Good idea to sack the administrator but have you got someone else to take their place?
Sounds like you've got problems Irene if the current Presidente doesn't want to continue, normally they hold onto the job for ever.
In an ideal situation you need a mixture of nationalities in the hierarchy. Someone though must be onsite to take all the flack

(now we know why yours wants to quit)
It can be done by non-residents, I met someone whilst doing jury service who was managing her community on Costa Del Sol, but you must have a deputy or someone who is a resident.
On our little community no one has a good word to say about our president but who do they go to when they have a problem. It's a thankless job as no-one wants to do it but they all know how it should be done.
I've never been to our AGM as they are always in August, my neighbours went to one in their first year of residence. He had chaired meetings before and couldn't believe the free for all that ensued. Can't remember what the argument was about but it was probably over the amount of fees due each year.
I received the minutes of the meeting and nothing was mentioned.
As to the community paying for translators to attend meetings. I disagree, I'm sure if this was happening in UK and we had to pay for a translator to attend meetings we'd all be up in arms. Why do we expect it to be different in Spain.
The cheapest thing to do would be to pay for the minutes to be translated but if you wanted to have a translator to attend then all the English or any other nationality would have to pay for this separately. Especially if you want to keep the annual community costs down.
Not so long ago a community near me had a lot of trouble with their AGM mainly due to a disagreement over proxy votes and trying to get rid of the administrator. It was posted on youtube amd as far as I know still hasn't been resolved, Makes for interesting watching - Lago Jardin is the name of the urbanisation.