Liquid restrictions - hand luggage

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18 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Liquid restrictions in your hand luggage has reached new heights!

Get this, Gatwick today, through security and had hand luggage checked after Xray.

My crime?

Shock horror, I had 3 cans of Pataks curry sauce!

Of course it was confiscated as "too much liquid" (limit is 100ml)

No thought was given to the fact is was factory sealed, totally unaccesible and able to be re-sealed after I had packed my explosives in it.

Come on! Get a life security in ALL airports!

I do appreciate why you do the checks, and do feel secure when I fly..................

But for goodness sake, have a bit of sense!

There is no way anyone could have got a tin of any description, opened it, added explosives, resealed it  and made it look like it came straight off the factory conveyor belt!

I don't care about the monetory value, it's peanuts, what I do care about is the fact that security staff have no sense or flexibility!

Come on!

It's a sealed flippin' tin for goodness sake!

If I had presented myself dressed like Osama Bin Laden (apologies to you nice Muslims on EOS) then security, might have had a case.

I really don't give a damn about losing my curry sauce, it was a gift for my Brother, so not my loss, but P-L-E-A-S-E have some sense in your decisions!

Not a good day all in all, got new trousers for travelling, got all efficient pouring bleach down the loos in the UK and yes, you got it, new trousers prettily beached perfectly down one leg............................crayoned out with black felt tip pen now......

Press on, worse things happen at sea!

Not really my kindest regards today...................sorry peeps!


Edited due to one spelling mistake................. actually, not bad for me after nearly 2 bottles of Liria!


This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 3/18/2008.

This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 3/18/2008.



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18 Mar 2008 10:57 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

Smuggling now eh Fibby???????????

Well at least you're here in the warm now!!

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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18 Mar 2008 11:11 PM by HybridAnglo Star rating in Leeds & Manilva. 73 posts Send private message

HybridAnglo´s avatar
Airport security is a joke in general. Your story is just one more example.

On one occasion, I caught the bus to Leeds Bradford Airport. As we approached the airport bus-stop, we were flagged down by a rent-a-plod who got onto the bus and made a big deal of checking in between each seat, even asking passengers if they could look underneath hand-luggage. Now, presumably, this was in order to stop any potential bus-bombers exploding the bus directly in front of the main building. Which would be all well and good if they'd bothered to check all the suitcases sitting in the luggage racks. It's not security. It's a face-saving exercise. It's being seen to do the right thing.

Like when I had my tiny little nail scissors confiscated by the x-ray wallahs. Apparently, they were considered a potentially lethal weapon. Fair enough, I said, it was an oversight. And then proceeded to buy a couple of bottles of spirits in duty free. Now, imagine for a second you're a flight attendant. When faced with a 14 stone "terrorist", would you prefer me to be brandishing (a)  a pair of nail scissors, or (b) a couple of smashed 1 litre bottles?

Not that I'm planning on making like a gay terrorist ("Right, I've taken control of this plane. Take me to Amman!") but I'm pretty sure which I could do more damage with.

But, of course, they're not making money on nail scissors and curry paste.

Cynical? Moi?



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18 Mar 2008 11:12 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Hi my little friend Karensun, thanks to you, I can talk all night on the computer, for which, you know, I am eternally grateful.

The old git is in bed, me?........................ Not too much wine.........yet!

No Chelsea matches on this time, so no Chelsea boy cheering this time!

Lub ya lotsa lotsa

my kindest regards, as always to you, bring on the Lyria!




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18 Mar 2008 11:22 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Actually Hybridanglo, you have a valid point there!

The lady at security said I could either:

1. go back and give it to someone outside the security area

2. Check it in as hold baggage

If I could do none of the above, it would be chucked in the bin as garbage.

So..................if I went back and gave it to someone, they could have blown up the check in desks...................

If I had checked it in a hold baggage, it could have exploded on board anyway............................

If it got chucked in the bin?

With so many confiscated goods in "that" bin in the Xray department, potential explosives...................................RUN LIKE HECK!

This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 3/18/2008.



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18 Mar 2008 11:28 PM by PrincessK Star rating in Warwickshire / Duque.... 27 posts Send private message

You won't believe this one.....

Last summer the xray machine at Birmingham Airport bleeped loudly at my trolley bag. I duely opened it to reveal a lovely pair of pink satin short & strappy top pj's which they showed to everyone around, a plastic container of white Dulux emulsion and an upholstry staple gun.... yeah.. ok it should have gone in the hold but it was a last minute thing and the case was locked.  The staple gun contained a large variety of staples of different strengths and length - quite dangerous in the situation we've found ourselves in with airport security.  But were they bothered - Not really.  They were more concerned with the water based emulsion paint !!!!  It is water based, not gloss. It is not flamable - it doesn't say it is on the plastic container.  They phoned through to the pilot who said no way.  Why - it is flamable - no it isn't, it is water based.  No way would they let me take it.  My partner had already got through with 2 large cans so I shouldn't put up too much of a fight for it - they might call him back.

They then looked at the staple gun and asked what it was for - I'm upholstering the dining chairs with the fabric that is in the case in the hold, and only remembered the staples at the last minute. This was acceptable and I was allowed to take the staple gun and my silky pj's in a large trolley bag into the cabin.

They held onto the paint so I could collect it on my return flight 2 weeks later - and sure enough I picked it up and tried again a few weeks later and got it through.

I'm not one to give up when there is no real reason to......



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18 Mar 2008 11:40 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

I beleive it.................I do!

Maybe they could handle you sticking them to the cabin walls with  spiteful staples.

Dressing the cabin crew with the lush fabric ad hoc....................

But stopped short of the pink paint for the walls as it night have given the game away!

Hey ho, anything goes.....come fly with me!?h



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19 Mar 2008 8:38 AM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I take it the curry jars had the poppers on the top to show if they had been opened? You can get around that by heating up the product inside and placing it in the jar whilst still hot (steaming preferably). As the product cools, the air inside contracts and pulls in the popper. Voila, never before opened food jar.


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19 Mar 2008 9:53 AM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar
They were tins Mark, thats what made it so ludicrous!



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19 Mar 2008 10:50 AM by Sonia El Star rating in Wales / Carvajal, F.... 212 posts Send private message

I've just read your stories with interest and total agreement in that it is all a nonsense.  I'm of the believe that it's to make sure we buy their overpriced drinks ie water and that the security staff (and others) get their freebies for all the confiscated goods. As you say anyone can put anything in the hold.

I had a Spanish security guard very animated a couple of years ago because I forgot a pocket swiss army knife in my bag.  I didn't even realise it was in there as it had slipped into the lining.

We went to Dom Rep last year and all our drinks were confiscated at the airport as we were flying back to UK (Thomson) and we were going to have at least 3 hour wait.  OK rules are rules but then we noticed that other airlines were not bothering and people were going through with bottles, cans everything.  The security checks didn't care.  It was the Thomson staff that were taking our liquids.  We gave our unopened cola to some locals rather than see it go 'to waste'.

Perhaps they should have let you taste the curry paste like they do the baby's milk. Interested to know that you got paint through.  We're not particularly thrilled but the choice of emulsion but not taking any cases for a while so that'll have to wait.

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19 Mar 2008 11:28 AM by PrincessK Star rating in Warwickshire / Duque.... 27 posts Send private message


You can get emulsion through as long as you securely tap the lids on and put in the outsized baggage area secured in a box.  I took it in my hand luggage to prevent damage and spillage - but they didn't like it... I think if I hadn't had the staple gun it would have got through.

I took a Vax carpet cleaner last year - all boxed up - now that proved difficult and a lot of explaining - but they allowed it after careful discussion and scanning.  My other half just walks away, you wouldn't believe what I try and take on flights.  I have actually got a microwave in one suitcase.



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19 Mar 2008 9:27 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

I think that, next time I fly, I'll turn up at the airport in just a pair of undies.  After having my camera scanned, wiped with some type of powder and scanned twice, I was then asked to remove my shoes.  Fortunately (to save my wife's blushes)  I didn't have my Sunday socks on (the Holey ones). Then it was remove your belt (it had a plastice buckle) before standing in the crucifix position while some guy rubbed his hands all over me.  Out came my wallet for a search (paper money and business cards) before being allowed through.  And I hadn't even set the alarm off!!  My wife, on the other hand, had a knee replacement a while back.  You should really see the look of glee on the security bods face when those alarms start ringing!!  And all the while, you get those piped messages and signs "We take security extremely seriously.  Anyone making jokes about security may be removed from their flight".  Wow!!!  Can't even rely on a sense of humour to get us through this ever-increasing nightmare of air travel.  So I'd better not just turn up in undies as they might thinkg I'm taking the wee wee and will remove me from the flight.

Still, not as bad as this story:

"Osama bin Laden will doubtless be absolutely gutted to learn that any plan he may have had to destroy a US airliner using a life-size novelty mechanical farting terrier is doomed to failure.

Yup, the ever-vigilant airport security officials in Norfolk, Virginia, responded instantly when Brit passenger Dave Rogerson's flatulent fido's outgassing triggered a security device, the BBC reports.

It appears that the "wind-breaking mechanism registered as a high explosive on sensitive monitoring equipment", resulting in armed Feds swooping on Mr Rogerson.

Rogerson is reported as saying: "There's no humour at American check-ins and for about 20 minutes I was quite scared. They were very jumpy and convinced there was something explosive in the dog."

Happily, tests soon revealed that the malodorous mutt posed no threat to national security, and was returned to its owner. Mr Rogerson has now renamed the animal "Norfolk" in honour of the airport and its contribution to the War on Terror. "

Still, if ever you fell as if you're losing your sense of humour, you might be lucky enough to get this pilot giving you the pre-flight briefing:

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain
speaking. Thank you for flying British Airways Flight 324
nonstop from London to New York. We are still awaiting our
security clearance from U.S. authorities, but it's safe to
assume that we'll land in New York sometime in the next
month or so.

If you look to your left, you will see a landmark that
attracts more than one million tourists every year. It's
called Heathrow Airport. Yes, we haven't yet taken off, as a
few astute passengers have noticed. Needless to say, we
would rather wait on the ground than in the air -- it's so
much easier to get a refill. You won't believe how fast we
go through our liquor cart.

The weather in New York is cold and breezy, with a 30
percent chance of snow. But why am I telling you that? By
the time we get there, it might be summer.

Of course, there is still a possibility the status of this
flight will be changed to "delayed indefinitely" from its
current status of "delayed definitely." If that happens, you
may be asked to disembark immediately. With that in mind, I
would advise you not to get too comfortable. You may recline
your seat and stretch your legs, but please don't change
into your pajamas.

If you are spotted wearing pajamas in the airport, the
United States may revoke your visa. In fact, if you are seen
wearing any type of clothing that does not conform to
standards established by the U.S. Attorney General, as
specified in Section IV, Paragraph 3 of the Anti-Terrorism
Law, you may be denied entry into the United States, unless,
of course, you can prove you're a member of the clergy.

Please do not take this personally. These measures have been
taken to protect you from people who look like you.

As you've probably heard, the U.S. government recently
raised the national threat level to orange, which means
there's a high risk of terrorists attacking people with
oranges. This may seem like a minor threat to you, but has
anyone ever squeezed an orange peel into your eye?

As a result of this threat, airport security has been beefed
up, with apologies to our vegetarian passengers. Some of you
already know this, having spent the last two hours being
poked at. A few of you may have come under extra scrutiny,
especially if you have names such as Hussein, Ahmed and
Abdul. But most of you are white and your names, thankfully,
create no concern, as I just told the three men in first
class, an Englishman named Hunt, an American named Rob, and
a Dutchman named Harm.

Once we get to New York, you may be photographed and
fingerprinted, especially if you come from a non-European
country. Please do not take this personally. No one is
saying that you're a terrorist. They're just saying that you
look like one.

Before I finish, I'd like to draw your attention to the back
of the plane, where you'll see that we have an Indian man
flying with us today. Please do not panic. He has been
through a special 16-hour security check. We even tested the
oil in his hair. You'll be glad to know that it isn't
flammable. Among the items we've confiscated from this man
are two sharp pencils, one orange and a bottle of a caustic,
tongue-burning substance that he claims is lemon pickle.
Anyway, I just want you to know that this man will soon get
up to use the restroom, escorted by three armed flight
marshals. His activities in the restroom will be observed
with 206 cameras, one for every bone in his body. He has
been instructed to keep his hands raised above his head at
all times, so you might not want to use the
restroom after him.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, I'm retiring in a
couple of months and I feel a strong urge to be completely
open with my passengers, an urge I've had ever since the
liquor cart went by.

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12 Apr 2008 12:13 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Some of you may recall I posted ages ago about having tins of baked beans & ravioli confiscated at Bristol as they have liquid in them. As some on other forums told me "do you think Spain is such a 3rd world country that we don't have these ?" (I was taking them for convenience so I didn't have to spend time looking as it was new to us where to go to buy certain products & we were only going for a week at a time in those days). Since then I've found Carrefour & English supermarkets sell it all, at a price. I'm giving up taking certain items such as Tetley teabags, Marmite & OatsSoSimple porridge for friends as I now realise they can buy these there, they just don't want to pay the price. Perhaps we now can travel with just hand baggage.


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12 Apr 2008 12:30 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Some of you may recall I posted ages ago about having tins of baked beans & ravioli confiscated at Bristol as they have liquid in them. As some on other forums told me "do you think Spain is such a 3rd world country that we don't have these ?" (I was taking them for convenience so I didn't have to spend time looking as it was new to us where to go to buy certain products & we were only going for a week at a time in those days). Since then I've found Carrefour & English supermarkets sell it all, at a price. I'm giving up taking certain items such as Tetley teabags, Marmite & OatsSoSimple porridge for friends as I now realise they can buy these there, they just don't want to pay the price. Perhaps we now can travel with just hand baggage.


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12 Apr 2008 1:39 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

I remember years ago working at the airport in Palma (Mallorca), all the Irish arriving for their package holidays in Santa Ponsa with their cooler boxes full of Irish bacon - as they didn't think they'd be able to get decent bacon in Spain.

Hello More! Been awful quiet around the forum without you. Welcome back.



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12 Apr 2008 9:56 AM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar


Talking about hand luggage. I am taking the plunge later in the year without a suitcase (aren't I the adventurous one?  )

Anyway, this has probably been answered before but can't find it. Ok, I can see that you can book the boarding pass online to go, but how does it work coming back? Do you print off the return boarding pass at the same time of booking. Being blonde again, I know, but have seen the facility on easy jet but haven't seen it on BMI baby. Anyone done this through BMI?

Answers on a postcard please.

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12 Apr 2008 10:18 AM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 posts Send private message

dringman´s avatar
I had a look at getting boarding pass online and got impression that with new regulations going into Spain re passport scanning or something, it can't be done now.

Gogledd Cymru / Warwickshire/ Condado de Alhama soon

_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
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12 Apr 2008 10:31 AM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Thanks Dringman.

Still, getting there an hour before and allocated seats with BMI not too bad. The other end not waiting for cases and getting the car straight away will be good though.

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12 Apr 2008 10:41 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Hola Roberto, thanks for kind thoughts. I'd heard forum was quiet without me, ha ha.  Not going to be around anything like as much (can't get into "bother" then, can I ?  ) but will be lurking on sidelines.

Flossy dear, regarding printing your boarding card off online we have only used Easyjet, as you know. We printed our boarding cards to Murcia last November (as we were only taking hand baggage) & it allowed us to print the return ones too BUT we noticed there were three barcodes on outward ones & only two on return ones so we asked at Easyjet info desk at Bristol. Woman said the return ones couldn't be used as a barcode was missing & claimed our printer had cocked up the print. In the queue to go out to the aircraft we saw another couple were using these & their return ones were the same. As we showed our passports as we went through to plane we asked Easyjet then & showed return print offs & they didn't know.

We decided on our return we ought to check in in case of problems so we stood in queue & never mentioned we'd printed the return ones but woman checking us in said we'd done it & she wondered why we'd joined check in queue !! So the explanations started yet again. We then asked at the Easyjet info kiosk within Murcia terminal & woman said they were ok. Then she rang someone who looked at them & said they weren't !  Talk about incompetance. So, your guess is as good as ours on this one ALTHOUGH I did see a thread in the "other" forum about this & it was said we should print off return ones from Spain & it was then ok.

What a stupid arrangement. How many are printing each journey off ?


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12 Apr 2008 10:41 AM by PrincessK Star rating in Warwickshire / Duque.... 27 posts Send private message


If you only have hand luggage you can jump the queue (with permission) and use the separate queue for handluggage and privilage card holders check-in. This is usually located in the same area.  It stands out at Birmingham Airport we use it all the time.

From touch down to leaving Malaga airport without luggage we've done it in 20 minutes.  5 euros for a buggy got us out in 12 minutes.



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