Hello, I currently have a Bankinter Bank account used solely for loading with cash and paying out bills, insurance, electric, Community, Ayuntamiento etc. I am a UK resident. Do not want or need cash withdrawals, card payments or the like.
Bankinter have recently upped their monthly maintenance fee, prompting me to look elsewhere.
All the Banks I see recommended either have hidden charges or require regular funds ie. pension etc. Not suitable.
I have found a UK online bank (Starling) that has an add on free Euro account that can send and receive euros to the EU with its own IBAN.
So the question is will the hacienda, Ayuntamiento and all accept a UK IBAN to take the money from?
I know I could send amounts to an entity, but I would require that they could 'claim' amounts in the same way it happens now.
Is that possible?
Thanks in anticipation.