Change Law Firm after inital Deposit - Is it possible. Almerimar
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Tish posted . "Anyway...I don't want to get into controversial territory this morning ! 
I could tell you of the ones not to use...but I don't think that is allowed on the forum."
Aw, go on , Tish, tell It's just between us, ha ha ! ( That's why I send so many PM's !!!!!! )
I couldn't possibly Jeansis.
How do you do all the graphics?
Hi Tish, The law firm is GVA, and it is one of the clauses in our contract that makes them good. If things change nearer completion then I will inform everyone, until then I speak as I find!
Hi, Yes it is possible, I had a number of problems with the firm of solicitors Parador recommended. They where sending me final bills but would not break all the cost down, so I sacked them when there was only a month to go to signing the Notary, I found another solicitor called Jose.
He got the job done quickly and correctly, plus his final bull was cheaper than the other one, so yes you can, and save your self some money along the way. I you want Jose full contact details please get in touch with me.
_______________________ Take care,Davvid2512.
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