The Comments |
We r due to complete in a couple of weeks and our neighbours who have already completed r being burgaled
Since xmas there have been at least five that I know of
Some have changed locks etc but they still on coming and now they r doing it in broad daylight whilst u r on your solarium they r coming in thru the patio doors
Now I know people r saying keep your doors locked but if u r outside on your roof surely u should b able to lave your patio door ajar
Let me know any thoughts
Ps does anyone know how we can arrange for street lights to b turned on as we r in complete darkness as well which isn't helping
_______________________ Saznaz
Hi Saznaz
This is an unfortunate situation.
My only thought would be - If you were out in your back garden at home & did not have a clear view of your front door, would you leave the front door open? I don't think I would & therefore I wouldn't in Spain either.
I think it is fairly common for new builds to be targeted in this way & therefore every precautione needs to be taken.
Noreen is quite right Saznaz. It seems that all new builds are targeted. We heard that we had been burgled over the weekend. In this instance no one is quite sure how they got in as all doors and windows were locked etc. We are in the UK and don't go out again until Feb. so we might find out more then. If doors are left unlocked then all well and good but if not it seems that they will just kick them in anyway! In our case they must have come equiped with ladders so it was certainly not opportunist.
I'm not really sure how you can be 100% secure but you can try to make it difficult for them!
This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/4/2008.
I agree with Noreen about not leaving your door open if you can't see it. Seeing as you know new homes are being targetted why do it or even contemplate doing it, makes no sense.
Go to your town hall about your street lights.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/25/2008.
This message was last edited by saznaz on 1/25/2008.
_______________________ Saznaz
Hi Sarah,
read your post and hope you're not upset?
It is awful when people you know are burgled and it is a worrying time for you. Really all you can do is make every effort to keep it all locked, even if you are in one part of the house. We even have a grill over the bedroom window and in the galleria andone over the patio door AND we are 3 floors up!!!!! And I lock it and the front door grill even if I just pop to a neighbours along the corridor.
I know it's a pain, but you quickly get used to it.
edited for spelling mistakes only!!
This message was last edited by Karensun on 1/24/2008.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Sarah, I've sent you a PM.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/25/2008.
Hi Sarah, It is alwful when this happens. I have never been broken into some people I have spoken to say it's a common occurance where they come from.  Their has been a few breakins by us but I have to say I make sure I lock everything doors grille on door and if I go into the bedroom I make sure the front door is shut after a while you do it as a matter of course. Some of the neighbours have had alarms fitted. But I think if they really want to get in they will it is just a case of making it as hard as possible for them. Take care Pat
A friends bedroom window lock didn't work when she moved in so as a tempory measure we measured the channel width and length and bought a length of pipe to slot into the groove at a ferreteria.
May be the same system would work on your patio doors if you want to leave them ajar. Will only work if the door opens on the inside of course.
You could have two length of pipes one for the door closed and one for it slightly ajar.
I always lock my grill doors when I'm inside the house and leave the keys where they can't be hooked from the outside. I've also covered my grills with mosquito netting mainly to stop the flies getting in.
I do have my windows open but only when I'm on the same floor, if I leave the area then I close the windows. I've also put netting on the window grills as well, love the sea breezes but hate flies.
Sorry to hear of your plight, it's one on the things in Spain that leave a nasty taste in your mouth.
When we first arrived at our apartment, Dave showed us just how easy it was to remove the windows or the patio doors, even when locked and the shutters were down!! We invested in some window locks for each opening, inexpensive and it prevents the units being lifted out of their frames too.
Most markets have someone selling window locks & we had someone put locks on each of our 11 windows plus they also put sliding bolts on each of our shutters each end at the bottom so these bolt into walls. Cost very little too. For example we paid 250€ in April 2005. We also have grilles on every window & door. You must be vigilant. It's just unfortunate. We have a Neighbourhood Watch organised on our community too. Look out for each other.