Flood Sandbags

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24 Feb 2020 9:45 AM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

Hello everyone

Does anyone have a clue where you can obtain/buy flood sandbags complete with sand, delivered if possible? Considering recent floods surely they must be in high demand and a nice earner for someone who can be bothered. I did ask at the Town Hall, but got the shrug of the shoulders reply. I am in the process of taking out an insurance policy and the insurer is asking if I have taken any flood defence measures. Maybe it’s just a case of sit back and wait for the next episode of Dragon’s Den?

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24 Feb 2020 3:19 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Photographs in the paper El Pais sadly showed Oriheula Alicante very badly affected by the horrendous floods in September 2019 with many cars submerged,


in which case have you asked what exactly the insurance company considers to be adequate flood defence measures in a domestic home situation in your area so recently badly affected by flood? You could be spending money on sandbags and the insurance company might still not consider this as adequate defence measures.

You observed in a previous thread " I always thought insurance companies existed to get your money and never pay out, or at least try every trick in the book not to pay out. I do not see any insurance companies touching flood risk properties with a barge pole."

Is your point therefore that Insurance companies are no longer prepared to cover owners who live in these areas so badly affected? Have other locals in your area found this to be the case?

For instance they might  only consider insurance provision in areas that have been prone to flooding if the local authority have already taken remedial action to improve the infrastructure and flood defences in the immediate area....  Have any owners therefore discussed this catch22 scenario with the Town Hall?


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24 Feb 2020 4:49 PM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

Hello ads and thank you for your advice and interest in the thread. Did you also suffer?

The insurance companies refuse to advise what they consider adequate flood defence measures, they say the onus is on the insured to prove they have taken adequate measures before any claim will be considered, and in the event of an invalid claim no refund of premiums will be given. Some insurance companies are not insisting on flood defence measures but have an excess of €20,000 plus on flood claims.

I accept my previous comments about insurance companies may sound a bit cynical, but I have previously worked most of my life dealing with insurance companies, we all have our own opinions and experiences. I am sure we all have cases of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Oriheula, Alicante where I live was badly affected, and the authorities promised those residents €1,500 emergency compensation within 14 days. 6 months on and most people are still waiting, maybe they will wait forever!

Many residents are terrified of another event, hence the sandbags. I thought the authorities would have been offering free sandbags to anyone who has already suffered, perhaps wishful thinking or just common sense. Maybe I am off my trolley and the Christmas tree lights are more important.

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24 Feb 2020 7:10 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

No, just concerned for those affected....and trying to see how the insurance companies and local authorities are responding on the ground so to speak.

How does this compensation scheme work? Are funds distributed by region to local authorities? Are these monies ring fenced at local level? Is there any sense of common purpose here with nationals and non nationals working together to the benefit of all and establish if a wider infrastructure project is required going forward, especially if these events are likely to become the norm?

Have you considered if removeable flood gates/ panels fixed to the entrance doors would be more viable or acceptable, as opposed to sand bags? But both rely upon online advanced flood warning systems being in place. 

Individual action doesn't excuse Govt authorities from reviewing the need for wider flood relief defences in those areas so badly affected, however.

Is there adequate communication in place from local mayors/ councillors to keep people informed of events and future plans? Sometimes the " not knowing" and lack of transparency is equally stressful. Do you have any local expat representation to assist in this regard?

Just a few thoughts.....

Good luck.


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24 Feb 2020 8:32 PM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

Hello ads

I do not understand. I started the subject with an exact question. Now it’s you asking more questions than Mastermind.

Where can you get sandbags? Can someone answer that first.

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24 Feb 2020 9:59 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Ok Barney, it was only a few thoughts going forward.

If it's caused more angst then apologies.


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24 Feb 2020 10:29 PM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

It is unhelpful to try and play with the dictionary using uncommon words like ‘’angst’’, ** EDITED - Against forum rules **

ads please advise where you can get loaded sandbags?


This message was last edited by Barney1 on 25/02/2020.
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 2/24/2020 11:48:00 PM.

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25 Feb 2020 9:49 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


I tried to look online to help, but unfortunately can't find anything re sandbag provision in Spain. Presumably you have done the same.

If you get no response to finding local supplies then have you thought of contacting the Emergency Military Unit as described in this article? Might they be prepared to help perhaps if sandbags are required for locals on a much larger scale?


According to their website Public Enquiries and requests should be addressed to:


Or perhaps worth contacting the Olive Press to see if they might be able to assist by putting out a plea for a local supplier?

These are only ideas to TRY and help in some small way. Can't do more than that I'm afraid.

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25 Feb 2020 10:16 AM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

Perhaps there is a shortage of sand and sandbags, and therefore not enough to go round. It could be that the military do have some, but are keeping them for themselves.

This is a disappointing situation and an uncaring attitude by the Spanish authorities to it’s residents who are in flood areas. If the Royal Palace was threatened by floods, sandbags would appear from everywhere, no doubt paid for by taxpayers under flood with no sandbags and sewage flowing through their homes.

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25 Feb 2020 10:17 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Barney, have you heard of these? bit of a mixed reception as to how good they are, Amazon sell them, suppose others do also, maybe Amazon deliver to Spain?

Floodwater was kept out of homes in the wake of a terrible storm by ‘sandbags’ without a grain of sand in them. 

Clitheroe Flood Action Group in Lancashire deployed FloodSax alternative sandbags to deal with the aftermath of Storm Ciara and they kept floodwater out of homes on badly flooded streets. 

They were deployed in Clitheroe which was flooded from the River Hodder and the nearby town of Whalley which is vulnerable to flooding from the River Calder. 

FloodSax resemble large pillowcases and are lightweight, weighing just a few ounces before they come into contact with water when the gelling polymer inside transforms them into ‘sandbags’ weighing 20 kilos (44lbs).

They are then tough enough to stop torrential floodwater getting into homes and businesses which is exactly how they worked in Clitheroe and Whalley. 

Clitheroe Flood Action Group warden Chris Peel said: “We had to declare a major incident across Clitheroe, Whalley and Billington.  Parts of villages were evacuated. 

“The FloodSax were really good to carry and very light, especially when we were walking through the water trying to work out our footing. They were extremely simple to use and quickly effective.” 

They were deployed to protect doors on a flooded road through Whalley and kept the floodwater out.

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25 Feb 2020 11:07 AM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

Thanks baz

At last a straight answer to a straight question, many thanks.

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25 Feb 2020 4:44 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I don't think sand bags of any size are going to  keep a 4 foot high River that is running down your Street from coming in...if you are that concerned then  buy a property at the top of a hill ...that has been constructed with a under build ...this type of property is very common in Spain... places like Camposol has villa's that are built in this way ... around 6 years back a small part of Camposol was flooded by a Gota Freia storm some roads / garden walls got damaged and that was it.






This message was last edited by windtalker on 25/02/2020.

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25 Feb 2020 5:07 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

** EDITED - Inciting and unhelpful **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 2/25/2020 5:11:00 PM.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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25 Feb 2020 9:46 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


You may well be correct re the ongoing vulnerability of using sand bags to prevent River floods of this magnitude, so much  depends on the flow of waters and how close this is to existing properties and what the authorities have planned for those most at continuing risk. 

 It's a horrible scenario  to contemplate but these are important realities to remain aware of in the interim, hence the need to come together to try and find out what is planned and how long any measures to cope with future water flows will take to resolve.

For some, sand bags might provide  some reassurance depending on how far they are from the predicted flows of water, but much depends upon detailed technical engineering  evaluations going forward, or if the emergency services can come up with a realistic plan in the interim.


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25 Feb 2020 10:36 PM by Barney1 Star rating in Orihuela city. 15 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 2/25/2020 11:25:00 PM.

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