Hi there,
You probably dont think it can be possible to be lonely in Spain as the Spanish are such friendly people, however when you get here and settle into your new life style, you soon realise that you have very few people around you that speak English, can support you with concerns of your children and just some one to talk to who does not speak baby language.
I love my two children to bits and enjoy spending every minute with them, but I now realise that you need to share your experiences and some one else to enjoy your children as much as you do. Although I have a lovely husband who gets involed with the babies as much as he can, he does not get home until 7pm - 7:30pm, so it can be a long lonely day. When my husband does get back from work he needs to shower and I dont blame him for wanting to spend every minute that he has left with his babies, so what has happend during the day with them usual passes by and I often forget to mention my proud moments and my babies achievements.
Anyway I have settled ok in Spain, it s a lovely place and so are the Spanish people, but I remember how lonely it is at the begining when you are trying to find your feet, but also more so now realising that everyone around you do not speak a lot of Spanish or are near/over retirement age, therefore no young children involved.
I feel that there is a definate need for people like myself to meet up with other people of a similar age with young children.
So here is what I suggest, if you are in the same position as me, reply to this thread and we can have a chat or arrange to meet up as a group or on an individual basis, (a park, bar, Town square or any other place you can think of) If this hits off, then I will find where people can get too and see if we can set up regular meeting and maybe form some kind of mums and tots group.
Any replies, ideas, information would be much appreciated, and lets hope I can help other people at the same time as aking friends my self.
Many thanks