Save a Street Child in Nepal for Just 1,50€ per Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi All,
My partner and me own a bar/restaurant in Estepona and we have a comfortable standard of living. We have one child who is now actually a man as he has just turned 18.
About 5 years ago we decided, although we are not wealthy that we could afford to sponsor a Street Child in Kathmandu, Nepal. We asked the British based registered charity to send us information on children who were living in dire poverty. We said that we would prefer to sponsor a girl. We quickly received case studies of two girls both aged around 8 years. After studying the info and giving a great deal of thought to weather we were really prepared to commit to becoming the “godparents” of one of these children, we eventually chose to sponsor one of the little girls.
The girl we chose to sponsor (The cost was 450 euros pa.) is called Deepana and unlike most of the children in the boarding school where she now lives is not an orphan. Deepana was living in dire poverty tilling soil on her parent’s small plot of land. Deepana has parents, a sister and two brothers. The two boys receive a basic education, but there was never enough money available to educate the girls. The parents not wanting their daughters to live the same life of dire poverty, as they themselves had lived, made the heart wrenching decision to send their daughters away to a charity run boarding school on the other side of Nepal in the capital city of Kathmandu.
Whilst we are still running our bar, which we intend to sell, we get a lot of generous customers who want to put in something towards Deepana’s annual fees, but when we retire we will pay the 450 euros ourselves. She is very happy in her school and has many friends, but of course she misses her parents a lot.
Deepana is an intelligent and dedicated student and is doing very well in her studies. Apart from studying she learns traditional music and dance and plays several sports. We wouldn’t be surprised if she went onto university in the future, in which case we would continue to support her. When she has finished her studies she will be able to work and help support her whole family.
Deepana speaks three languages, one of which is English, so we get letters and cards from her and have actually seen and hear her speaking on DVD, which was a very emotional moment for us both.
We get a tremendous amount of joy out of helping a child in Nepal to have a warm comfortable place to live, where she is safe, receives regular meals and gets a comprehensive education.leading to a positive future for both Deepana and her family.
This message was last edited by Grazy on 9/25/2007.
This message was last edited by Grazy on 9/25/2007.This message was last edited by Grazy on 9/25/2007.
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