If you are going to re register your car on Spanish plates do it within 60 days of getting your padron,it used to be 30 but they have extended it.
If you dont you will have to pay import tax!! this used to be based on 12% of the value of the car,they have changed it slightly now as it now works on co2 ommisions instead.
Justin is right you can keep your car on Uk plates for six months but you will get stung for the tax if you wait.
I use Linea Directa(direct line) and when i first came here insured a RHD landrover with them,if you have been insured with direct line in the UK they just swap your policy straight over no hassle at all.
I have had to use their services in the past and they paid out no problem.
This message was last edited by georgia on 2/14/2008.