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We are planning on spending 3 months at our new home in the Marbella area. We have a British Bull Dog who is 2 years old and have been advised not to fly with him as they have serious problems with breathing. So we found a great company called Easy Pet and they drive the dogs over in an air conditioned van and it takes 2 days,2 nights. I thought problem solved, however they are not insured for British Bulldogs, which doesnt overly worry me, however in all fariness to the lady she queried why i was using them and suggested that due to the nature of the breed, we drove our dog in our own car. She also told me a horror story of someone in La Cala who recently took 2 British Bulldogs back to the UK with him and only 1 survived the journey!!! So we are going to take him ourselves. We obviously have the pet passport etc in place, however has anyone done the journey? We will be departing on Le Shuttle. Can anyone reccommend any dog friendly hotels on the way? Does anyone know where i can get a list of vets on the way? Or does anyone have any tips? I am thinking about driving through the night, then staying in hotels during the day for a sleep. Also, any recommendations on kennels in the Marbella area? Any advice would be most appreciated.
Hi Vicki, have you looked at these threads as many members with dogs have done the trip by car though I cannot recall anyone saying they'd used the shuttle. The latest to do it is a friend of mine on EOS who posts regularly. (J & N ) Jacqui & her husband, Neil, drove from Plymouth (using the ferry) to Almeria around 2 months ago. She has a blog which is worth reading as she tells of her experiences travelling down & the lead up to going. They have very young spaniels. I know they stayed en route in a dog friendly hotel too at Hotel Reina Cristina, Teruel.
I've had trouble finding Jacqui's posts by the search facility but her blog is & her puppies also have their own blog & Jacqui writes it as if her pups are writing it, it's hilarious, do take time to read it. My OH & I spent time with them all in Almeria on June 16th/17th & had so much fun. This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/8/2008.
Morerosado, thanks for the reply. We live in Kent so to drive to Poole would not be adventageous for us. I did see the blog from that lady, and yes i have read the various blogs on people taking their dogs to Spain. One lady had a good link to the accor hotel site which i am going to utilise. Most people seem to be going to the Costa Blanca area and we are going to Costa Del Sol so just wondered if anyone had done the trip to Costa Del Sol.
Another of my friends on here Julia (Jules1 on forum) travels by car each September to the CB for three months with her spaniels, Millie & Shannon. (I've met her too).  She lives in Cambridgeshire. Not sure which route she takes but she'll help where she can. You can see her posts by typing in "Jules1" into member search facility.
I realise you want members to tell you about the longer journey down to the CDS but for the moment, More is all you've got to chat with.  At least we're keeping your post near the top of the threads for others hopefully to see later in the day.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 7/8/2008.
Morerosado, i havent used this facility yet, so will endeavour to find Jules1 where you have suggested. Many thanks.
Vicki, as you are a new member, you won't have your PM facility activated yet so you won't be able to actually contact any member although the search facility is available to you.
If you want to contact members before making the 10 posts Justin now needs new members to make (we had so many spammers, he had to implement this, much to new members annoyance) just add your name to this thread I created &, with luck  Justin will see it.
Justin, help required please regarding PMs to new members..
I have actually been a memeber of the site for years, just havent sent many messages. If i have problems i will use your link. Thank you for all your help.
Hi Vicki
I drove over from UK many years back with my British Bulldog. She absolutely loved the journey - they seem to love travelling (in any mode of transport!) so much!
I actually took the ferry from Dover to Calais (around an hours' journey if I remember correctly) and drove through France to the Costa Del Sol. My baby had to stay in the car during the ferry journey, but I was allowed onto the car decks periodically to check she was OK. The first visit she was awake, spotted me and howled her heart out, however, the second time I visited her she was sleeping soundly (snoring very loud!), and stayed asleep during the remainder of the crossing.
At the ferry terminal I was allowed to walk her before boarding.
As I could not find any animal friendly hotels I simply carried on driving. I made a couple of stops on motorway services to catch a couple of hours sleep here and there, and then just carried on my journey. I was absolutely shattered when I reached the CDS. It would be better if you have another driver with you - unfortunately I was alone and so did not feel very safe sleeping in the car on the motorway services (despite having my fierce looking (to others) but very soft Bulldog with me), hence me only getting a few hours sleep. I would google to find animal friendly hotels along the way if I was you! My journey took me just over 24 hours in total - not something I would recommend doing alone, but, as I have proved, is possible. Also, I note from your post you refer to "we" so, to keep your baby safe I would definately drive over with her/him yourself.
On another note - I do agree with not flying with a bulldog - if they are spoilt like mine was they would be very distressed by having to spend time alone in the hold compartment of a 'plane. Mine would have simply died of a broken heart from being locked up alone!
Also, something VERY important to note - Bulldogs do not like the heat out here - please ensure that they are never left out in the sun unaccompanied, and if possible, provide air-con inside for them. Most Bulldogs simply love the sun but will not realise they are dehydrating.
I lost my Bulldog a couple years ago due to old age, and, although I don't currently have a dog, if I was to have one, it would be a Bulldog. I think once you have loved one of these you will never have any other type of dog! Years later I am still not sure I could ever cope with the loss of another.... ;-( , hence for the first time in my life I do not have "a best friend". Years later I still feel something is missing... and could cry this very minute just thinking of her...
I'm sure you already know this but, just in case, Bulldogs CANNOT swin. Please be very vigilant with them around water - if they overheat they may just feel like taking a dip and the water may be too deep....
Anyway, I hope your journey goes very well - make the most of it - you will pass through some lovely countryside - and as long as your bully is with you they will love it too!
Anyway, if I can help with anything please let me know ... good luck with your drive over .... and xxxx for your baby!
We have just travelled back from cds with our freinds dog and had a great journey! not sure why you want to travel over night as you are missing some great scenery! i can really recommend the novotel in bourdeux on the le-lac and right on route to were you are going really clean hotel and great with dogs well worth the visit! if you are stopping in madrid there is an ibis hotel just of the south ring road also very good ! hope this helps
I have friends who regularly use the Shuttle to go out to their Dutch Barge out in France. His mother had to go into a home and they inherited her Yorkshire Terrier. Leaving the dog with their children didn't work out as the dog is very old. They decided to get the dog a pet passport and take her with them. They have it down to a fine art now and the dog spends the entire journey sitting on his lap. Considering he wasn't a dog lover before the two are very attached to each other much to my friends consternation.
It takes a lot of organisation and costs the same to take the dog as it does for 2 passengers and the car. The other thing to consider is the return journey and whereabouts you will stop to get complete the obligatory vet visit.
As you are going out for such a long period it might be easier to take it in stages, why not plan a couple of routes long and short and let your dog decide which one you should take as you see how he is coping with the journey.
Obviously the timing will depend on where you will be able to stay overnight and how your dog copes with car journeys.
You haven't said when you are planning to drive over, it might help others in giving you advice.
Thank you bizzielizzie and richy rich for your responses. The reason for driving at night time is because the sun wont be beaming into the car making it uncomfortable for our dog and when we stop for loo breaks it wont be swealtering heat for him to get out into. Believe me its not by choice i just think it will make his journey more comfortable. Also if its dark he may settle easier and sleep. I certainly wont have to worry about falling asleep at the wheel, when my bulldog sleeps he snores and thats like a permanant fog horn going off in your ears!!! Thanks for the hotel recommendations i will look those up. Bizzielizzie you have totally put my mind at rest and of course i acknowledge about the heat. Our home will be air conditioned and we have a small garden so he will be just fine when he is out there, its the getting him there that stresses me out at the moment. Thanks once again for the sound words.
Good Point, we are looking to travel over in August, hardly the coolest of months to travel with a British Bulldogs, hense why we are looking at doing the driving over night.
Hi Vicki
Please don't stress too much about the journey over - I'm sure you will all love your big adventure!
In your first posting you also asked about kennels in the Marbella area. I don't know of any in Marbella but I know of some in the San Roque area, as well as Manilva.
I would love to meet your doggy when you arrive here - if he likes me you won't need kennels as he can stay with me  - and I'm being serious! If you want to meet up just let me know - I live in Manilva which is only about 15-20 minutes drive from Marbella. In the meantime, enjoy your planning...
See Vicki, we're such a great bunch on EOS, always happy to help others. Recently two members had my hubby & I stay overnight rather than us look for a hotel in their area when we went from the CB to Almeria. Now that's what I call kindhearted.
More, it was our pleasure to have you both to stay, you both enjoyed eating, drinking wine and you washed up (and I have the photo to prove it) - what more could we ask? Oh, of course - you also brought doggy treats - so the pups approved as well.
People thought we were mad when I said we had strangers coming to stay overnight - my view was you were just friends that we hadn't met yet.
Vicki, I worried so much about how the pups would travel and in the end I think they travelled better than we did. Apart from the ferry journey, which was well documented in Brinkley's blog - but if our original plans had worked we would have done the shorter ferry journey and driven through France and Spain. I found the hotel in Teruel so pet friendly, tiled floors so no problem if little accidents happened (we use puppy training pads so it did minimise problems) and the staff were lovely with them.
We didn't have air conditioning in the car so we had windows open and even though we were sweltering the pups were fine. I hope your trip goes well and try and enjoy the trip, there is some stunning scenery and we used toll roads so the traffic was very light and enabled us to make good time.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
Thank you all so much for your kind re assuring words. Buzylizzie we may well take you up on your offer, that is most generous of you. When we are moved and settled we will be in contact. Mind you, once we are in Spain, I cant see me wanting to return to England!!!! Unfortunatley business committments will mean the odd trip back but they will be brief. My mother lives in Costa Blanca so she can help out a bit, but for the odd night it would be lovely if we could count on you locally rather than putting him in a kennel. I have your details now so will be in contact to meet up soon. Once again thanks so much everyone.
Hi Vicki
You are very welcome to take me up on my offer - as I said, I am serious, and I'm sure your bully wouldn't like being locked up in a kennel! I can assure you he will be treated like a king if he is with me! 
I must admit I was a bit unsure about offering to let him stay with me - I don't do that for anyone (and don't want to be inundated with requests from every dog owner on here!!) - and I wasn't sure how you would feel about my offer - but if he likes me (and you of course!!) and feels happy, safe & secure in my house then why not?
I am quite new to this forum (which I think is a great forum) but I think I can now receive PM's as I've made over 10 posts!? Of course, we will have to meet up, and you can bring your baby with you to check out my house to see if he likes it. I don't provide a dog-minding service but I do love bulldogs, I am very experienced with them (I have bred them also (another story!)), and I can guarantee the only thing he will miss whilst you're away is you!
More - thank you so much for your comments regarding the EOS bunch, and I have to agree, I think this forum is fantastic - very friendly and welcoming. I'm glad you were brave enough to meet someone you met on here (J&N), and very happy that it all went well - it just goes to show you - don't believe all of the news these days - there are still a few good people in this world!
And congratulations on your 37 years of marriage - that's some achievement in today's day and age!
Anyway, sorry for the long lecture (again), 'til next time...
This message was last edited by buzylizzie on 7/11/2008.
Hi Buzylizzie, thank you for your kind wishes.
I'm currently staying out of my husband's way as he is trying to get our new DVD recorder to work & is not in the best mood. And they say only women have PMS !!!
We didn't just stay a night with Jacqui & Neil (J&N) we were also invited to stay with Jane & Terry (Jane b) who were around 30 kms further south than Jacqui & Neil.
Jacqui (J&N) & I had been friends on EOS only a while. We had swapped photos, emailed each other & I'd made her the cute avatar of Brandy & Brinkley, her now 7 month old pups. We just kind of gelled well & she & Neil were so kind & took us all over, fed & watered us (for watered read wined  ) & let me play on the laptop. We thoroughly enjoyed being with them. Here's her blog & the puppies blog too You HAVE to read Brinkley's blog, so funny.
Jane (Jane b) & I had chatted on here & by email too & had swapped photos. I'd made her a signature. Again she & her husband were really kind to us. Jane runs a gorgeous guesthouse called Las Tortugas, called because of all the tortoises she has there, or rather HAD there as, whilst we were staying, she had a tortoise sanctuary couple of guys arrive to remove quite a few, 42, I think she told us. We had fun finding their hiding places & trying to get them into the boxes as they can move FAST !! She still has quite a few, huge & tiny ones.
Hi Vickimatten,
Have only just looked at this thread and seen your enquiry about driving your dog down to Marbella. As More said I drive my two dogs down to Spain from Cambridge for a few months each September. I was very anxiousabout how it would work the first time, so I know how you must be feeling.
Anyway to put your mind at rest the journey went without a hitch and the dogs enjoyed the experience. I went via the channel tunnel from Folkestone to Calais and drove down the motorways through France and down through Spain. My car is air conditioned and I stopped every few hours to let the dogs out for a comfort break and to swap driving with my friend. The journey was 1300 miles for me and going down I only needed 1 overnight stop. You would need 2 , I should think. There are a number of hotels which you can find which are just off the motorways. I googled my route to get an idea of where they were. From memory some of them are Formulae1, Etap, Accor. They are dog friendly so my girls could sleep in my room.
Coming back I had to allow for 2 overnight stops in France to comply with the passport regulations about seeing a vet and having the worming and tick and flea treatment more than 24 hours, but less than 48 hours before getting on the shuttkle to come back through the tunnel.
I hope that this has been helpful for you. When are you going? If I can give you any more help just ask and I will do my best, I know how worrying it is first time! By the way my girls had wonderful time in Spain and we can't wait to go back in September!!!!!