Padron Update non EU Citizens

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25 Mar 2021 3:46 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

We are all aware that we have to be registered on the Padron. 

We are all  familiar at sometime with the Local Police knocking on your door and asking who you are to verify who you are and householders who are on the Padron.

Owing to Brexit and an update of Spanish government  Departments, 

It seems that the Auyuntamiento(in our Town ) are contacting owners to go and REGISTER on the padron, i say Register, we have all done this before as EU citizens , now we are third world country citizens there is a different form.


I know if you Google translate the above it may come out as non residence, it actually means non EU person this was asked at the counter.

It seems these days the police may not come knocking at your door people have receive a letter or like us had a phone call late Saturday night to go and register.(in our Town )

When and if called to re  register you must take passport your TIE card

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25 Mar 2021 5:05 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Hello nitram,

An interesting post. Could you clarify:-

Is it only residents that can be registered on the Padron?

Does a Padron certificate have an expiry date on it?

What benefit do you receive for being on the Padron registar?

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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25 Mar 2021 6:29 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

I think it's only residents who are on the padron

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25 Mar 2021 7:45 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Whilst it is only residents, those whose permanent home is Spain, that should be on the padron, many towns, especially those with a very high number of non residents, allow non residents to be on the padron. Their argument is that the rules say it should be your permanent place of residence but they say it means your permanent place of residence in Spain. Not wishing to go in the rights or wrongs of that (despite scare stories of  thousands of euros in fines I've never heard of anyone being fined) the municipality gets a grant to cover all those who live in the town for things like road improvements, local policing, extra facilities and so on. A town with many, many non residents will still have to provide the facilities but won't get the money from the regional government to be able to do so.

That bit posted says non EU who are not permanent residents (which you get after 5 years of residency in Spain). Non EU citizens are supposed to have residency for 1 year, renew it for another 2 years and then renew it for another 2 years until they become permanent (which we didn't have to do in the EU).  I think that applies to the padron as well.

The padron, for permanent residents, lasts for 5 years but, if you need it for any official reason, it must be in date by 3 months. For example, apply for an initial TIE and you need a padron dated within 3 months of application. Apply to exchange your old green registro card for a TIE and you don't need a padron at all if the address is still the same.

Many places give discounts to those on the padron (for example, the ferry from Mallorca to Ibiza is 60 euro but only 6 if you are a Mallorcan resident on the padron). 

The town gets a grant from the regional government depending on how many are on the padron (good for the town and community).

Our local town hall runs free Spanish and computer lessons for those who are on the padron.

Residents, temporary (under 5 years) and permanent (over 5 years) can vote in local and regional elections but not European or central general elections.

If doing something like taking out a loan, buying a car etc where proof of address is required, a padron certificate can be asked for although, as many places don't allow you to be on the padron if it isn't your permanent home, house deeds plus utility bills now seem to be accepted.

In our town, they do allow you to be on the padron if you are a non-resident. You can also just turn up and they will renew it for you if you need it for something. Other places, Torrevieja for example, have a 2 or 3 month waiting list for an appointment.

You can't get a SIP card for your health if you aren't on the padron. The padron will show which surgery you come under and will allocate you to that one plus a GP. If your padron runs out (after 5 years)and you don't renew it, you could be removed from the surgery list and a few people, Spanish as well as foreigners, have complaine in the newspapers that that has happened to them. No longer registered when asking for an appointment.

In these Covid times, there are many people without a SIP card as they are not eligible for an S1 and rely on private health even though they are residents. Showing your residency card (either one) plus a padron and mobile contact number at your local surgery will get you a temporary Covid SIP card so you will be on the list when they call you for your vaccine. 

When you get older (sigh, I'm already there) you can't get access to social services or home care unless you are on the padron. (A Norwegian couple in their 80s across the road from me got a district nurse calling on them to give them their covid vaccines and one of my neighbours had a serious operation a while back and a nurse called on him at home every day for a month to check on things and change dressings etc).

If you aren't elderly but have kids, you can't enrol them in local schools unless your padron is up to date.

Probably loads of things that we don't know about.

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25 Mar 2021 8:35 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local. Jefatura del Estado «BOE» núm. 80, de 03 de abril de 1985 Referencia: BOE-A-1985-5392

Every person who lives in Spain is obliged to register in the Municipal Register where you usually reside.

The set of people registered in the Municipal Register constitutes the population of the municipality.Those registered in the municipal Register are the residents of the municipality.

Article 16.

1. The Municipal Register is the administrative registry where the residents of a municipality. Your data constitutes proof of residence in the municipality and address. The certifications that such data are issued will have the character of public and reliable document for all administrative purposes.

In this case, it must be periodically renewed every two years in the case of the Registration of non-EU foreigners without permanent residence authorization.The elapse of the period indicated in the previous paragraph will be cause to agree on the expiration date of registrations that must be periodically renewed, provided that the interested party had not proceeded to such renewal. In this case, the expiration may declare without the need for a prior hearing of the interested party.

2. Enrollment in the Municipal Register will contain as mandatory only the following

- Number of the valid residence card, issued by the Spanish authorities, or

failing that, the number of the identity document or passport in

- Foreigner identification number that appears in a document, in force, issued by the Spanish authorities or, failing that, because they are not holders of these, the number of the valid passport issued by the authorities of the country of origin

3. The data of the Municipal Register will be transferred to other public administrations that request without prior consent of the affected party only when they are necessary for the exercise of their respective powers, and exclusively for matters in which the residence or domicile are relevant data. They can also be used to elaborate official statistics submitted to statistical secrecy, under the terms provided




2. The registration of foreigners in the municipal register will not constitute proof of their legal residence in Spain nor will it grant them any rights that are not conferred by law in force, especially regarding the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain.


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