The Comments |
Technoape, I'm watching you. 
We're in sunny Almeria, staying with Jacqui & Neil (San Juan de los Terreros).The sun is hot, sky is blue & wine is flowing. Spending tomorrow night with Jane b & her hubby.
Thoroughly enjoying the holiday & missing you (NOT )
Adios x
Hola More
Oi you. Stop right there. Enjoying yourself with blue skies, hot sun and wine a flowing. Now thats just plain cruel.
Seriously hope you are enjoying yourself. Missing you on the Forum.
Take care. Adios Chrissie
Blimey, didn't expect More back on until she got back to the UK.  especially having seen first hand her dedication to the liquid grape. Couldn't keep up myself but of course I am a little older  . Wife and I enjoyed the company though  ,just wish we were still over there.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
I had a feeling that someone in Spain had there 'eye' on me! (get it, get it)
Glad you are having a fab time, can't wait for 28th June, when we will be flying out to the CDS.
PS. Try and leave some wine for the rest of us.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Here I am (again) !!!!!!!! 
At Jane B´s & her OH´s.(Almeria).
Just had ace meal with copious amounts of vino tinto, hic. 
Well, someone has to do it !!!
Adios x
This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/18/2008.
How does that song go More?"----- nobody does it better"
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Hi More how is the sun send us some or bring some back with you cheers Paul
Just got back to the UK last night & thought I'd check my mail, like one does. 
Had such a great 24 days, don't know where the time went.
Went with Karensun, her OH, my OH, Patpur & his mum to Valencia on a coach trip on 26th June. God, the heat was unbelievable, pharmacy temperature signs said 36 degrees. We wilted. Went to a shopping mall there which had a shop called Master Cadenas. It's an electrical shop & there were a few computers around. In the UK in Comet, Curry's etc you can "play" with these so I thought I'd do the same as my OH was checking out DVD recorders & I was bored. I saw one which had a thingy showing on the screen saying " virus threat detected" & asking if I wanted to download the free AVG virus checker ! I clicked the "X" & it said "are you sure ?" so I clicked "yes". It went off the screen & I Googled for eyeonspain (didn't log in though). I saw Karen had posted in the bucket so I clicked on the thread to read it but a sales assistant suddenly sprung out at me & she wasn't happy (I got the gist of her annoyance with her repeatedly saying non, louder & louder as she waggled her finger at me). I gathered these computers were to check stock, not check out the forum, ooops !!! 
Semijubilada & her OH called round to see us & we had almost 4 hrs together chatting.
Almeria was great, Jane b & J& N were such smashing hosts. We spent a night with each.
Met Harley & her OH, Patpur, Karensun & her OH in Almoradi market on Saturday too, had a round of drinks, well, you've got to, haven't you ? 
One day Acapulco & his OH came to see us & met up with Karensun & her OH, who were with us.
Another day my OH & I met Georgia, Acapulco & his OH on Guardamar seafront for a drink.
Another day Acapulco & his OH saw us on the seafront & sat & had a coffee whilst we finished our MDD. Then we heard thunder & the heavens opened. I've never seen such a deluge in Spain like it. We were soaked. However, that was the only day we had rain so we'll forgive Spain. In fact it's been getting so hot these last few days I'm glad to be home in the UK. All I really wanted to do was flake out under the aircon unit. It was draining.
When we arrived night of June 9th we had no idea that the transport strike would affect us so fast. No fresh meat or fresh fruit & veg in the shops on Tuesday morning. Little water too. Restaurants didn't seem to have a problem, nor did the markets. We wondered whether our Ameria trip would happen as friends couldn't get hold of diesel without trailing around. But it did & it was terrific.
We didn't rush about as much as we generally do seeing as we had much more time.
Thanks to everyone who made our stay so good. This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/3/2008.
Smiley, I can hold my own in my own language so if I ever learn Spanish, watch out !!
It was quite funny though, looking back. Woman clicked the "X" to shut down the eye on spain site. Thankfully, I never logged in.