Dear Maria,
Thank you so much for your great help. I can tell you that it is much appreciated.
It seems however that there is no deadline in the contract. I can only imagine that makes it worse for us. But here is what it says:
Que con fecha 11 agosto 2004 el Ayto. de .... en sesion extraordinarie .....ha concedidio Licencia Administrativa de Obra para Projecto Basico del Conjunto Residencial El ....
La finca seran entregada a la Parte Compradora antes del trascurso de 24 meses a contar desde la concesion por el Ayto. de la Licencia de Ejecucion de Obra. Plazo en el que se tiene previsto que las obras de la edificacon queden finalizadas, bastando para acrediar dicho extremo el Certificado Final de Obra que el efecto expida el Arquitecto Director facultativo de las obras.
La indicada fecha podra demorarse, sin que ello faculte a la Parte compradora para reclamar responsabilidad o endemnizacion alguna, ni la resolucion del contrato de compraventa en los siguentes casos:
a) por razones tecnicas ...
b) Por razones de naturaleza administrative ...
c) Por causas juridicas ...
If the case could be heard within the next 18 months, then I think we would take the gamble of loosing (just) 20% of the deposit rather elect to loose 50% of the money now.
I am worried that the solicitor is trying to encourage us into a deal that may not be the best outcome for us. He says that if we wait for the court case, then maybe the developers will have no money, which I can see may be true.
We were really stupid not to get the contract checked by a solicitor. We had every confidence in the Estate Agent who sent us the contracts, and trusted the sales manager who told us it was just a standard contract.
I wonder how a judge would view several 'illegal' omissions from a contract, even if they are not a cause for cancellation.
I am also not sure what would happen if the judge decrees that the developers are not in breach of the contract. Are we still entitled to 80% of our deposit back? And are there stipulations as to when that must be paid, or do we have to wait for the courts?
Sorry for so many questions.
Many thanks again for your help.