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Totally ELECTRIC viewing, wasn't it Pat ?
I was so happy for Nadal. We were in Spain to see Spain beat Germany in Euro 2008 football & the noise from the fireworks in the nearby town & villages was unbelievable.
Hi Pat & More,
Yup! Wimbledon is the BEST Tennis Championship in the world, and what a final this year with the world's best players in the LONGEST EVER Mens final since records began.
As you said More, what a totally electric, on the edge of your seat, pillow bitting final it was!
And what great sportsmen both Nadal & Federer are.
However both Carolyn and I were supporting Nadal, as he deserved his 1st Wimbledon Mens title.
And what a week of records for Spain:
Last Sunday crowned UEFA Champions
This Sunday, a Champion at Wimbledon
All week, record breaking tempratures for July
And we've been here for it all, with another week to go!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Well, I certainly wouldn't mind playing with Nadal for 4 hrs 48 mins. 
Well done Nadal, but I wanted Federer to win. He deserved a place in the history books for winning it 6 times in a row.
Nadal was the better player on the day though.
Nadal had such a cute little wiggle just before he served.  His pants were giving him a bit of bother though. He had to keep manhandling himself.  I've often wondered why players have to stuff a ball into their pocket. Why can't someone just chuck them one when they need one ?
I haven't watched tennis for years but watched Nadal beat our own Andy Murray & thought wow, what a player. I was engrossed watching the mens singles final, just a shame rain, as often happens, stopped play, so disruptive. Nadal should've stuffed Federer much earlier. Great match. Both were wonderful to watch. It's certainly brought tennis back into my life.
I was fortunate enough to see Nadal at Wimbledon (live) a few years back and knew then that he was going to be the champion in the not too distant future.
He has a habit of pulling his shorts out of the crack of his backside and he did this when I first watched him. Nice backside though!!
Why do they get two shots at serving? In badminton, if you don't get the shuttle over the net, you lose the serve. In squash it's the same.
My loyalties swayed back and forth between Nadal and Federer, but as I'm going to be living in Spain I decided to support Nadal. Nice to be on the winning side!
Just to add my twopennyworth. Fantastic game!!! I've not been watching tennis for the last few years as it had become all big serves and no rallies but not this year! Well done NADAL.
If it hadn't been for the rain we'd have had nothing to eat for dinner, at least it allowed me to put something in the oven. And grab my own clothes off the line.
Did anyone else hear that ignorant commentator - oh Nadal is shaking hands with some dignatories in the royal box - Clue 'Royal Box'. Only the Prince and Princess of Spain. Noticed none of the British royals bother to go except for the Kents. Bad show as usual. The Spanish also supported their team at football too! Much more human than our lot. (Sorry rant over!)
Had a very lazy day what with the tennis and wonderful Lewis winning the Grand Prix too! So much excitment on one day. I had to lie down on my sofa with a cold drink.
 Yes I did hear that comment about where is Nadal going oh the Royal Box and you are right they do support their sports. You will not get our Royal Family going, their was no horses there  No we nearly didnt get any dinner did a lamb curry in the end chucked it in the oven quick.  I thought Laura Robson was brilliant as well for a 14 year old. Pat
We had a very quick dinner, a large tin of Lidl's ravioli.  If you like ravioli this is a huge tin for around 67p.
I thought it was great of Nadal to go to see his Royal family. When he scored a point in another game the camera showed the Princess jumping up punching her fists in the air in excitement. Nice to see how human Royals CAN be.
Oh, here's the rain AGAIN with thunder too. It's rarely stopped since we arrived home from Spain on Wednesday night.  Hubby has been TRYING to powerwash paths. Rain's been so heavy at times it's doing that for him.
We were also in Spain for the UEFA cup! What a noise ricocheted down the mountain valley from the village.!! Ole! Ole! Ole !Ole!!!!! + the mortar bombs and firworks, then a convoy of cars with all them hooting their horns. They certainly know how to celebrate without a trail of vandalism. There were lots of sore heads next day ,I understand!
It was toooooooooooooooo hot for me the last few days we were there. I was quite glad to be coming home. Their Royal Family are very supportive of their sports men & women...whatever shape or form.