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All you need to know about driving in Spain with a European licence
Brian Deller (Sur News)
Drivers are not obliged to change their licence for a Spanish one

A driver may use a vehicle in Spain as a resident (or a visitor) using a current foreign EU driving licence (DL). There is no legal need to change it for a Spanish DL.
Drivers may easily change it if for a Spanish DL if they wish, but cannot be punished if it is not done as long as the foreign DL remains current. The fee is less than 20 euros. It is very important that the date of expiry as printed on the DL has not been passed and that the periodical medicals have been satisfied as for Spanish drivers. If not, then the DL will be deemed to have expired even if the printed expiry date has not, which means the driver also has no valid insurance. A fine and four penalty points can be imposed.
When the foreign EU DL has expired as shown on the date on it, e.g. at age 70, if the driver is resident in Spain it must be changed for a Spanish licence.
The driver may register a foreign EU DL at ‘Tráfico’, but does not have to, even vocational (HGV, buses, etc) DLs. The driver cannot be punished for not doing so. When registered, the driver should receive the ‘avisos’ (advice letters) as do the Spanish licence holders, with a temporary three-month licence from the Traffic Department when a medical is due, or if the foreign EU DL is about to expire if it has been registered at the department. If stopped at the roadside for an offence for which a charge results, where the police can prove or be reasonably suspicious that you reside in Spain, the driver is subject to the same laws as are the Spanish licence holders, that is, if the offence is very serious, depending on the arresting officer’s decision, the DL may be confiscated at the roadside. If not so serious, the DL details will be noted (new PDA system) and the facts recorded at the Traffic Department along with any fines.
If a future offence occurs, the previous offence will be taken into consideration especially as far as the DL being withdrawn is concerned. In Spain that means it is confiscated. It is expected that from 2010 the standardisation throughout the EU of DLs will start and be fully implemented by 2032.
You mention periodical medicals. What are the rules on these. From what age and how frequently?
I have the new(ish) photo card licence. I know that I don't have to do anything re changing it BUT it has my UK address on it!
At the moment we still own that UK house, but what happens if we sell it?
Can / will DVLC put a non UK address on a UK licence?
Got a while to go till I hit 70, so not too worried about that.
Regards, Fiona
No matter where you go, there you are.
Are you now resident in Spain and have you applied for residencia?
If so then your EU licence is now incorrect as it doesn't contain your correct address.
What you can do is register your licence and have your residencia/nie number put on the paper copy of your licence. Then if you are stopped all the documents you should carry with you by law should tie up. You should have something with you which shows your main residence. If you are driving a hire car the address is on the hire documents, if it's your own car then a copy of the padron will do although I have heard that you need to also have the copy simpla.
I bought a copy of "driving in Spain" and it might also be contained in "You and the Law in Spain" both these books I keep in Spain but from memory I think that once you reach 50 you have to take regular medicals so that could be what Brian Dellar is talking about.
From the regular postings from people trying to sort out their traffic licences it appears that no one knows exactly how to deal with this new EU legistation, it doesn't take into account your change of address if you move within the EU.
Maybe Swansea will change there stance on changes of address outside of the UK but until they do and Spain refuses to issue a new licence you're stuck in the middle.
When out in Spain last week (the permanent move has been delayed slightly), a friend showed me his British photocard licence which has had his NIE number printed on it. I say printed, but it's more like the laser etching process (remember the security marking that the police used to offer) than anything else. I think he said he'd had it done in Marbella when he went to register with the Trafico.
A lot easier than having to carry your paper counterpart around. And less likely to result in disintegration.
My husband was pulled in by policia last night and was repremanded for having an offensive weapon in the back of our car ( it was a golf club) and told to put it into his boot, fair enough i suppose with all the road rage although he is a placid creature. He was also told that our current licence is invalid and we have to contact the consulate to inquire about getting it changed to a european one. We do not have residencia and dont really know if we want it yet, any advice would be appreciated.To be fair it had our uk address on it.
Strange I thought all licences were European.
I have an old style pink/green paper one which has a Euro stamp in one corner.
Whereabouts are you as there's no reference in your "box".
Don't know if you can register your driving licence if you're non resident.
Were you driving a hire car or your own car?
We live here and were driving our own car. we live near oriheula. on the left hand corner of our licence we have a circle with UK inside, i assumed they wew all european and were told that they would be fine,but not according to the powers that be.
I've just looked at my licence and it has UNITED KINGDOM, then the UK surrounded by a circle of stars with DRIVING LICENCE printed underneath. Below that are 11 lines of 11 different languages and beneath that EUROPEAN CUMMUNITIES Model.
This was issued in 1997 when I registered my change of name.
Is that different to yours, Mervy.
I'm sure it must be different to Mr More. as his is over 28 years old and his was deemed to be ok. Only difference is that he was driving a hire car and the rental agreement would have had his home address on which would agree with the one listed on the driving licence.
I've read reports that non residents who own cars here had problems whenever they were stopped by Traffico. That was before the recent change with regards to European licences.
It's still early days and hopefully they will sort it out and residents will get Spanish Driving Licences.
I don't know what to suggest, perhaps you can still register your old style licence with Traffico or maybe the easiest thing would be to apply for a replacement driving licence. You can still keep your old style and have the replacement as back up.
If you want I can bring out the necessary forms for completion when I come out in March.
After a phonecall to british embassey we found out that if resident for more than 3 months a european licence will have to be obtained. Our licence has a circle of stars with UK in the middle and are not valid.
Mr More's licence has nothing on it like that but it is the old green one & issued 28 yrs ago. Valid in UK till 2018. Accepted for Spanish hire cars (non resident).
So Mervy it I've understood you then your licence doesn't have "driving licence" translated into 11 different languages? underneath the UK inside a circle of stars.
Your best bet is to apply for a replacement licence, have you still got a postal address in UK to send it to. If not then you're stummied as it's for UK residents only.
Hiring a car isn't a problem with an old licence as the rental agreement and driving licence will have the same address on it.
One thing I should remind all car hirers to make sure the insurance document is valid before you leave the airport, this should be inside the glove box. Check the date as someone reported the car was confiscated when Traffico found the insurance wasn't valid, took them 2 days to sort it out.
With your own Spanish car then you need to carry more documentation with you to prove that you are legally able to drive the car, proof of insurance instalment. I've heard that if you don't have these then you will not be able to drive the car until someone arrives with the necessary papers.
I suppose you could say you were lucky to get off with a reprimand, they could have impounded the car.
Yes the policeman was very nice and everything about the car was perfectly fine apart from the licence not being a european one, but none of my friends and some have lived here for years have a european licence, theirs is exactly like ours and they thought it was fine to keep on driving using it and some are still disputing the fact it needs to be changed and refuse to do it, but i say when living here we should respect their laws and keep within it.
With a European licence you don't need to change it now to a Spanish licence.
What you can do is show your licence to Traffico? they mark it with NIE? and next time you're stopped you should be ok.
I was talking to someone on my last trip about this and they said they did this. But they are residents, are your friends in the same position as you or are they also residents?
Eddited to remove my double dutch talk
This message was last edited by semijubilada on 2/25/2008.
Thanks for that semi, will do that. we are all residents here except we have not got our residencia yet.
Due to my job I spend at least 3 days a week at the traffic office and have asked the question of whether it is nesscesary to change a UK licence many times.
The over all opinion is: ". For people intending to make Spain their main place of residence it is best to exchange for a Spanish licence. This can be done if you have had residencia for 6+ months, or you have a residencia -6 months but a pardron showing you have been here for 6+ months."
** EDITED ** Commercial
Question " The over all opinion is: ". For people intending to make Spain their main place of residence it is best to exchange for a Spanish licence."
Why is it best there a cost benefit..savings on insurance/....can you provide a tad more detail as why its best to?
_______________________ Always prepare to change and be the best you can....
Read my Blog...
We are just about to bring a car over on UK plates and UK driving licence.
This thread has been very useful.
I have followed this up with several calls to DVL A and visits to DVLA web site and also AA.
The Vesion of the card/photo licenec that is in colour in now replaced by the new European Model. The picture on this one is now in black and white. Anyone who has just passed their test will have this new licence.
The phot has a lif of 10 years befor it needs replacing. My colour version is due to run out 2009. However, DVLA have said they will replace free of charge for the new model if I complete the usual D! form (from the post office) Free of charge because you are updating your picture, otherwise fee will be charged.
The Old (colour ) version can be supported by getting an International Drivers Permit IDP (from selected post offices or Driving organisations - £5.00) See AA web site - driving abroad, lots of useful stuff. I am aiming at belt and braces (new card + IDP)