The Comments |
Found on another site and re produced by me on here cos of it's interest to many,
Hope you don't mind, Justin.
We have heard today that all tv broadcasting, except spanish channels are being switched off on saturday.
The guy who was installing our small dish for freeview tv has confirmed this,as they were taking it from quesada and somewhere else.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Surely not!
They can't stop people with dishes picking up the signal, can they?
I can understand the re-broadcasters being switched off.
Surely only people with mesh ariels would be affected?
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I received a call this morning from my neighbour in Spain. She's heard so many rumours yesterday that she wanted to know what I'd found out on the Net.
She rang one of the "installation for a one of fee" companies who told her that Telmicro would not be coming back. I told her what Sol Productions had put on their website and also the other rumours which have surfaced on other sites.
My feeling is that if one company is closed down by the courts for rebroadcasting then so will the others. Hopefully in a weeks time we will have an answer to all these rumours going around.
Incidently wasn't the world due to end at 10.30 BST this morning, moral of that I suppose is believe it when you see it
If people have thier own satallite dish then they are recieving free to air from the Astra satallite and this will not be cut of.
This posting was refering to re broadcasters.
I had a long chat today to a local company who changed from installing Telmicro when the trouble started originally, they changed to installing the'other' re broadcast system at that time. Now they are only installing the free to air systems of their own because of the uncertanty of the situation.
I think it best to wait a while ( at least till after the weekend ) before making any decision about TV. And any decision made after that would have to be based on legallity.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
I have looked at that link satandpcguy and it is really explainitary. Thankyou.
I'm sure you're right about the 20 chanels.................I have now done lots of research on this subject and know that any decision about TV will be based on what is legal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,especially as there is no guarentee any of these re broadcasters will not have the plug pulled.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Found this latest information
For those who may not have checked recently, this is the latest post on the Telmicro web site.
A slight change from yesterday;
Telmicro information 10.09.08
The Telmicro TV system is not broadcasting at the moment.
The ongoing legal proceedings require all the relevant technical equipment to be looked at. Due to the secrecy of these proceedings, no further information is available at this time.
Our Technical Support lines are not operational at this time.
Telmicro apologise to its clients and thank them for their patience and support during these difficult times.
There will be a statement and an announcement regarding the return of TV service on Monday 15th of September.
I can understand their reluctance, to a point, on commenting on the matter. In England and I think under Scottish law as well, the matter is called sub judice and may not be commented on since this would prejudice a case which is before the court.
So, lets see what happens and you never know, TM may even come back.
I also read that TM were due to go back to court on Monday, so maybe the two tally up.
After reading other threads I wonder if the big switch off on Saturday refers to Torresat switching off their MMDS (mesh) system. They are currently busy changing over to a different dish and receiver because of future problems with the satellite footprint the mmds uses currently. Some cany Telmicro customers have moved their mesh ariels and are getting Torresat for free.
Yes! it would appear that Telmicro have been withholding a lot of information. The stopping of pay to view channels such as Sky Sports and Setanta Sports appears to be dominant throughout the Cost Blanca and Cost Calida.
Although I hear that it does not affect the Costa Sol areas. Obviously they are more sensitive to the demands of the visiting tourists and expats.
To keep informed whilst you are back in the UK, we recommend that you look on the Round Town News (South) web site. They must have the best on line newspaper in this region. And no I am not employed by them. You can see for yourself.
roundtownnews co uk
The re-broadcasting TV system is unique to the Costa Blanca and surrounding areas. In the Costa Del Sol people use Sat Dishes, either with Sky Cards or FreeSat.
I read the Round Town News last night on-line, handy really especially as someone had reported that the paper had pictures of Guardia dismantling the Sat Receiver dishes at the Montesinas site. I couldn't see any pictures.
There's been so much mis-information, rumours etc, the sooner we know exactly what is going on the better!!!!!
Falk This message was last edited by falklands on 9/13/2008.