My company has been retained by a major UK TV Media company to carry out an investigation into corruption within the Spanish Property Development industry. In this particular case we are looking very closely at the company known as both Trampolin Hills and Trampolin Solera with developments both West and East of Murcia. Our research to date shows a callous disregard for their clients and the total abuse of company funds by the Directors … in particular a Mr Antonio Gonzales. Evidence shows that on both developments clients deposits have been used to fund a “lavish lifestyle” and that with all monies now expended they are in extreme financial difficult.
With regard to Trampolin Hills it appears that with some 80-90% of the first phase having been sold and with 50% of the full asking price having been received from clients that this money has now gone. At Solera the situation is slightly different … several properties have been sold AT LEAST twice to different clients some of whom have paid in full with others having paid at least 50%. Furthermore it has been discovered that the majority of properties have been mortgaged to CAM Bank WITHOUT the knowledge of buyers; these mortgages are now in default. The bottom line is that the company have received up to twice the vale of these properties with the potential for two or more clients “fighting” over the same units! This we feel is potentially a fraud on a MASSIVE scale. Indeed, we understand that embargos have been placed on many properties which are free of all charges and so it is quite possible that you could find YOUR property has a 1/3rd party embargo placed upon it.
We understand that company Directors are filtering off funds to purchase properties of their own in the region at the expense of staff salaries. If any of you have details of these properties we would be very keen to hear from you.
We are inviting anyone who may fall into this category to contact our company with any information which you may have. Please indicate in your reply which development you are concerned with and whether or not you would wish your details to be revealed to a third party (TV company). Please be assured that ALL communications received will be viewed in the STRICTEST CONFIDENCE and any details will not be released without your consent both verbally or in writing.
This site does not allow the inclusion of a “hyperlink” to an email address. However, our user name for THIS investigation is disresearch1 (the “1” is critical) so simply follow this with the “at” symbol” and then add aol com.
David Williams, DIS Research and Media Investigations