Latest weather and Murcia airport
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Or you could just pick up the phone and ask where they want it delivered to given the weather. Seems like you lot just want to have a fight with someone and then say but on EOS the guy said blah, blah , blah
How will insurance policy holders who have suffered flood damage to their homes go on with insurance company claims.
They won't. It's been declared a national disaster and all claims will be made through the Insurance Compensation Consortium which is where part of your insurance premium goes.
I had an email from Linea Directa giving me the number to contact and not to contact the insurance company direct.
It's also been widely reported in the national and free press in Spain as well.
I believe they were very quick at paying out claims after the Lorca earthquake.
This message was last edited by mariedav on 17/09/2019.
Great post Mariedav. So it just goes to show that when required the Spanish have established ways and means to thankfully circumvent proliferation of individual litigations to ensure that citizens hopefully receive proper and timely compensation.
This message was last edited by ads on 18/09/2019.
Thank you mariedav
Will there be any government assistance for those living on the breadline that could not afford insurance?
_______________________ There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!
The severe floods caused by the DANA “cold drop” that has affected the southeast and center regions of Spain have caused innumerable and costly damages.
When the water enters your property due to a flood coming from the overflow of a river or the formation of ramps and avalanches generated by torrential rains, it will be the Insurance Compensation Consortium who will take care of the compensation in these extraordinary circumstances.
If you have home insurance:
- Report your claim to your home insurance company, and if necessary, they will process the claim with the Insurance Compensation Consortium.
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