Door to Door Salesman

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22 Jan 2019 10:53 AM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

May be of intrest to some, i have printed off and if anybody comes to my door i just give them this notice.


BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO Suplement en llengua catalana al núm. 242 Dissabte 6 d'octubre de 2018

13593 Reial decret llei 15/2018, de 5 d’octubre, de mesures urgents per a la transició energètica i la protecció dels consumidors.

Otras medidas de protección de los consumidores de electricidad

Artículo 12. Modificación de la Ley 24/2013, de 26 de diciembre, del Sector Eléctrico.

Se modifica la Ley 24/2013, de 26 de diciembre, del Sector Eléctrico en los siguientes aspectos:


Uno. Se añaden los siguientes apartados al artículo 46 con la siguiente redacción:

«r) Las comercializadoras eléctricas no podrán realizar publicidad no solicitada en visitas domiciliarias sobre sus productos, excepto en el caso de que el destinatario haya solicitado por iniciativa propia recibir información sobre el servicio por dicho medio. La entidad anunciante será considerada la responsable del cumplimiento del presente apartado.) Las comercializadoras eléctricas no podrán realizar prácticas de contratación en los domicilios de los clientes de forma directa, salvo que exista una petición expresa por parte del cliente y a propia iniciativa para establecer la cita.»

2. En caso de que un comercializador incumpla alguno de los requisitos exigidos para el ejercicio de su actividad, el órgano competente del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica podrá, previa la tramitación de un procedimiento en el que se garantice la audiencia del interesado, declarar la extinción de la habilitación para actuar como comercializador durante el plazo máximo de un año, en los términos que se desarrollen reglamentariamente.

gas natural

Artículo 13. Modificación de la Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, del sector de hidrocarburos.

Se modifica la Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, en los siguientes aspectos:

Uno. Se añaden los siguientes apartados al artículo 81.2 con la siguiente redacción:


«r) Los comercializadores de gas natural no podrán realizar publicidad no solicitada en visitas domiciliarias sobre sus productos, excepto en el caso de que el destinatario haya solicitado por iniciativa propia recibir información sobre el servicio por dicho medio. La entidad anunciante será considerada la responsable del cumplimiento del presente apartado.

Los comercializadores de gas natural no podrán realizar prácticas de contratación en los domicilios de los clientes de forma directa, salvo que exista una petición expresa por parte del cliente y a propia iniciativa para establecer la cita.




Other measures for the protection of electricity consumers

Article 12. Amendment of Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electricity Sector.

Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electricity Sector is modified in the following aspects:


One. The following sections are added to article 46 with the following wording:


«R) The electric commercializing companies will not be able to carry out unsolicited advertisements on home visits on their products, except in the case that the recipient has requested on his own initiative to receive information about the service through this means. The advertiser entity will be considered responsible for compliance with this section.s) Electric power distributors will not be able to carry out hiring practices in the homes of their clients directly, unless there is an express request from the client and at their own initiative.


s) Electric power distributors will not be able to carry out hiring to set up the appointment.two. In the event that a trader fails to comply with any of the requisites required for the exercise of his activity, the competent organ of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition may, after processing a procedure in which the interested party's audience is guaranteed, declare the extinction of the authorization to act as a marketer for a maximum period of one year, in the terms that are developed by regulation.


Natural gas


Article 13. Amendment of Law 34/1998, of October 7, on the hydrocarbons sector.

Law 34/1998, of October 7, is modified in the following aspects:


One. The following sections are added to article 81.2 with the following wording:


«R) Natural gas marketers may not carry out unsolicited advertisements for home visits on their products, except in the case that the recipient has requested on his own initiative to receive information about the service through such means. The advertiser entity will be considered responsible for compliance with this section.


s) Natural gas marketers will not be able to carry out hiring practices in the homes of their clients directly, unless there is an express request from the client and at their own initiative to set up the appointment. "


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22 Jan 2019 11:23 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Hello nitram

An interesting and useful post.

I live in a villa that is one of the first as you enter the urbanisation. I have had problems for years with unwanted and nuisance ‘’door to door callers’’. I have signage all over the doorbell and gate in Spanish and English (no canvassers of any kind, vicious dog, alarm, CCTV) despite this I still get some.

Are they legal?

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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22 Jan 2019 11:43 AM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

Thank you, perhaps in Spain dont understand what we mean by these notices. i am sure if you hand this notice to these people they just may get the idea

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22 Jan 2019 12:24 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Some people may think this is a petty subject, but it is twofold. You have the callers that are just a nuisance, but there are the bogus callers up to no good, the one you don’t want your wife to meet. I get those supposed to be collecting for children’s charity; I am convinced they are a fraud. When I point to the no callers sign in Spanish all I get is ‘’no entiendo’’

Perhaps when we encounter the London approach ‘’ACID THROWING’’ someone might take some action.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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22 Jan 2019 12:39 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

The "charity" collectors probably don't understand because they aren't Spanish. Well, all the ones round here aren't. Eastern European of some description and it really flummoxes them when you speak to them in Spanish.

No, they are not legal. Same as the ones that approach you on shopping centre car parks. Hubby even got approached on the car park at Torrevieja hospital the other day. 
Normally a shake of the head gets them to move on.


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23 Jan 2019 9:43 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Hello Maria

I accept that street beggars will always exist throughout the world. But are you saying that in Spain ‘’Door to Door’’ whatever, charities, salesmen, religion is illegal?

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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23 Jan 2019 10:22 AM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

As stated in the Boletín below only refers to Electric and Gas reps. nobody said about others that come to your door, as this thread as gone off track again and not sticking to info intended for, feel free to look at it youreself, its as always open to anybody who wants to read and easy to go to the web page, don´t forget your local town hall also publishes Boletín´s yet again open to all


  BOLETÍN OFICIAL DEL ESTADO Suplement en llengua catalana al núm. 242 Dissabte 6 d'octubre de 2018

13593 Reial decret llei 15/2018, de 5 d’octubre, de mesures urgents per a la transició energètica i la protecció dels consumidors.


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23 Jan 2019 10:45 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar


Your thread title is Door to Door Salesman

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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