The Comments |
Browsing for properties I see a lot of Urbanisations mentioned that I have no idea where they are.Is there a map or a list of Urbs that shows where they are?
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Urbanisation is a euphemism for middle of nowhere. Try looking in proper towns instead!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
It's a pity then that the agents offer such a lot of properties " in the middle of nowhere". Looks like thousands of people have been fooled into thinking they were moving into a civilised area. !! :-)
( sorry can't put a smiley on as I am using a different computer today and they are blocked)
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Agents have been offering properties in the middle of nowhere because developers have been offering them fat commissions for selling the rubbish they've been building in the middle of nowhere. On tonight's Holiday Homes From Hell (on ITV? - is there a thread about it yet?) one of the featured properties, on the Costa del Sol, was signposted from a motorway "Urbanisation Camposol". It appeared to be in the middle of a desert, so maybe somewhere near Almería? Why does anybody want to buy in places like this? Beats me.
On a serious note, in answer to your original question, perhaps Justin (EOS) can help. He probably has amassed more information on new developments, especially in Southern Spain, than anybody, and may even have the list your after.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Cheers Roberto, I take your point, must keep an open mind re the established towns and villages.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
I have mentioned it before but does bear repeating. When being shown a property, be it on an urbanisation or a village or the middle of a town (but especially a new urbanisation) there are several things to think about.
Urbanisations are, generaly, legal and you won't have the problems that some people have had where they have lost land and paid for the privelege just to get the area urbanised. One thing to think about.
DO NOT listen to what the agent or builder or developer tells you about the potential for the areas infrastructure. Whether they say Disney is building there or there are going to be so many shops and bars and restaurants in a couple of years time, look to see what is actually there. We went to see a place to the north of Torrevieja about 6 years ago which was, quite frankly, in the middle of nowhere. We were told bars etc etc would soon be built and even shown where they were going to be. People who bought there have no facilities whatsoever, no phones, no bars, no shops and have to drive 5 miles for a pint of milk. We were also shown the lovely views over the orange groves to the sea. Now, the orange groves have been flattened and dozens of flats have been built on them which also cuts down on the view to the sea.
Which brings me to another point. See what is there and imagine what may be built. The disappearing orange groves is one, some beautiful houses near me had a great view down the hill, over the golf course and towards the sea, UNTIL Mercandona built a 4 storey supermarket right in front of them (car park on top). This is about 20 metres in front of their balconies so you can imagine what the view is like now.
The show house will be nothing like the place you get. We saw a show house with lovely wide roads, a slowly ascending staircase to the top flat and plenty of car parking. The places being sold have a street about half the width, a staircase which seems to go straight up and, of course, not enough room to park a car.
There are, of course, many other things to take into account and the above are only a few examples. I know there are a lot of people who have bought on short inspection trips but be very, very aware of what might happen to the area you buy in.
From reading these forums and the nighmare's some people have had, our sorry story in eutopia in comparison. Without going into the in's and out's of builders, dodgy solicitors, Parador Properties etc. Bobaol raises important points. Our villa does not have the view to the sea we expected, but does have some sea view (which after the hassle we had we were grateful to have a house). We were assured by Parador that the views we had to the sea was 'protected' land and would never be built on. 4 years later the bulldozers are there and on the mountain side. Depending on what is built this could destroy our views and as they were a deciding factor in the purchase it will be very upsetting. We are hoping that with the new vigour re protected land and the downturn in development the new building will be halted, but hey, we're talking Spain here so who knows where it will end.
Similar thing happened to us Poppy,----- In the UK
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Do you have publicity brochures with the views reflected? You could enforce that for compensation/cancellation.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Don't know if the law is the same in Spain - but in England you are not entitled to a view - light...yes - but not a view.
Building plans can be rejected because they restrict light to surrounding houses - but appeals are not allowed on views being affected 
If any builder/planner / agent promises you a sea/golf/any type of view - do not believe it - not unless you are front-line, and even then with reservations.
Hi Roberto-i too watched the programme and it sent a shiver down my spine when Mr Prior collapsed from the stress.
Regarding Camposol Urbanisation,if you were looking for it in the Costa del sol you would be looking for a long time.
Camposol is just outside Mazaron on the Costa calida so i guess the researcher got the sack for that one.
There was a thread on here regarding Campasol, i affectionately know it as "Camparsole" but last time i mentioned that i got shot down by people stating that it is a wonderful place to live and there is nothing wrong with the build.
Anyway,with everything,there are good urbs and bad urbs some are in the middle of nowhere others are on golf courses attached to towns or on the coast.
You should really take all considerations mentioned above before taking the plunge.
Acapulco-if you want to know where a specific urb is,post it on here and i will give you a rough idea and my opinion.
still here after all these years!
There are around 7000 properties on Camposol and a very small percentage have problems like the ones that were shown on TV. Folk like you always like to jump on the band wagon ' sticking the knife in' Bet you haven't even been to the place??? You name me an urbanisation that hasn't had problems in Spain.
Yes I do have a place at Camposol and its lovely. The views of the mountains and countryside are spectacular. Theres a feeling of peace and tranquility that you can't get in a lot of places further north...Don't knock it til you try it
To Roberto
CAMPOSOL/ GOLF URBANISATION is not in the Costa del sol or Almeria, it is also not in the middle of the desert. It is in the Costa Calida near the town of mazarron. We have motorway access to all of the big cities. We are approx 12 minutes from the beautiful unspoilt beaches of Mazarron and Bolnuevo. The area is very unspoilt, no McDonalds, No trashy amusement arcades and not too many 'british' bars, its just very spanish as it should be...after all we came to Spain to get away from the british culture...or
lack of!
This message was last edited by CaroleM on 4/5/2008.
Just to set the record straight, I didn't say Camposol was on the CDS - the program makers did. They also called their program Holiday homes from Hell, but as I understand it, the Priors are not on holiday, they are residents. There were no doubt many other inaccuracies and discrepancies, as usual with these programs.
Carol, I did not mean to cause any offence by my comments (and apologise unreservedly if I did). Obviously everyone is entitled to their own preference, and what works for one may not for another. Personally, urbs such as the one depicted (I can only presume it was Camposol?) leave me cold. The view from a nearby hill, (and the conclusions of the surveyor, or whatever he was) seemed to show a rectangular grid of streets of houses - and not much else, plonked in an arid valley where clearly it shouldn't be. There are probably very good reasons why previous civilizations over many centuries didn't bother settling there. Perhaps because they didn't want to be dependant on cars and motorways to get around. 
On a more serious note though - since you are familiar with said urbanisation, and since you say it is very "Spanish", I would be interested to know what sort of proportion of Spanish to foreign ownership is there? It was interesting that the meeting of residents with problems with their properties seemed to be all English. Of course I appreciate that being an English TV production it is inevitable that they focus on these owners - but I just wondered if any Spanish owners are experiencing similar problems? I think the program makers like to try to suggest to viewers that it's only the Brits getting stitched up. Apparently the developer had told them that they had resolved most problems. Being cynical, should we assume that they've resolved problems for Spaniards, and left Johnny foreigner to suffer?
This message was last edited by Roberto on 4/6/2008.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
** EDITED - Commercial post **
_______________________ Hayley and Roger Warner
Hi Roberto
Thanks for your reply
Camposol isn't in the middle of nowhere, although maybe it did look like it, as I said we are 10-12 minutes from some beautiful beaches, Mazarron town is just down the road where we have, probably like you, weekly markets, lots of shops, cafes and restaurants, the inhabitants are mostly spanish, the port, as I said previously is lovely with a new marina (we are very proud of it) we have the large towns of Totana and Lorca where you can catch a train, to Madrid or where ever you wish to visit . Lots of shops Hypermarkets, places of historical interest etc... We have new motorways now which can take you through Almeria or northwards to the more built up resorts. We have lovely views of the mountains and farmland, better than lots of other urbs and high rise blocks Polaris world are not too far away, which will bring more prosperity to the area I'm sure (Even with all its expensive advertising and hype, I believe they are having their own problems)
As for Camposols residents, I would say with all honesty it is probably a larger % of Brits but we have Dutch, Norweigan, French ,Italians, German (aqpologies to nationalities I have missed) and of course more and more spanish are buying there because the houses are very good value for money. Our next door neighbour is a spanish chap who teaches his own language (very handy)!!
Camposol has had and still has its' share of problems BUT you ask 95% of the people and I bet they will tell you they love the place warts and all!! We still have to have the infrastructure finished, landscaping, etc etc...Oh and the new Sensol luxury spa hotel has just opened recently.
Its like everywhere Roberto, we all love what we have and don't like to hear it criticised I'm sure you are the same , 
'Bye' for now
To be honest, Carole (with an "e" - sorry for the error previously), I have never been to your neck of the woods and it would be foolish of me to base my opinion of it soley on a TV program of dubious accuracy. You paint a pretty nice picture of it. If I'm ever in the vicinity, I will certainly try to check it out.
I remember very clearly the first time I saw Torremolinos. I got off a bus from Fuengirola, where I was staying, took one look at some of the ugly concrete blocks of flats in the town centre, and got back on the bus. Not that Fuengirola is beautiful by any stretch of the imagination either, but Torrie didn't exactly bowl me over with it's charm! I never dreamt I'd end up living here. Funnily enough, I still think it's pretty ugly, but it does have quite a few positives going for it too, as with anywhere.
The main thing is, it's home - at least for now. And as long as you are happy where you are, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks really, does it? 
All the best!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto
Visit in a couple of years and (hopefully) we should be a lot further on with infrastructure, landscaping, etc. etc..FINGERS CROSSED AND CROSSED AGAIN
You could even call for a beer and we will give you a guided tour...
Take care