Government (and loads of others) do stop work at 2pm but then go back at 4 or 4:30 and work until 8pm.
Our town hall deals with the public for things like Padron, SIP and things until 2pm only but deals with things like building licenses, complaints and so on in the afternoon/evening. The reception is there until 8pm if you have queries about local events or something.
Same with the notaries. It seems a bit odd to us that you can get an appointment with the notary at 7 pm but not at 3pm. It seems like going back 50 years or so in the UK when banks would only open between 10 and 3. It didn't mean the bank workers only worked from 10 to 3 just that they only dealt with the public in those hours.
Our local police station (located in the municipal town hall) is the only office that is manned in the afternoon.
Dealing with someone who is operating illegally is annoying. I know a Brit reg car had been here at least 5 years and someone reported it over a year ago but it is still there.
Annoying when someone is taking your business from you purely because you are doing things right and they are not. Judging by the number of people I overhear who openly boast about fiddling the system (whether it's a car, not declaring tax residency and so on) it must be pretty endemic.