The Comments |
Hi all,
We are Andy & Charlotte. We brought our apartment in Almoradi, near Guardamar, in Costa Blanca 18 months ago. We plan to move out there permanantly within the next 2 - 3 years (our son is currently in the first year of his GCSE's & have a gap before our daughter starts them) so that is our window to make the move. We have been members of this site since we brought our apartment but have only read the forums, which are fantastic, we have learnt so much, but now feel the need to start posting (feels a little rude just reading peoples conversations & not joining in) so I thought I would introduce us.
Hi Andy & Charlotte, welcome to the forum. Glad you're impressed. 
We love Almoradi & go each Saturday to the market when we are there in Spain. We know members who own there on outskirts of town. We go to Cafe Vienna on market days. if you don't know it, it's down the street right opposite the church steps & opposite stalls so it's interesting watching the comings & goings as you have a coffee beer coffee .
Hi Morerosado,
Thanks for the welcome. We own near the edge of the town too, just off Calle Major near the other end from the square (main road on the right of the square when you are sitting in Cafe Vienna) down by the Medical Centre and bar called Urgencia. How long have you owned in Guardamar?
Hi again. As my profile shown on every post says, since April 2005.
I see you're in Leicester, I lived in Loughborough BTW then in East Leake on the Leics/Notts border till we moved here to Somerset in 1980.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/17/2008.
Off work at the moment following an operation - after 4 weeks on sick brain starting to shrink. 
Need a holiday!

So where in Leicester ?
Thank you - starting to feel better.
Braunstone Town in the West of Leicester - do you know Leicester?
Thank you 
I have a few more weeks on the sick, so plenty of time for EOS.
Am I chatting with Charlotte rather than Andy ? No, I don't know Leicester actually. Some put Leicester though meaning Leicester shire so I would know places nearer Loughborough & Nottingham. I went to grammar school in Quorn but apart from shopping occasionally in Leicester it's all very virgin to me.
Yes you are chatting to Charlotte. See what you mean - we actually do live in Leicester - but days are numbered. Being off work at the moment I have been researching & planning our move, told the OH that at this rate I will have the moving date & leaving party booked soon!
I'm all over EOS today but my lunch is downstairs getting cold so will be away till later on.
QVC has Molton Brown on then Cooks Essentials, two of my fave progs all in one day. 
Hi Andy and Charlotte as more and justin said welcome to eos, l have an apartment in Almoradi on the edge of town as you come in from guardamar, love the town and area,as more says a great saturday market,l meant to met up wih more last time l was over but got held up,will def meet in June,as more said you can meet and make some good friends on here,good luck with your planning.Pat.
I've never been to Almoradi market can anyone give me idiot proof directions on how to get there from Torrevieja and the best place to park.
I live in between the 332 and the motorway so if anyone can provide directions for both then I'll decide which ones to follow.
I'm taking my sister over with me next week for a short break. The day after we arrive I'm having replacement shutters installed, if they take longer than a day to fit then we will miss Torrevieja's market day on Friday
I prefer to buy my fruit and veg from a market, most supermarkets pre-package theirs and it's too much for one person.
Good morning semi, though, as our central htg pump has packed up & we're trying to find a plumber who will come out today, I'm not a happy (or warm bunny) today.
Go along the Crevillente road to the motorway, AP7. Come off at 2nd junction, signed Almoradi. Follow Almoradi signs, it's not far ! Police are on main road just before the market, directing traffic so you can't miss it. Park where you can really, up side streets as we do. Generally we get a space before the market up a side street on the left by a new park area with cafe in it.
Enjoy, you'll love it. Endless stalls including so many fruit & veg all in one area too. Go to Cafe Vienna for coffee/sandwiches. It's just a short way down the road opposite the church steps as mentioned before. Market stalls are in front of the cafe.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/18/2008.
Thanks for the welcome Pat , we are not out at Almoradi again until July but would be nice to meet for coffee if anyone else is out at that time.
Morning Morerosado - have you found a plumber that will come out today?
Morning More
son said "have a go at tapping it first."...........may be lack of use.... we all get like that when we sit to long.
I think he means the pump..................
Good morning Harley, he has tried tapping it, as OH reported back to me through clenched teeth. He's not happy.
It was working ok last night as it has been doing since October 1980. Nothing has failed in 28 yrs, except we had to replace the central htg programmer twice in all that time. I guess we've been living on borrowed time really. Anyway, I said to C that when we have engr in our grip get him to sort out seized stop cock in garage, overflow on cloakroom's wc, gas fire, let's make use of him.