live 24/7 in Spain, many are doing this because of what I said in my earlier post, the local council get extra money to cover extra people, I have a car in Spain and have never even been asked to sign on the padron....And wouldn't anyway.

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21 Feb 2018 5:18 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Baz 1946 why wouldn't you want to ..register on the Pardon if you are living full time in Spain.

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21 Feb 2018 5:27 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I don't live in Spain full time, might have to be different if I did, if someone told me when I go to buy another car I would have to then they would be told 'No thanks not today thank you'

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21 Feb 2018 8:47 PM by mcfc123 Star rating in Bury/camposol. 35 posts Send private message

Thank you to everyone who replied,very helpful.

All taken on board.

Thank you

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