The Comments |
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for any of you who have bought off-plan on this complex. There's an article on the This is London website (part of the Evening Standard newspaper). Have copied and pasted the first para of the article, but have a look for yourselves. (This forum won't allow me to attach the link as I haven't posted enough messges or something).
'An exclusive Spanish development where up to a dozen British celebrities own properties could be bulldozed after being linked in a corruption scandal, it emerged today.
The Valle Romano complex -where leading Premiership stars Paul Robinson, Michael Brown and David Bentley have homes - is being investigated as part of Operation Astapa.
The scandal has so far seen the resignation of the Estepona mayor and 40 arrests, including the boss of Valle Romano Luis Linares.'
Sounds pretty serious to me. Had a bad experience with the Football Village last summer and after lots of aggravation and many months, managed to get our money back.
Thanks - this is more or less word for word what was said in the article that I was referring to. It's stange though that the Village Romano website is still up and running as normal with no announcement made. Also, as far as I am aware investors have not been notified formally. A friend of mine who invested last year found out when I sent him the article and was absolutely stunned! Not good practice I say.
there's al lot more on the trhead ' Estepona corruption - Valle Romano involved ?'
where will I find that thread please?
Does anyone have any new info on Valley Romano, we have bought on this complex and cant find out what is going on,
Thanks i will have a look ,if i can i am not so good on computor,but i will try.That was a quick response.
I'm trying to write a PM, that's why I was quick.  I've got two EOS pages open to check up on threads as I'm writing.
Just click blue link for Valle Romano & add development then post the same as you do on here. It's pretty straightforward.
Good luck.
Hi I cant get into that site it is asking for my passwords which i am putting in then it asked for name of developement i was looking for but just keeps saying search again,i will have to ask my daughter for help .Just read your last message, when i click on Valle Romano what do you mean add developement,do i just put Valley Romano in,
ive added development now what do i do ?
ive added development now what do i do ?
ive added development now what do i do ? thanks for your help.
Above this thread on far left you'll see "forums", hover on that & it shows "off plan development forums" (2nd down) click on that then on the Valle one you've just added. Post as you do here, on a thread already started or start another.
Thank you ive got all the messages was there something else i could look at
hi thank you so much i now know what to do.i am a bit slow but i got there in the end,thanks for all your help.
Just come across this blog site.
I have been reading some of the posts and I can confirm that we were told that as the development was given a tourist licence it was a condition that the Hotel Management was put in place. There were 2 rental guarantee schemes apparently.
the first one offerred a higher rate with no personal use and the second one offerred a lower rate with (I think) 8 or 9 weeks personal use which is the one I was going to take.
I understand that the Insurance policy would pay out if the development started late or was finished late but the Insurance company's argument was that it should only have to pay out if it finished late. However, accroding to Lexland the Court has agreed that it should pay out for starting late. My apartment was due to complete Spring 2009.
I have used Lexland for a business transaction recently and it has not gone well. Thier fees appear to be extortionate and I cannot see how the fees they wish to charge for actioning an Insurance policy can be justified.
Has everyone who bought used Lexland or are there other solicitors who have been used and are familiar with this case?
I would have expected it would have been pretty stratighforward to action an Insurance policy once the Court has decided the Insurer is liable. I was also told by Lexland that we would be entitled to recover costs and interest and compensation for (stress!). If the Court has decided that the Insurer is liable then surely it would be a simple matter of submitting a claim form to the Insurer?