We had one a few years ago, sold it to raise the deposit on our Spanish apartment
. We had a hard wired installation on the patio which ran to an isolator on the wall, not a 3 pin plug and run off its own RCD and breaker in the dis board. We used chlorine granules and paper filters. It was all quite eay and simple to look after and when finished, we had a big thick polystyrene cover to help keep the heat in. Ours was a 4 person, 3 sitting and 1 lying down. It wasn't overly expensive to run, but electric was cheaper back then. That said, they have probably become more efficient since then anyway. They do produce an awful lot of "steam", especially when cold outside, but you can' beat sitting outside with a beer and watching the snow fall
. We keep threatening to get another one, but would now need a crane to get it in the back garden.
Cleaning wise, the chlorine does most of the work. If you make sure people don't get in with sun lotion or other greasy make up and stuff, it keeps it cleaner longer. Make sure your wife doen't drop a bottle of red wine in there either!! You won't necessarily notice it after a water change, but the filters always dry pink afterwards.
This was ours.

This message was last edited by Marksfish on 22/08/2020.