Inflatables in community pool

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06 Jul 2022 11:39 AM by mroon Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

We are not allowed to use inflables in our community pool. Are the pool rules around the use of inflatables in pool made by the town hall, provincial govt, in this case Alicante, or the regional government, in this case Valencia. Or are rules made by the community itself?

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06 Jul 2022 1:03 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

By the community, if one brings inflatables in, then everyone will, soon no room in the pool to swim, bad enough when someone brings in a ball and starts to chuck it from one side to the other, its a pool for swimming in not a playground, the clue is in the name...Swimming Pool.

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06 Jul 2022 2:57 PM by mroon Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Thank you. I agree this should not be allowed. Just wanted to ensure who was responsible for making the rule about it.

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