The Comments |
Has anyone on here taken a Rottie into Spain, if so what did you have to do first? After reading the thing on dangerous dogs im starting to wonder if its a good idea to take him there, i mean what if i miss something by mistake will i get him taken from me?
Have you read the thread do not take your dog to Spain.
There's a reply there from someone who has a German Shepherd, you could try sending them a pm for information. It's been a couple of months since they posted and they might be able to explain what needs to be done.
My reading of the information seems to point to you having to supply proof on your criminal history for the previous two years, perhaps they want to be assured of the reason why you want a dog that is generally regarded as a guard dog.
I owned a GSD for many years, she was a very gentle dog but when I took her to training classes there were many there who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. Speaking to the owners they were not bought from a reputable breeder, the dogs were very nervous and were difficult to control. A case of bite first before you're bitten.
I've only just seen this post!
How are you getting along?
We are also taking our Rotti to Spain and we are talking to our Lawyer, who's just completed on our property, in order to make sure EVERYTHING is done BEFORE we move.
Your Rotti will have to be Mircochipped, fully vaccinated and have a valid pet passport before you do anything else!
Again, it seems to be different areas have different legislation. Or maybe it's just that some areas are more slack than others when following the rules and regulations governing 'Dangerous Dogs'.
In any case, we are going to start a blog concerning Woofy and what's needed to protect him in Spain.
All I can say is this, if a local area doesn't 'require' something that the 'Dangerous Dog' act says is required, then GET IT DONE ANYWAY! That way, you know you dog is FULLY protected.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Hi Techno
My friends live in La Marina on the CB & have an English bull Terrier, Badger, as daft a mutt as you'd find. Anyway, classed as a dangerous dog.
Marion has a website for Badger & she gives lots of information regarding dangerous & potentially dangerous dogs also (at the bottom of the page) writes of all the things she had to do when trying to register Badger. I gave this info to teekapoo & you're welcome to it as it will interest you, I'm sure.
Great idea re Blog, I'm sure others will find it useful.
Did you also read "Do not take your dog to Spain" further down on this section.
Damok666 said he was also going to start registration details for his 8 month old Alsation but haven't heard anything since, may be worth posting a pm to him to find out how he's progressing. Although as you're going to be in a different region in Spain it might not work out exactly the same. As we all know it all depends on who you're speaking to at the time. Good idea to take an interpreter with you especially as this is a new law so not everyone will understand how it's supposed to work.
Personally I think it's a good law and something which should also be adhered to overhere. That way we can sort out the good owners from the bad.
Well, I talked to Tyler about starting a blog about his move to Spain, he was very excited and his stumpy little tail did wag so much, I thought it was going to fly off!
He's insisted however that he do it himself, in his own words.
I will have to translate and do the typing, as his paws are so big, he started smashing the keyboard! 
He's having his late afternoon kip right now, however after he awakens from said and has his early evening walkies, and his owners return from the pub, he has said he will start his blog in earnest, starting from the beginning.
This is his blog address:
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Techno, are you reading Brinkley's blog ? Tyler would enjoy reading it as Brinkley & Brandy, his brother, a couple of 7 - 8 month old Cavalier King Charles spaniels, are now living in Spain (Almeria) after driving there from the UK with their mummy (Jacqui of J&N on here) & their daddy, Neil a couple of months ago.
Jacqui's blog about moving to Spain read in conjunction with Brinkley's blog
The pups blog is SO HILARIOUS.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/25/2008.
Come on , I keep checking your blog & there's zilch to read. 
Your parents cannot STILL be at the pub, it's 2pm next day !!! 
Hi More,
Tyler has asked me to say that just for you, he's posted his 1st entry into his blog.
He's now having his early afternoon kip, so he will add to it later.
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 7/26/2008.This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 7/26/2008.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?