Spanish government launches website to warn about effects of Brexit

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16 Jan 2019 1:38 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

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The Spanish government has launched an information website listing the various issues that citizens and businesses will face after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.

The page is part of the larger La Moncloa government website, and its stated goals include providing information to citizens and entrepreneurs about “the changes that the UK’s exit from the EU will have on their interests, as well as about the contingency measures being adopted internally and at the European level.” 

A no-deal Brexit would be “a disaster for everyone,” said Foreign Minister Josep Borrell

The site covers the possibility of a no-deal Brexit too.

Although many practical details are offered, the website avoids getting specific about the still unclear consequences of a no-deal Brexit, which would mean no transition period to adapt.

Information is provided about residency, voting rights, healthcare, education, travel, financial services and more. The site also provides a list of frequently asked questions and answers.

Citizens are assured that they will preserve local voting rights in both Spain and the UK. Madrid and London and working on regulations that will be formally presented on January 21.

Air travel

In the air travel section, one of the questions involves flying to Britain with a Spanish airline “that could lose its license, according to media reports.” This is an indirect reference to former Spanish flag carrier Iberia, which is fighting to prove to EU authorities that it is Spanish – it, along with British Airways, is owned by holding group IAG – in order to preserve its flying rights on the continent after Brexit.

The Spanish executive has also drafted a decree whose definitive text depends on yesterday evening’s vote by British MPs. Sources familiar with this document said that it contains contingency plans to complement the European Commission’s, in the event of a no-deal Brexit. These include financial and logistical measures, such as getting more personnel to deal with an expected surge in residency applications by British citizens if no better solution is found.

[source El Pais]


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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18 Jan 2019 9:00 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

Just wondering how President  Macron is going to Handel the riot's in France... when he breaks the news to the French public ..that EU will no longer permit them to export or import goods from the UK ...the same goes for Spain IAG.UK holdings that owns Ibera air ...according to the EU they will not be permitted to fly across the EU from March the 29 ...I don't think so as IAG is a part of a worldwide consortium of companies and if the EU attempts to ground  Iberia airlines ..basically because it is not owned by a EU base company ..all the large investment companies throughout the world will no longer invest in the EU ...think about it this is what we call project fear in the UK from the Remoaners.





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18 Jan 2019 9:52 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The more we read and hear about the UK leaving the EU, the more is true that the EU is floundering in the sea with a lead life jacket. They know we want a deal, they know its possible we might leave with no deal, you would think the threat of losing all our cash might make them help out with some sort of decent deal, the idiots that run the shambles called the EU have no idea of how business works, and running scared the gravy train is getting closer to the cliff edge.

Gone past the biggest joke the world has seen so far, any bad information can be put out as to what will happen if we leave, worth remembering when midnight came on the year 2000 came aircraft might fall from the skies, every piece of electronic gizzmos were to fail, and so much worse was to happen...Pretty much like this all over again.


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18 Jan 2019 12:49 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

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The main problem is both sides are full of arrogance, no matter what happens they will continue to swig their gin & tonic and eat caviar. Why should they care about me and you or anyone else, it’s all a put up joke show.

My battery action man stopped working at midnight year 2000.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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20 Jan 2019 9:15 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

The good news is that 'no deal' is defo not going to happen

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20 Jan 2019 2:30 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 ..I think you have been reading the Beano & the Dandy again ...or listening to Owen Jones ...according to all the big gun leaver's its best to go for a No Deal Brexit this will put the UK government in  charge of running Great Britain's affair's.

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20 Jan 2019 3:46 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Ain't gonna happen

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20 Jan 2019 5:23 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

Perrypower1...Romania is to get the next presidency of the must be joking if you think the UK is going to take anything serious that the most corrupt country in the EU has got to say...yes I did say Romania... a country that is 1 step away from being in the third world is going to dictate to the UK ( one of the richest/powerful countries in the world ) it aint gonna happen ...think about it .


This message was last edited by windtalker on 20/01/2019.

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20 Jan 2019 10:15 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Romania's economy is the fastest growing economy in EU and it is expected to maintain high growth. In 2017 Romania had a GDP growth of 7%, largest in EU and one of the largest in the world. Romania is on it’s way to become a top 10 economy in EU (currently ranked 13 by Nominal GDP PPP). Romania is expected to reach 90% of EU average in 10 years.

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20 Jan 2019 10:20 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

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Romania has the highest home ownership rate in the world, topping at 96,4%. The data is backed up by recent EU statistics as well.

Romania has world's third highest talent shortage (after Japan and Taiwan) and highest in EU. That will put an additional pressure on increasing salaries in order to attract and keep talent. And sure enough Romania is the leader of the European Union in the hourly costs growth of its workforce, soaring by 14.7 percent in the third quarter of 2016. Romania provides income tax exemption for research and development sector employees.

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21 Jan 2019 5:58 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 you are talking rubbish now.. you can buy a house in Romania for around in €1,000 ..the weekly wage is 9 time less than the UK minimum weekly wage...they have a massive skill shortage in Romania because any one that has some sort of skill /plumber/electric/mechanical/brick layer/doctor and so on is now working in the UK ...Romania does not make any sort of contributions to EU membership does receive massive amounts of grants /money from the EU that is payed from the massive amount of money that countries like the UK has to pay in ...the UK currently pays a  EU membership fee of approximately £12 billion per year ...bring on the Brexit.




This message was last edited by windtalker on 21/01/2019.

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21 Jan 2019 9:47 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Ahh, I see the problem here.  You have misunderstood how average house prices in Romania are reported.  The average price is £1,000 per square meter, not for the whole house.  So a 100 sq meter house sells for £100,000 on average.  Here is the info for you:

The average selling price of apartments in Romania surged by 11.97% (9.17% inflation-adjusted) to €1,169 (US$ 1,385) per square metre (sq. m.) during the year to November 2017, based on the figures from During the latest quarter, house prices rose by 3.84% (3.52% inflation-adjusted) in Q3 2017.  All major cities in the country saw sharp house price rises during the year to November 2017:

  • In Bucharest the average selling price of apartments soared by 12.58% (9.75% inflation-adjusted) to €1,271 (US$ 1,506) per sq. m.
  • In Cluj-Napoca, Romania's second most populous city, apartment prices sharply rose by 16.41% (13.49% inflation-adjusted) to €1,447 (US$ 1,715) per sq. m.
  • In Timisoara, the average selling price of apartments went up by 9.36% (6.62% inflation-adjusted) to €1,133 (US$ 1,343) per sq. m.
  • In Brasov, the average selling price of apartments increased by 10.99% (8.2% inflation-adjusted) to €1,000 (US$ 1,185) per sq. m.
  • In Constanta, the country's oldest city, apartment prices rose by 13.4% (10.56% inflation-adjusted) to €1,083 (US$ 1,284) per sq. m.

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21 Jan 2019 9:54 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

The monthly wages for both Romania and the UK are well known.  I am not sure how you invented 9 times as cannot find anything that comes close.  The most substantial information is available on wikipedia as it covers all the eu countries.

UK earnings are about two times that of Romania on all metrics (before tax, after tax, via PPP etc).


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21 Jan 2019 10:03 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Romania (72%) does have a very large skills shortage as does Japan(86%), Taiwan(73%), Hong Kong(70%), Turkey(66%) and Israel(56%).  The common point of all those countries excluding Romania is none of them is in the EU so I am not sure your point is valid.  I understand your argument but it sounds more like fitting what you want to the statistic than the other way around.

 BUCHAREST (Romania), January 9 (SeeNews) - Romania's unemployment rate fell to 3.9% in November from 4.0% in the previous month, the national statistical office said on Wednesday, citing provisional data.On an annual comparison basis, Romania's jobless rate was 0.9 percentage points lower in November, INS said in a statement. This is about the same as the UK which is 4.0 to 4.1 currently.

The UK skills shortage is caused by the UK itself.  People do not want the jobs on offer or are not suitably educated/trained to do them or they will not relocate to where the work is.

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21 Jan 2019 11:05 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1936 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 you are still talking rubbish....are you trying to say that the countries you mentioned ...that are just one step from the third world are equal \ level pegging with the UK ..get real for your sake  Roll on the Brexit this will soon shut people like you up once and for all...and by the way I also own a holiday home in Kusadasi Turkey and have done for the last 16 years I also own a 2 Villas in Spain for  the past 11 year's so I personally know you are rubbish.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 21/01/2019.

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