At the moment I am trying to get a refund of the IAJD tax as my lawyer did not inform me of the difference between buying a holiday house and a house for permanent use. I noticed this in your booklet “Housing II” from Diputacion de Alicante. Although the lawyer knew we were living permanently since five months and that we were waiting for the Recidensia, she wrote the opposite in the Compraventa because “ it is our rule”. This internal rule has cost us about 1.500 Euros.
To get the tax refund, our lawyer asks for a lot of documents. I understand why Recidensia and Empadronamiento are needed, but do not understand why proof of bank account, proof of water and electricity and tax declaration are needed. Therese document does not proof anything that matters but generates a lot of work. As we not yet have water contract and recently got electricity contract I had to obtain a letter from the builder that we have been on builders water and electricity supply. But the builder has not decided if they will give us that letter.
So my question is: What documents do I really need to get the refund on IAJD, and what shall I do if the builder refuses to give me the necessary document?