The Comments |
We are very very happy with our apartment & love the town & the people. Whilst it is only a holiday home, we really do feel as if we are coming home each time we visit. If our family ties were not so strong we would move out to Spain permanently.Yes there were/are snags but nothing that can't be put right.
This forum is great, we have picked up loads of useful advice, have enjoyed the chit-chat; although not necessarily joined in; & hopefully will continue to enjoy not only the forums but the many articles that are provided (thanks Justin)
Happy times everyone
johnone it was not Herbie who started this thread in the wrong board, it was actually steve&hayley on Saturday, October 06, 2007. They are relative newcomers to EOS (as is Herbie) & posting in the wrong boards does occasionally happen, as does thread drift, catty responses etc. However, no one seems worried, look at the length of the thread, 22 posts ! Perhaps Justin would move it all to General Chat if you asked him nicely.
Herbie was adding to the thread rather well. Thank you Herbie for your contribution.

Hi Herbie,
Welcome to the forum. I know exactly what you mean about the stressing, we had our ups and downs and then the phone calls and e mails not being answered from UK division of Halifax, keep on trucking and you'll get there in the end. 
Here's a thought, I was a newbie once and posted in all kinds of threads until I got the hang of it, so why not help newbies by pointing them in the right direction. I would have liked that instead of being told I was in the wrong thread. I think people join to get information and help?
Good post Gina, I'll always tell you where to go, mate.
Well, in the first place was only looking for info. on driving in Spain and just happened to see the comments at a time when I was tearing my hair out and thought I'd reply.
Feel like I should go and stand in the naughty corner!
Can't help my name being Herbie tho!
Herbie, don't you DARE stand in the naughty corner. (Think it's full anyway )

This message was last edited by morerosado on 11/21/2007.
Here Herbie, you can't go to the 'naughty corner' BECAUSE........
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 11/21/2007.