Hello everyone,
I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing! I'm after any advice about living and working in spain. We currently have 3 properties here in England that we want to sell and invest in a home in Spain, we have two children a 9 year old and a baby. The tax laws in this country don't do anything to helps us as a working family and to top it all off we get up daily and it's flippin' cold!!!!!
DF is a qualified Driving Instructor and i'm a Finance Administration Manager. I'm worried about our pension returns as MiL has just had hers valued, she's paid into it for 25 years and it's only worth £10k a year 
I've lived abroad before (Malta) but came home to get married (how stoopid, now divorced!) As the years have passed i've realised that my future is not in the UK, i love spain but to be honest i have no idea where to start! i need advice on jobs, schools, residency permits, tax laws, affordable areas (not to touristy)........ Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, sorry if i've gone on a little! 