Long term rental
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Not another newbie
We are planning in the future a long term rental 6/11 months.
Quite flexible on location (prefer a more large town city environment) but must be coastline, and at least 1 bedroom.
Finding our feet to living in Spain.
2 adults non smokers(myself teetotal ) OCD to tidiness 
We are renting out our UK property.
So the hard bit.
The budget do not wish to spend more than £300 - £350 per month is that possible.
Thank you
hi there! i am too looking to rent and from the research i have been doing so far its looking like its going to be at least 550 euros at the cheapest and the average is 700 euros, cities and expensive areas like marbella are on average 1000 euros per month!! sounds like you may have to increase your budget to about £500 a month im afraid...unless im looking in the wrong places?? let me know if there is cheaper properties that are available!
I Agree with Jacquilm,
On average you will find that a decent 2 bed, 2 bath apartment will be around €700 - €800 per month, and this will get you something in our area, right on the coast. We are 20 mins from Gibraltar and about 25 mins from Marbella.
The closer you go to any major city, then up goes the rent.
Due to the fact mortgages in Spain are getting harder to get, more properties are being let out, and this could lead to rental price increases
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 6/13/2008.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Thank you for the advice and the quick replies
You seem to be right. I should not have expected to get a 1 bedroom £300-£350 per month in Spain.
When we rent our UK 2 bedroom property for £600.
Hi Danny,
The reason I didn't mention 1 bed properties is that they seem very scarce, and in addition you would end up paying about the same for a 1 bed as you would a 2 bed, so you might as well go for a 2 bed.
There is a link to 'rentals' on the top bar, just below the forum logo, 6th in from the left. Have a look, could be something of interest in there?
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Thank you Technoape for the advice.
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