The Comments |
i think we are saying much the same, i've probabably seen things mostly from a bad point, you have probabably seen more of the good side of things, so i guess a lot depends on personal experience.
Hey Georgia,
How's the filming going? we did escape to the country once, filmed for 3 hours, on programme for 30 seconds (had my roots done and everything )
I remember the first trip we went on (inspection for £49 for two of us). Told them before we went that we wanted Murcia/Mar Menor area. So they showed us Torrevieja and surrounding!!! They really do have ears of cloth . Anyway, we were lucky to have a great rep who said that the sub agent over here hadn't told him of our requirements and had nothing down there. Had a good few days of him showing us around the areas anyway. So it wasn't too much of a wasted trip. BUT, there were other couples that had reps who looked like Grant and Phil Mitchell on steroids. We managed to speak to one couple and they were really upset because their rep had been so nasty to them and wanted to know why they weren't buying anything that he was showing them. i told them to tell him where to go. I certainly would've!! But, I can see how the bully boys operate and it's not nice. just my experience of what I saw happening, and that was 2 years ago. I suspect since then with what has happened to the market, they have stooped to even lower levels to get a sale!! When we got home, the sub agent rang and I said that the rep was really good but if she had given him the right criteria then maybe she would have had a sale. her reply was "He wasn't that good then was he? He didn't sell you anything" I rest my case cheeky b***h!!
Absolutely disgusting what happened to that poor lady. They should be named and shamed!!!!! Why should they be allowed to continue trading?
We went on an inspection trip in January and were treated very well.Rep was brilliant and a brit. He showed us the area and offered us a number of properties in what was then our price range and did not pressureise us to buy.We decided not to buy at that time but to quote Arnie " I'll be back"
It would be easy to be put off by the horror stories but due to our happy experience and the freindliness of the Spaniards we met we can't wait to get back. These dodgy agents do not realise that they are cutting their own throats with these ridiculous tactics
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Unfortunately there are rogue traders in all lines of business and in every place. They don't care if they're cutting their own throats; when they realise the game is up in one place, they'll simply shift their dodgy operations elsewhere - probably the so-called emerging markets, like Bulgaria or Morrocco. Caveat Emptor. Hence my curiosity about Goodstich's friends and where they have decided is better / safer to buy than Spain? It could be that nowhere is good to be buying property right now, but as another member has pointed out on the "Downturn in Price" thread, some places may be worse than others - even Spain!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
2 couples who are friends have bought in Turkey. Not my place of choice, but neither have had any problems so far. One cople have had their place 3 years, and because of their straightforward purchase, the other couple are now buying off-plan, with no problems so far, and a completion date this year, on target!
To be fair, we bought off-plan in Spain nearly 6 six years, when much less info' was available and prices were rocketing. Also, most english people then, thought any lawyer would be working on your behalf, if you were paying them to do so!
I guess with all the info' and warnings, and court cases against the worst sharks being exposed, it could be argued that Spain is safer (if not prettier) now than for many years?
I still love the climate, the people, the culture, but would need to see much change in regulation before we would consider it again.
What a true gentleman you are to help out the elderly lady in difficulty. She must have been very frightened by her experience & I am sure really appreciative of your efforts. So many go out to look for properties on these packages, not just in Spain, and end up feeling bullied into making a purchase. Thank goodness you were around.
We had spent a couple of holidays around the south coast of Spain, liked the area, then spent 2 weeks in the heat of summer seriously looking at areas we liked, it was a final choice between Nerja & around Alicante. We discounted Nerja because it was less than 50% Spanish people & properties were not quite what we wanted. We came back in the February & stayed in San Pedro del Pinetar. We loved the coast there & decided to look in that area; we researched the internet, went to property exhibitions & finally, armed with details of properties we liked, my husband came out to take a closer look, planning to return later in the year to make a final decision. He contacted an estate agent in Torrevieja who took him to all the properties we had listed. Whilst the favorite complex had sold out the agent knew that the same builder was starting a new development in Santiago de la Ribera & now here we are 3 years later having enjoyed a number of stays in our apartment over the last year. It is truly the best thing we have ever done & wish we had done it sooner rather than wait until retirement. We did go about 10 months beyond the agreed completion date but that was not a problem. I guess we all have different experiences to share but the advice should always be to research, research, research. Or then again, maybe our process would have been much quicker had we known about Georgia
The time we spend in Spain is most enjoyable & we feel fortunate that things went well for us. I certainly hope that those of you who have experienced the sharks at work have managed to see the better side of Spain & still want to be here. It will be worth it in the long run.
fantastic to read such positive posts. You sound like you went about it in the right way, and it ended up ok. Good for you. It's what most of us tried to do, and all we wanted. Our case still goes on after nearly 6 years, but would still like to think we will have a place somewhere in the day!
Hi Goodstich
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I guess we were lucky, the only thing on site when my husband visited was a portacabin with the plans & they were just bringing in the desk & chair so it really was off plan when we bought. I really do hope you reach a satisfactory conclusion son
Hi Goodstich
Hope that this year things will get better for you. I know you have been throught the mill and it's horrible. I hope it will draw to a positive conclusion for you.
You forgot to mention your fantastic neighbours 
Don't remind me! Actually she was quite pleasant last week. - Honest!!
I was talking about me  .
eilben/ Candyfloss
thanks, our court case is in May, so fingers crossed. Our lawyer is quite confident, and they have won previous cases against the same developer, but he warns us that in Spain, being in the right doesn't sometimes end up with a fair result. It also depends how the judge feels on the day?, and if we win, it will probably go straight to appeal. More months/years? Doesn't fill me with confidence that justice will be served, but we should win in the end, our case is pretty black and white.