The Comments |
So, I open the paper this morning and read that we might all be dead by now due to some experiment in Switzerland to create a black hole.
Gloom, doom and yet more doom. Even the letters page appears to be full of people predicting calamity in one way or another.
Ah, well, let's have a look at the financial pages.
Oh, no! More doom and gloom. Doesn't the boss of Nationwide realise that saying "house prices will fall another 25%" makes it a self fulfilling prophecy? Nobody is going to buy now and risk losing 25%. They're going to wait until it falls that much and then (maybe) buy.
Ho, hum, off to the gloomy exchange rates page of the Telegraph. What's this? Tourist rate of the euro is 1.3790? My God! Have I been in hibernation and woken up when the world has come to its senses and the pound has risen over 15 cents? Woweeeeee, Great News!! Tourist rate 1.3790. It must be true, it's on page B5 of the Telegraph. Maybe start thinking of paying off some of my mortgage in Spain.
Uh, oh! Next column. Official rate.....1.2480. How can that be? How dare the Telegraph start off my day with a printing error????
Ah, for just a moment there....back to reality, I'm afraid. Still, current is 1.25 to the pound so going up a little, I suppose, either that or phone up the business editor of the Telegraph and demand he give me 1.3790 for each of my scrubby little pounds.
Sorry to gloom and doom it anymore but..................................................................England play tonight .
Well actually , TRY to play tonight !!!!
But nobody will be watching because it's only on some new bloody subscription channel that I'm b*ggered if I'm going to pay for, when I already pay (how much?) for SKY sports, just to watch the footie. Thank God the F1 is on free to view TV - albeit on a commercial channel that interupts a LIVE event every 15 minutes, meaning that you miss the reigning world champion crashing and the future world champion being diddled out of his points by corrupt stewards. 
Oh Bob, you've really started us off with this thread.....
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
We're all dooooomed, I tell ya.....dooooomed.
Going back to that Large hedron Collider (or whatever it is), wouldn't it be great if, after it had all finished and lights flashing everywhere, a little piece of paper popped out the end and said simply
But nobody will be watching because it's only on some new bloody subscription channel that I'm b*ggered if I'm going to pay for, when I already pay (how much?) for SKY sports, just to watch the footie.
Hooray, normality reigns on the telly tonight. Get a bid fed up with programmes being continually re- arranged around an inflated pis bladder.
Thank God the F1 is on free to view TV - albeit on a commercial channel that interupts a LIVE event every 15 minutes, meaning that you miss the reigning world champion crashing and the future world champion being diddled out of his points by corrupt stewards.
But back on Auntie Beeb next year (HD at last!!), that is if anyone is still watching after Bernie's latest stunt to help his "little darlings".
Oooops , i've just wiped the egg off my face . Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be ) , i have Setanta and watched a bit of it. I still believe it was a case of Croatia playing poorly rather than England playing well. But the media will no doubt have us winning the next world cup , the next euro comp in 2012 , winning the grand national , eurovision and all sorts. More chance of me getting a date with Shakira.
Well I haven't been asleep .... erm .... ang on ..... ..... OW!
Nope! I'm awake for sure!
Now it seems Costa Disney is a reality ..... or is it that I've slipped into and alternate universe created when they switched on the Hadron Collider.
Or maybe I've been sucked through a wormhole caused by a rip in the space-time continuum, or a Black Hole has swallowed up the world and I'm a figment of my own imagination. You all have always been .... friends .... I can't have friends!
Nope! It seems that Costa Disney MAY be a reality after all! message was last edited by TechNoApe on 9/11/2008.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
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Been a bit silly? Taken off another driver whilst following the safety car?
It’s ok, as long as you didn’t hurt yourself. I mean, who are Force India anyway
Just to continue in the line of keeping this thread off topic
So, the FIA have rejected McClaren's appeal on the grounds there was no penalty to appeal. Because Lewis was given the equivalent of a drive through penalty, these cannot be appealed and therefore "CASE CLOSED".
And Reading's goal against Watford still stands, even though everyone except the referee and his linesman saw the ball go wide, and not into the goal. Unfortunately I missed it, so thought I'd catch it on YouTube. Guess what?
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The Football League Limited"
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain