Cattorce in Benijovar
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Cananyone please tell me where Cattorce is relocating to. It is a fabulous restaurant but when I was in Spain recently, read that it was relocating and I don't want to miss out next time we go over to Spain . Many thanks
I assume you mean Catorce restaurant in Benijofar, on the Costa Blanca, do you ?
I don't know about it relocating but please post something about the restaurant as I'm near Benijofar & it's of interest to me & others I know, on here.
Yes sorry I got the spelling wrong , not got my Spanish head on as in the UK. If you stand where the Dutch butcher's is, walk across the road then turn left past the chinese restaurant then past the Breeze Bar and then take the first right and it is about four shops along called Bar Catorce. There was an advertisement in Perfection magazine. Their telephone number is 966 712 627. Hope that this helps you to find them - I'm sure that you won't be disappointed. I've also heard that the Yellow Rose of Texas a good although more expensive.
Hi again, I assume you've been at least once so please tell us something about it. What kind of food ? A MDD on offer ? Price for the MDD ? Day closed ?
We've been to the Yellow Rose Of Texas, not for ages (Sept 2005) which was good but with wine, we decided it was expensive unless for an occasion. Seems it's only open when it suits them too, heard many say it's been closed when they've tried.
Saying "It is a fabulous restaurant " is hardly a review.  So, come on, spill !
Unfortunatley, It is about a couple of years ago since I went because when we go to Spain, we stay with friends and are mostly governed by them as to where we go to eat out. Cartorce has always been our preference for an inexpensive meal. Can't really answer your questions but the last time we went it was about 11 euros for a huge steak, with salad and a glass of wine for 11 euros. Your best bet would be to either give them a call and ask or else pop in for a coffee or beer one evening and peruse the menu. The restaurant as it stands is quite small so limited space and my guess is that they are looking for a larger premises as it is so popular and you have to book. Sorry I can't be of more assistance but we are looking to retire to Spain next year (somewhere in the area) and would be definitely looking to take visitors to this restaurant. Please give me any feed back you have, it would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm going Tuesday for 16 days so will try to find out for you.
Thanks would appreciate,wish I was going too - can't wait to retire there but circumstances forbid at the n minute. Need to sel our house in the UK - probably at a lesser price than we'd hoped etc. etc Have a good time and any feed back would be appreciated.
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