The Comments |
hi all,
have been to the nec today to the place in the sun - have to say i was totally lost and gave up, everyone simply wanted my details but no-one there could come up with what i want. anyhow a lady kindly gave me your website as she has a spanish property and suggested i post something on here as someone will understand my bewilderment and help.
so here goes, let me first say sorry for anything i ask if i am not in the right window to ask it.
i want to buy in costa de la luz, have no idea where, other than ; huevla is having a new hopsital and airport some time in the future and i want to make sure where ever i buy i will be allowed to use them when i eventually get old. flying to faro is fine, seville a bit too far.
if anyone has bought in costa de la luz, the aymonte area -ish, can you let me know who deals with property,so far i have only managed to find titan, but from listening to folk you have to shop around and not buy off the first one you see. until i get a feel for the area,property options i dont want to go on inspection trips as i would be even more confused. at least this way, i hope people can give me some options to look at eg agents, developers etc. before physically going out there.
to help more, i am looking for villa with pool, on golf course would be nice as the green will soothe me as i shall miss my garden more then anything, tho' dont play golf. as i would be bringing my toy doggies eventually i guess i'll need a vet as well, plus for me, a dentist and doctor as you can bet within 1 day of arriving on foreign soil i'll either loose a filling or walk into something.
so there you have it, i am totally lost,i though going to the nec would help but it confused me more, so i am asking for as much info as possible from the members who have come out the other end of the tunnel of confusion.
Hello Justin,
no havent been, but have seen a lot of programmes on the area, like it , as its all protected nature reserves etc.
would like to be on 'golf' as that way get lots of green views, so so far i think aymonte ? or esturi ?
i love gardening so i wouldnt take to traditional med look eg white washed walls etc - hence the golf - trees grass etc.
have only found titan and spanish algarve property websites that let you moouch. others seem to want email, phone numbers etc which would probably mean getting bombarded with their other things as well- more confusion and then start to become vunerable and be talked into an inspection trip just to chat - bad news.
i intend to go out there in late spring for a week with thomson and stay in hotel, but it would be nice to have something to go out with so when hiring a car we could drive around and get to new developements. we dont mind if off plan or resale.
any info anyone can supply would be much appreciated. went to florida with mri 2 yrs ago and that was hard sell so we came back on the 2nd day as it was very much, how much can you afford - well why not spread the cost over several properties rather than buy just the one you want. luckily i went into panic mode or my other half would have signed up to 12 floriday units and we would be bankcrupt. thats why i am asking for info off people have already considered or bought in costa de la luz, i couldnt go through the hard sell again, it miffed me to have to have written off 2 virgin upper class flights as it was, so am extra wary.
but please dont let this put people off from sharing their knowledge, i am open to all info and as they say fore warned is fore armed, with mri we went in blind and it was only my gut instinct that made me have a major panic, like an out of body expereince i think - i went all glazed and said "we have to go". thankfully my hubby believed me so we rearranged flights home, virgin were very understanding as i was mortified by the expereince they really looked after me on the flight back as i was forever in tears from the relief of being able to come home with my money still in the bank and no mortgage - or should i say 12 mortgages.
have been ever cautious since as the mri was on the tv the tuesday after we got back and it was all about people heading for foreclosure. we went out there to buy at 'watersong' and were told all the villas were selling so fast they would be all gone. yet, and this is why i am so scared, at the 'place in the sun at the nec yesterday' guess what was on sale in florida ? watersong, and with the mortgage problems out there it just brought my mri nightmare back to me. needless to say no-one had a thing on costa de la luz so am getting no-where fast.
well that will probably have sent you to sleep - sorry. But at leasy everyone reading this will hopefully understand my utter panic/safety mode approach.
so please, if anyone has bought in costa de la luz and survived please let me know.
Hi gravitatingsouth,
We are just finishing the build of a villa on Esuri Ayamonte and hope to move out in January. We bought the plot hired an Architect and tendered out the build so it all took time. There are hundreds of properties for sale in the Ayamonte area and lots of agents with some good and some bad, same with solicitors so do ask for recommendations.
One of the best places to start would be: -
The Director Michael H is one of the nicest people I have met in Ayamonte and several people I know also recommend him so it is a good place to start.
We are driving down for 3 weeks on thursday so if you want extra info it will have to be via wifi in the clubhouse which can be slow. We have been going to Aymonte since 2003 and we regard it as our little bit of paradise so we are biased as hell but it works for us.
Hi gravitatingsouth,
We too are considering the Costa de la Luz . I have been talking for a few weeks with Marion at Elite Algarve Properties. She has been very helpful in making suggestions and keeping in touch with us as we mull over which areas to look in. She hasn't given us a hard sell. They have properties on Costa Esturi and in Ayamonte.
I've not made enough posts to be allowed to include a link but Google "Elite Algarve Properties" and you'll get them.
Good luck.
lambert 2
i had seen the sight before, it looked a goodone. only problem i have is how do you know whether to go costa de la luz or algarve - what with them being so close.
algarve is a plus from inheritence point of view (for our off spring) and the use of faro airport is good too, but then thats it for me as i see the algarve as too busy, where as costa de la luz looks fab.
can you, or are you prepared to share your reasons for going via elite as the other one i had found was titan. had you found them and if so did you approach them as well and if so what put youoff them.
sorry to be so nosey but you seem to have gotten sorted, we on the other had arent getting very far, we're still dreaming but thats it,
john and kath
please tell me how you arranged the drive, as we have a maltese who i will not allow to fly cargoso am thinking we too would have to drive it. i think brittany ferries go to bilbao or some spanish port, but then am not sure if you then ferry it to lisbon or faro then drive.
i would really love to know how you do this so please tell me.
also if its not too much trouble and possible, could you ask Michael H to send a message on here to me re developments of villas (with pool) and companies/estate agents. i am afraid we would not be able to do the self build thing, we did it in 1996 in the uk and that was enough am now looking for easy peasy, sign and live.
No we're very far from sorted!
We're drawn to Spain in preference to Portugal. Don't really know why. It's just one of those intangible things. Our own debate is over Huelva or Cadiz province. And then which towns to focus our house hunting on? We're off over there in a couple of days on a reconnaissance trip.
I found Elite on a web search. I'm not committed to using them, it's just that I've found them very helpful so far. I haven't come across Titan. I'll look them up.
BTW Elite covers the Portugal side too. This message was last edited by Lambert2 on 10/1/2008.
sounds like you're in the same dilema as we are. i can say that we are steering to huelva as it will have a new airport in 2012 so thats ontop of being able to use faro or seville, where as cadiz (we think) is more of the working port region, well that conclusion was drawn from being on a cruise which docked there, tho' my husband would say cadiz for sherry :) if he had it all his way.
if we do go for it, we would also be drawn to huelva region due to the new hospital being planned - thinking old age etc, if thats important to you aswell i think you'd need to also check that where you buy you would fall into the new hospital catchment, so do check that out, I know I'd be miffed if at a later date I was told (bit like schools) you have to live on the other side of the road to get in.
as for portugal, did look at that due to portugals inherit rules eg no tax, but the property (villa wise) is very very expensive for the east algarve to be near luz..
i personally like the idea of Luz due to the strict rules about nature and blending everything, and the beaches etc etc. JOHN & KATH below gave me an excellent link for Ayamonte, so have a mooch, the more info you can get the better you will feel about whatever choice you go with.
please let me know how you get on when you go out there. if you're after titan its titan hyphen properties, they too have opened up east algarve as well, so its gunna be a tough call where anyone goes. choices can be good but they can also spin your head around, something to be said for the olden days when you either went with the one option or not at all. still thats progress I guess.
Best of luck, just dont leave your brain on the plane !
Apologies to " Feel the Love" sorry for encloseing my other link when contacting you direct I thought I had come out of your contact details window but obviously I hadn't, anyway thank you for copying it and pasteing it on the correct link that was very kind of you.
Cadiz is a great, diverse , healthy province with the wisest, funniest, most generous and hospitable prople in Spain. I assure you. And I am not from Cadiz, I am from Campo de Gibraltar ( just kidding!: this cadiz territory has had independentist sentiments along the history... nice and peaceful ones! , hum!
Look in here:
Wonderful land, wonderful people, real spain.
This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 10/1/2008.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Looking forward to meeting those wisest, funniest, most generous and hospitable people tomorrow! And yes "real Spain" is what we're after.
We're staying in El Puerto de Santa Maria this trip and will be looking at Cadiz, Arcos and Jerez as well as going west to Huelva and Ayamonte. I'll try and post some impressions when we're back.
Arcos is great!
Please let me know on your impressions of my province.

Picture from Wikipedia on Arcos de la Frontera
This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 10/3/2008.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
anybody got any info on costa de la luz to report?
hope you all had nice time and your visits were fruitful.
am still curious to know how it all went.
Well here are my own impressions of the towns we visited. In general we did like the area and it was everything we hoped for. Our goal was to narrow down our choices and I do hope I don’t offend anyone with the ones we're rejecting but here are our thoughts:
El Puerto de Santa Maria: Very old city centre with an abundance of narrow streets and history. Outskirts are modern suburban housing and shopping. Beautiful, well kept beaches and promenades. A practical town but we didn't love it.
Rota, Chippiona and Sanlucar: all different but have some similarities in that they have age and character and again beautiful beaches. We like all of these better than El Puerto (maybe because they’re a bit smaller).
Huelvar Province - we didn't really like the coastal developments. Too "manufactured" for us. But we do want some infrastructure and the inland small towns seemed too rural. (I know we're hard to please). We did though love Ayamonte. It is a beautiful town with some lovely squares. The views from the hills across the river are gorgeous. Yes we will continue to look there. Costa Esturi was not for us though - too much development and it just struck us as a giant building site.
Jerez and Cadiz are both vibrant buzzing cities. Very nice to visit but nor for us to live.
Arcos is lovely. It stays on our short list. The old town will take ages to explore properly and we only had time to glimpse its treasures. But around the old town all the amenities of 21st century living and you don’t need a donkey to go buy your groceries.
Medina Sionia, Librija and Vejer are all nice hill towns too. We didn't get a chance to explore them but they'll be worth another look.
Nova Sancti Petri - again overdeveloped for our tastes.
And then on the last day of our trip we fell in love with Grazelema. It is a stunningly beautiful town and the scenery and hills are breathtaking. Yes it does present some practical issues and you'll have to get used to using small local shops and the market (hey I'm used to Tescos and B&Q!) but we will definitely look closer at it.
So in conclusion, we're ruling out the golf developments and the coastal holiday market builds. We're drawn to the towns with history and beauty. Ayamonte, Arcos and Grazelema head the list. Medina Sionia, Librija and Vejer are possibilities too.
Good luck with your search.
This message was last edited by Lambert2 on 10/21/2008.This message was last edited by Lambert2 on 10/21/2008.
I read your reply with great interest, it was (for once) written with sincere honesty, something desperately needed on sites like this, so people have truthful first impression opinions to refelct on. I had previously considered Murcia - Costa Calida - Aguilas, but after reading some owners comments on the Dunas de cope and Los Collados sites owners had said the build was dire, the complex covered with doggie poops and now there are issues over Pylons - not an environment I would want to buy into thats for sure.
So far only Aymonte & Esuri grabbed us, and Huelva simply due to the hospital plans which would be a bonus re old age which eventually we all have to think about. But from what you said about heading for over developement, it could become a 'new florida' and loose the charm, and like you we would hate that and not want to be there permanently. When I look at Dunas/Collados I think : Tenanment Blocks (if thats the right word)
It seems quite a complicated venture, buying abroad, but like I said, you really have covered all possibilities wearing a business head rather than looking through rose tinted glasses at the marketing and brochure splurge, which to be honest, if other people were willing to do and subsequently share, would save a lot of 'mistakes' which in this climate could be the downfall of many.
on that note, i again thank you for being our ( and no doubt - others') eyes on the area and giving constructive first impression thoughts. I know one thing, from the conclusion I have now made, going out there and doing 'leg work' may costs a few coppers but at least you can say its money and time well spent. At the end of the day its a lot better to say ' i wish i'd bought rather than why did we buy this' and be burdened financially, sadly others arent as lucky.
If you do go back and find the paradise we all hope to one day find, please remember to share it on here.Its only when people can stand back and say it as it is can the rest of us benefit.
Good luck & God Bless you for your unconditional honesty.
Oh dear I hope I haven't given the wrong impression of the Costa de la Luz. There is certainly nothing like the miles and miles and miles of developments of the Mediterranean costas. Even the areas I said are "overdeveloped" and so much less developed than the Med.
Hi Lambert2
I did like the following comment from your post 'get used to using small local shops and the market (hey I'm used to Tescos and B&Q!)' because that is exactly what we have had to do. Back in the UK I used to work full time so got used to flying around Tesco once a week for everything. I have never been a market shopper and really didn't like the market experience in Sheffield. However, after a few weeks here we had got used to market shopping, and started to get very involved in checking produce, comparing prices from one stall to another and even haggling on occasions, although most of the fresh stuff is so much better than we got at home at such a good price, haggling does seem a tad unfair.
Market shopping is the norm where we are, it's warm, dry and sunny most of the time and that adds to the experience, and everyone that visits us now gets taken to at least one market during their stay as I believe it is a fundamental part of Spanish life to be enjoyed.
And if I need my fix for a B&Q or a Tesco, within an hours drive we everything from Eroski to Media Markt - how often do we go these days - about once a month, if we have to.
Enjoy your search for your paradise, you will find it if you keep focus on what is important to you. Your approach sounds to be spot on.We chose to be on the med side of Spain to have the calmer weather.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
no you didnt give the wrong impression - worry not.
we just want it all, yes probably unacheivable, but making a mistake can be traumatic, we did it once with a car (insignificant in comparison) and i guess once bitten twice shy or extra cautious.
i agree luz is wonderful but our fear is will every spare foot of land eventually become a building block and a florida mess.
your tesco/bq comment was most useful i had no idea these places existed abroad, i had visions of having to fly back and bring things out as cargo - live and learn :)
i do understand your haggling comment, i have never been able to do it on holiday, let alone in real terms, i feel so ashamed to even contemplate the act, i must admit i do not think i could ever do it. Now that side of the life abroad scares me because the other question is, for people like me who just havent got in them, would it be an insult to just insist on paying the price for tomatoes ?
Now i feel a right plonker, but i just cant haggle, sorry i just cant do it.