What's life really like?

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09 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
When reality kicks in, the holiday ends. If you are not retired, on a daily basis you have to do the things that you did back home i.e go to work, do the shopping, clean the house. Luckily, we can work from home so we lead a very flexible lifestyle which suits us but wouldn't be for everyone.
So tell us about your life in Spain and what it's really like and is it all it's cracked up to be?


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27 Nov 2006 4:57 PM by raquel Star rating in Valencia. 19 posts Send private message

My first year I was running a self catering apartment in the underbuild of my house, it was great, a dream come true, until the relationship failed. 

 I am now resettled and work for a living, I work long hours monday to friday just like in the UK,   BUT NOW every weekend I am on HOLIDAY in Spain!

 I love the Spanish way of life, its so friendly, relaxed and social. 


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25 Jun 2008 5:51 PM by Luci&Col Star rating in Staffordshire. 29 posts Send private message

Luci&Col´s avatar
It all sounds good so far....!!

Anyone else with stories of thier life in spain?



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25 Jun 2008 6:25 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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you spend twice as much time getting half as much done while pretending not really to care and only appearing to be going at half speed!
seriuosly though,to suceed in Spain you need to work as hard if not harder than in the UK,the difference is the social rewards if not financial are far greater.
Last month i worked 21 days straight off,but  as of tommorow i have full diary for five days consisting of,Water park all day thursday,Beach all day friday and out on a boat with friends on Sunday so i don't need to ask myself if its all worth it.
When you move here at a working age you need to settle in as soon as possible and get into the norm,shopping,school runs and trips to the bank still have to be done but it is far more fun in a pair of shorts and flip flops than a scarf,raincoat and woolly hat.

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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25 Jun 2008 9:27 PM by Luci&Col Star rating in Staffordshire. 29 posts Send private message

Luci&Col´s avatar

Sounds great!! Neither of us are afraid of graft, and the thought of being able to spead our free time doing all those things is well worth the work!

btw... brilliant quote and the very reason to move abroad...."shopping,school runs and trips to the bank still have to be done but it is far more fun in a pair of shorts and flip flops than a scarf,raincoat and woolly hat." lol lol


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