Congratulations on your provincial court appeal win,😀 but your concern about the Bank’s response to a claimant’s successful appeal is understandable going forward, given there are instances where the Banks continue to contest provincial court appeals (in the form of a Cassation appeal) to the Supreme Court. They appear to have 20 days in which to submit their Cassation appeal for submission to the SC, but I suspect that Court holidays are taken into account in this regard.
As far as I am aware the Bank lay down their legal reasons for contesting the claimant’s successful appeal ruling, which is classed as a “submission” as opposed to “admission” to the Supreme Court. This means that until the SC get the opportunity to review the Bank’s Cassation appeal in detail ( which results in a significant delay) the successful claimant is left in a “legal limbo “, so to speak.
Only at that point is the decision made if the Bank’s Cassation appeal actually qualifies for admission. This could be for instance if there are deemed to be outstanding legal elements of doubt, perhaps due to other judicial contra rulings that have been found in favour of the Bank.
Only if it is subsequently admitted to the SC then the claimant’s legal representatives have 20 days to respond to the Bank’s Cassation appeal, which results in yet further delays before a final SC ruling is achieved.
If the Bank’s Cassation appeal is subsequently NOT considered applicable for admission, however, then the claimant’s previous successful provincial appeal stands as a final ruling, at which point ( albeit delayed by the period of time it has taken since the Bank first submitted their Cassation appeal ) the principal amount and awards such as costs and interest relative to that successful ruling are then submitted for enforcement ( further delay). But once again I suspect there is an opportunity for the Banks to query the awards if for some reason the costs/ interest are not in line with legal rulings.
Hopefully Maria will confirm/ clarify if this is a correct understanding of the scenario or not, and perhaps kindly also advise given current SC backlogs
a) how long the SC is currently taking between submission and admission
b) if admitted, how long thereafter between admission and a final SC ruling is achieved
c) how long after final ruling to achieve return of principal, costs/ interest where applicable.
Needless to say there are instances where the Banks do not contest successful appeal rulings to SC level, but when they do it is cause for ongoing concern when their appeals are subsequently not deemed applicable for admission to the SC, given the major impact on claimant’s timely return of monies.
It would also be interesting to know if there is now a growing instance of Banks contesting claimants successful provincial appeals to SC level, and under what specific legal circumstances? Is this due to a shift in new interim SC rulings in favour of the Banks?
I hope this helps a little Fazerelli if only to help clarify what appears a complex scenario, and sincere thanks in advance if Maria can assist in this regard.
This message was last edited by ads on 18/07/2019.